What an embarrassment.
As long as we dont have to take any of your spics im ok. (Atlantic Canada is now the whitest place in the world.)
They realize their big brother is pissed.
>huge muzzle population
>khan mayor of your capital city
yeah I think the embarrassment here is you. Neck yourself you yellow toothed nigel.
please annex us
willing to trade health care i never used for freedoms and guns
we truly are the biggest of cucks
The grand RAKENING has begun
He isn't even in office and he's geting more shit done than Obama.
Turdeau really is the ultimate globalist agent.
This. Just let the guns shower over my body.
What else can he say?
You're taking the deported mexicans.
At least the murricans trained them for you.
Now lets talk about the 100s of B of back defense costs you now must repay to USA!
Funny how our senate shut down gay marriage today by literally calling degeneracy what's happening in countries like Canada. Then they started pushing for weapon shops all over the country and not just the capital.
Trump saved Mexico.
The old world is dying, and a new America is born.
Fear the unshackled mighty, for they are no longer bound with chains.
>renegociating NAFTA with Trump. read: without the Mexican president
Youre to Trudeau what libs are to Trump. mindless shit spewers
Trump isn't even in office yet, holy shit what a cuck.
Yeah no shit
Watching desperate bootlickers pretend they were open to Trump all along is my new favorite hobby
Trump should be outwardly magnanimous, but he shouldn't forget, I have a list of all our major enemies who tried their hardest to bury him, I'll be posting it here from time to time
Well that was quick. Knee = bent.
Literally everything Sup Forums says comes true. I'm not so sure we're predicting events anymore. I think we're making them happen.
It hasn't even been 48 hours and everything is getting better already, what a fucking madman
What a great time to be alive
Leaf shitpost game is on point today
> and never win a right-wing election again
I doubt burgers are that stupid
Is this real life?
>just fuck my wife up fampai
Top kek
My God...
What a fucking embarrassment.
that watermark..
No one said it was bad. Trudeau talked MAD SHIT during the election at Trump. I believe he actually said that he would NEVER negotiate with Trump if he were to be elected.
I'm surprised at this. Good job Trudie.
Kek, where do you think they're going now that gibs are on their way out?
Day of rake boys, it has begun
we'll reclaim our countries together in due curse, dear cousin.
I enjoy both my healthcare and guns
good point.
only annex Alberta and Saskatchewan
If you kill your enemies... they win.
Truly the Cuck Supreme
he's a cuck but he's a qt
I wish this was real
Just his memetic influence on the world by itself will have massive transformative effects.
Who the President of the most powerful country in the world is has deep psychological effects on other countries and their leaders.
White Obama?
Loving every laff at every other fuck hole country that is ass blasted,
>t-they elected someone who wants to putthe nation and its people come before the rest of the world
>it's not fair
It's too much
they are all bending the knee
One by one, they will ALL bend the knee.
Welcome aboard paco. The wall will break cartel influence and truly free you all.
1 week ago:
>I will never negociate with that racist misogynist fascist!
>p-pls don't bully me donald ill sign anything u want
How can one man be so good at cucking an entire nation?
We need a version of Trump badly. Vancouver is a fucking Chinese/Indian orgy.
justin didnt really say anything besides a few cheeky puns
there's obviously some underlying business going on, but the immediate benefits of a complete ceasefire and establishment as major bros is incredible.
This is by far the best one. The Saudis know they're about to get FUCKED. OPEC is kill.
free trade with canada is fine since we're basically the same economy
kellie leitch
That's not a real article, but fuck me I had to look into it because I wouldn't put it past him
. Well played.
>implying this is remotely bad
If Canada and us keep free trade buy block out mexico it would probably be one of the greatest moves in the history of North America from a leaf perspective. I'm happy Trudeau chose not to insult trump during the election and is trying to keep our relationship going, and if we block out mexico it would be even better
If he doesn't renegotiate NAFTA with us, we win
This one is best
Like all arabs he talks big but bends over when push comes to shove.
>I will never negociate with that racist misogynist fascist!
Give source, waffle boy
if you fight your enemies, they win.
Satan is evil indeed.
Trudeau is a huge cuck. I just hope Trump's negotiation helps Canada. Everyone loves NAFTA though but it's done nothing good for us
I fucking love it, isn't it great?
We would give up Nafta completely for the green light on the keystone pipeline Obama has opposed. We just want fair trade, burgers.
such a gigantic pussy kek
>Make the anglo-empire great again
C-can i be english ?
Maybe the Democrat party shouldn't have tried to run Hillary after all?
the amount of knee bending going on, is out of this world
did trump getting a full majority in state senates, governors, congress, senate, judicial, and executive make them all this afraid, knowing he does what he says?
is Trudeau the most JUST leader to ever exist?
See senpai. We really are brothers.
I must have remembered this wrong. I could have sworn Trudeau condemned Trump but the only stories I can find are actually condemning Trudeau for not being feminist enough and attacking Trump after #pussyleaks.
Thank God we have the Conservatives in power so no knee bending is necessary
That's the Canadian method of negotiation: capitulate immediately to the other party's demands.
It's why we're friends with everyone.
Justin Trudeau more like Justin True-Cück.
whats the point oil prices aren't even high anymore lol it would just cost pollution and not even for profit.
Canada is like a power bottom
Good boy.
Now we need to get this cuck or of office.
The funny thing is both the Canadian and US working class feels like NAFTA screwed them. I wonder (((who))) actually benefited from it.
We have the governorships, the state legislatures the House, and the Senate.
Gonna be interesting to see if leftist Cuckernors like Jerry Brown try to start shit with Trump.
>p-pls d-don't cancel sanctuary funding
>That money pays for my extravagant lifestyle
>nazi apologist
Is Trump going to grab him by his pussy and tell him to make Canada great again and stop pandering to homos
Is there a recording of their reaction as Trump was winning?
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