what is your opinion on mulattos?
just curious becouse I am one(quarter african)
What is your opinion on mulattos?
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There is no opinion on a skin tone or racial distinction. There are only generalizations made about those people which aren't valid. You need to be more specific about what they are related to.
For instance, whether or nor people have an opinion on if mulattos are a benefit or detriment to a country's well being.
You're a quadroon, not a mulatto.
They have no culture and need to fuck off
Nasty. I'd rather have blacks.
Weird and ugly. Not white.
No opinion. There aren't mixed race sterotypes that my brain auto-judges mixed people on.
isnt that the same? pol always told me that
You're basically a hispanic. So you can clean my house, but if I catch you stealing you're fired.
>You're basically a hispanic
that dont make sense
Every mulatto girl I've ever known acts like a white girl anyway. I really have nothing against them.
need to go back
do you ever known a male?
Ugly subhumans
Smarter than full blacks but also more dangerous
Probably not one that is common here. I actually like mulattos, because there at least SHOULD be a sense of integration, assuming you aren't so black you flat out identify as a nigger.
But if you're a mulatto, and adopt the civic interests of the nation, identify yourself as part of it, you're good in my book. In many cases, I just take them as exotic looking whites. But I'm American, so take it for what it is worth, we're called mutts here anyway.
>need to go back
explain where, im in my country
Oh sit, you're a male? Never mind about the house cleaning then nigger.
hideous and should be sterilized
Seriously though fags like you alternate between posting bbc and blacked porn on this site and then ask us with puppy dog eyes what we think of you. You're a nigger.
>assuming you aren't so black you flat out identify as a nigger
im neither black or white, my whole life i have problems to identify with other people becouse im to black for the white but im to white for the blacks if you know what i mean
Upside-down Poland is right. Sterilize or atleast moderately kill them.
Go rule some African nation or something jeez, shouldn't be too hard, you don't belong in Germany.
That's why I told you to assimilate with the hispanics earlier you dumb nigger.
You're fucking disgusting. You're the harsh reality that life isn't a providence were good things happen but a disgusting random orgy of bacteria. That doesn't mean though that higher life can't be achieved in atrocities like you can't have their heads crushed like watermelons.
I told him to just assimilate with the spics. They're all muts or niggers anyways.
> you don't belong in Germany.
I belong more to germany then you will ever be.
>Go rule some African nation or something
I dont know their culture and dont identify the with africa.
Harsh desu. Hurts my feelings :(
Germany is probably different as far as this kind of thing goes. In America, you would probably be light enough to just identify as white American since it is so broad here, or at the least as an American period.
In any case, why not just identify yourself as German and do your best to uphold German interest? I don't think you need to be as fixated on race as you are.
This is all you need to know about disgusting half-breeds.
Then stay in fucking Germany and fuck some Muslim bitch.
Kill yourself and your family you disgusting chimp.
>why not just identify yourself as German
I indentify as german but other people always denied me not only white people but also black people and other foreigners thats why i never feelt welcome by anyone.
>mutt calling himself German
Tip top kek, now fuck off shitcunt.
Nah I'm good bro. Doing pretty well as a quadroon desu.
Here, it only gets better
Germany had Africans before WW2? That doesn't seem right.
You are welcome. Quit focusing on race. We don't, except to fuck with you if you are sensitive about it. We cherish core values and logic bro, not race. Act like a human, get treated like a human.
Clint Eastwood has a Handsome son.
Racemixed half-breeds will be treated with the respect their lower half deserves.
Half black? No, all nigger.
Half Asian? No, all white but with benefits.
As a half or quarter african you still look more like an african than white. So there you go, you're fucked still.
Mulattos have recuded intelligence compared fully whites and they usually inherit the heart problems that blacks have.
Good luck with that.
Quadroon > Mulato
Yes, but they were just a handful and they and their offspring were sterilized eventually.
Even white Germans, huh? I was in Germany a few months ago, and while there wasn't a lot by any means, the few secularized Turks I did see that seemed assimilated got along just fine in white circles.
Come to America then. Less tribal, and if you want to get on with whites, ride dirt bikes, vote Republican, and eat BBQ. We aren't sticklers about it like you might think from pol.
White's are the master race, hate to burst your bubble Ching Chong.
