Universities offer counseling for "mourning" students

This is real btw.

Other urls found in this thread:



This is good. Not everyone is as heartless as you. People have emotions, and now that hillary Clinton got robbed of the election(popular vote), people are upset.

>This is good. Not everyone is as heartless as you. People have emotions, and now that hillary Clinton got robbed of the election(popular vote), people are upset.

are you lost?

Here is the one that I recieved

While this is great, I have to ask how Trump is going to undo over ninety years of Cultural Marxism, especially in the universities. Sure, he could pass measures to de-fund the humanities (specifically sociology, philosophy, literature, women's studies and ethnic studies which are all the biggest culprits), but what pretext would he need to carry that out?


The funnier part of universities offering counseling for the last 24 hours because of the election, is that people on social media are now actually using it as an excuse for how bad the election really is, when it was THEM who were begging universities to offer such retarded services in the first place.

Low quality bait.

Theyre aknowledging some people are joyful about this?

He could simply make tuition significantly cheaper for STEM majors and nothing else

>safe space

This insanity in western universities looks more and more like combination of feminism, marxism and scientology in equal measure.

True but even then he'd need an excuse.

Yep cali is a fucking joke.

Jesus Christ

Just checked my inbox, couldn't believe that this shit was real.


My ex-gf has a journalism degree from there.

President Trump, I propose we cut funding to adult day care

There was a table set up at my uni with a flier for post-election counselling, the stages of grief, and My Little Pony coloring books. Not joking.

Go in there with maga hat and big grin and demand to be counselled for 15 minutes.

Wouldn't it be better to just change the curriculum for Humanities courses?

Have History students study the historical events leading to the foundation of great societies, have literature students study legitimate classics as opposed to flavour of the month SJW shit.

You NEED the humanities in order to ensure that the populace are mentally prepared to work for the betterment of society.

Yea haha, its god aweful, the history department is based, and my gf says microbio is grey pilled at best

fuck you dude, nothing wrong with philosophy. True philosophy has nothing to do with this bullshit you are talking about, as we can see in the sticky of this very board.

I also got an email for that. Also the Black Student Alliance was holding a safe space for people to discuss their feelings. Not joking.

>You NEED the humanities in order to ensure that the populace are mentally prepared to work for the betterment of society.
Sokal would like a word with you

>Wouldn't it be better to just change the curriculum for Humanities courses?

How would that be possible? Cultural Marxism IS the curriculi in most universities, especially in literature and anthropology where the primary methodology taught is "deconstruction".


Basically, it teaches that all human existence is the product of language, and language is inherently unreliable so no stable meaning is possible. Therefore, anything can mean anything and definitions are nothing more than the consensus of the people in power. This is where a lot of the queer studies, postcolonial studies, critical race theory and such grows out. It's cancerous.

>Have History students study the historical events leading to the foundation of great societies, have literature students study legitimate classics as opposed to flavour of the month SJW shit.

Again, it doesn't matter WHAT they study but HOW they study it. If you take a literature course in uni you will definitely read Shakespeare BUT you'll be doing "feminist", "queer" or "critical race" readings of him.

Universities just don't want """tolerant""" liberals burning down their campuses.

The universities know that they've fostered an environment full of far left terrorists and they're shitting themselves right now.

NJ reporting

did you guys know the sarkesian is alumni?

They offer support if you are being targeted for your race... they need to be flooded with white people saying they are being unfairly targeted for being white!!

Yes. My ex-gf was also Armenian, originally from Pasadena.

>Again, it doesn't matter WHAT they study but HOW they study it

So what would have to be done? Who has the final say on how anything is taught?

I go to Purdue proper, we got no such letter over here

In fact it's really quiet on campus

Based Harvard

The best bet would be to de-fund humanities departments in universities. Shift the focus from postmodernist garbage to STEM. Eliminate all humanities requirements EXCEPT for Freshman English and make a minimum of four STEM courses a requirement.

why doesn't education just start at the college/university level?

They're making grade school and high school redundant.

I heard that a local community college cancelled classes yesterday because of the "atmosphere".

I haven't seen anything in the news, but it was supposedly an e-mail sent out to students.

im sick of these non stem fucks thinking theyre learning anything worth learning.
obviously stem should incorporate medicine too though because currently it doesn't.

Kek, fucking UMass

>70% of parental child murderers are women

..doesn't that mean moms are killing their kids? Why would you put on nail polish as a show of support of kids being murdered by moms? Are the moms some how the victims..?

Or is that borderline text mocking the inner picture?

There were girls on my local campus yesterday pretending Hillary won. They were seriously asking each other if they'd seen Hillary's acceptance speech, how inspiring it was and how much they're looking forward to her presidency.

This people are fucking delusional.

>as an immigrant latina lesbian

Lol fake.

>Cultural Marxism is the curriculi

It depends where you are. As a humanities student, we look at theories such as Marxism and Feminism as well as PoMo theories, but we have to name both pros AND cons of these theories when we write about them. Hell, I've had lecturers who have said that misandry is wrong and that radical feminists are insane. I've also voiced right-wing opinions with no consequence.

I put this down to me not living in SJW Central, however.

I was about to ask how do you carry that out before I scrolled up and saw that you were the one who first asked that very question. I feel like a moron.

>obviously stem should incorporate medicine too though because currently it doesn't.
>M E D I C I N E


I agree.

>uk fag

That's why. You guys learn analytic philosophy which BTFOs PoMo and feminism quite often.

its mathematics dawg
dont ask me i dont get it either

Did all US colleges do this?

I thought Medicine felt under Science..

Alumni here, I got the same message.

>Popular vote meme

They still haven't finished counting votes and Trump is still projected to win the popular vote

No. Science usually means pure pursuit of some scientific field like physics, chemistry, biology, etc.
In which case medicine is the practical application of these similar to how engineering is the practical application of physics and math.
Nursing/Med school is not listed as stem anywhere, fuck if I know why.

saddypants on campus were pretty upset yesterday. first time i didnt wear my MAGA hat in a month too, didn't want tolerant liberals in front of humanities to throw stuff at me

It's Mathematics.

wouldn't medicine fall under science?


University of Michigan reporting in, our political science department is considerably based.

I assumed so.

Is that jew still in charge?

go to some state college, not a single email regarding the election

who, Schlissel? Yeah he's still the President, I don't know much about the Dean of the PoliSci department though.

West Virginia

>are the moms somehow the victim
Yes, always yes. Only men are able to be abusive despite men actually being the majority abuse victims

>College of literature
>Signs an important message "Best"

A few people here are based, but we're very quiet and a distant minority. Most of the campus melted down yesterday, pic related

Our math class (matrix algebra) had a midterm delayed due to 'election-related trauma'

I shit you not

Which uni?

This was sent by the person in charge of mental health at my school.

Lol I was too sleepy to go because I stayed up all night for the election and the afterparty shitposting on Sup Forums, did you go? What happened? Is there going to be another one soon?? I have to see this in person.

medfag here
we are better than STEM you dirty plebs

>better than STEM
at memorizing bones

>I'm an immigrant latina lesbian btw

yeah i remember boning your girlfriend quite well