>Half Asian? No, all white but with benefits.
Quadroons are not as ugly as half nigs, but almost
I'd like to regenerate her DNA by cuming inside of her, a lot.
Mulatto means you're 1/2
Quadroon mean you're 1/4
Octaroon means you're 1/8
I don't care about the color of your skin, but what kind of person you are. not popular here on Sup Forums but it's true, rasism is atavistic
You are a nigger. Miscegenation is the most harmful thing to diversity, culture, and standards. All half breeds should be ceremoniously cut in half.
Huh. Interesting. Most people don't mention this.
>Less tribal
>Ride dirt bikes
I remember when I was in highschool.
If anything they're equal. Whites and Asians both believe in honor, duty, sacrifice, hard work, family, morality, and intelligence.
Of course I'm only referring to the True Asians, not half-spic trash like Filipinos.
>Dumber than an Ape
You sound like a chimp.
Mulatto butts, (mulatto butts), mulatto butts, (mulatto butts)! Black and white butts, (black and white butts), mulatto butts, (mulatto butts)!
Black ass momma, (black ass momma), white ass daddy, (white ass daddy)!
Mulatto butts, (mulatto butts), mulatto butts, (mulatto butts)! Black and white butts, (black and white butts), mulatto butts, (mulatto butts)!
Not welcome. Generally p sexy tho
Quadroons tend to look like Arabs in my experience.
its not like people dont want me next to them, i have white friends but it dont matter how german you are in your heart peoplewill always act like you are diffrent.
>Generally p sexy tho
t. someone who only sees extremely cherrypicked people
America has far more emphasis on individualism than Europe. And nonwhites who adopt interests generally held by whites aren't refused due to race.
Sup Forums warped your thinking.
Intellect is not the only defining characteristic of what qualifies us as the master race.
>what is your opinion on mulattos?
Better than full blown negroids, worse than pure whites.
That's because you are part fucking chimp you brain dead walnut brain.
shawn kangz is not in that photo why come?
Yeah, but what about the other way around?
I see mulattoes every day and my penis responds. Doesn't mean they shouldn't be fucked off to the newly annexed Atlas Mountains Despotate along with all the passport-surfers and fifth columnists
A million times worse than niggers. A complete travesty.
I think we're awesome. The only people who have an issue with us are jealous monoracials who are insecure in their own identity.
that tiger has downs syndrome
And you're point is?
Should be killed.
There's nothing more disgusting than a mutt.
You should move to Brazil and try to set up an underground Hanseatic League with other right-wing swarthies, biding time til the day when the state finally collapses and you can seize power
Zurück in den Dschungel mit dir, du Halbmensch
>quarter african
you are a quadroon, freind.
>A million times worse than niggers. A complete travesty.
Nonwhites are not as inclusive, that is true and I wont dispute it.
You're paranoid. You sound like nonwhites I've known who swear when they get chicken shit tickets they've experienced racism, despite that everyone has gotten chicken shit tickets at one point or another.
Stop thinking you know the thought behind your white friends, you could be totally off base.
there is no reason not to cum in them
downies can be cute if they're not human.
>Is a Nigger
>Calls someone else "Monkey"
>You're paranoid
yeah maybe you are right, i dont know why
>literal monkey calling anyone a monkey
that's the most cucked thing you could've posted
I'm a mulatto, wish I was pure white but whatcha gonna do.
Waste of good genes
go back to africa
you could kill yourself.
It's from the german equivalent to the John Oliver show, called Die Heute Show.
Funfact: The guy who runs that show came to a swiss newspaper and talked about how he felt small and worthless next to Oliver Kahn because he's "too alpha".
you're welcome. my gf is black and she's 6th month pregnant. we'll have a daughter.
The noose end of a rope strung up from a tree would help you with those identity issues
>you have to stick your head in between the noose and push off from a tree branch forcefully to insure maximum effect of receiving your much needed answers.
nah i've got money, decent looks, a decent job, good family and friends, and trump got elected, life is great
Fuck off to Africa.
nobody cares about what you identify with
You're not serious about this pic are you?
They can buzz me while I'm on my way to the quad on the trail of beers
I can't believe how fucking disgusting you are. The fucking reek of nigger mindlessness and uncaring radiates from your posts. I fucking hate you so much.