>Only one day since Trump is president and there are already Hate Crimes
Luiz Moreno(25) was walking down the street when a group of 10 young white males started to shout racial slurs at him. When he tried to fight back he was hit in the nose with a bat and kicked in the ribs multiple times
>Every single one of these "Attacks" has no proof at all, no video or witnesses or anything. >The one attack against a Trump supporter has legitimate video
Matthew Hall
cool storie
Nathan Turner
>beated up Go away.
Ayden Rivera
>why don't white cucks in america do something about the multicult >white racists! stop hurting these innocent brown people!
James Reyes
alex I'll take things that totally happened and aren't bbq sauce for 500
Matthew Russell
Jace Foster
This. Fucking this. I mean, come on America.
Carson Hughes
Ian Miller
Whites and niggers will soon see the day of the rope
Ethan Cooper
>things that never happened #3528
Jeremiah Jones
top kek
I bet it was a whiter mexican.
Jaxson Russell
>10 young white males started to shout racial slurs >When he tried to fight back >fight back Found the retardo.
Michael Taylor
Thats great and all, but is this somehow trumps fault? I doubt Trump is running around beating up mexicans
Adam Long
Who cares is a pooskin get beat up?
Michael Bell
It's called having balls you weak faggot
Eli Morris
remember this kid this is him now
feel old yet???
Jeremiah Barnes
Jesus Christ can the media stop with all these shitskin false flags already? They did the same shit after Brexit for weeks.
Jose James
There's a special kind of prank where you invite people into a country full of others who hate them, rig the entire system to rile up the natives, then wait for them to explode and direct all their frustration at scattered minorities of groups.
And then, rather than blaming the globalist, pro-immigration shills that willingly create the social habitat these conflicts erupt in, you blame the natives.
If Racism is the match, Multiculturalism is the tinder.
Matthew Flores
nice citation paco. i know you're still heated over the trump win, but keep calm and don't lose your head.
Leo Baker
The real people who get attacked are the ones who voted Trump by these buttblasted ''tolerant liberals''.
Thomas Cruz
It's also called having no brain.
Matthew Rivera
Angel Barnes
They're already preparing for four years from now. It'd be nice if Trump can get control of the media from jews.
Jaxon Campbell
Robert Clark
Did they beat his 8yr old sister as well?
Eli Russell
Is there video proof or is this another meaningless story
Xavier Adams
Jaxson Barnes
How do we stop the media from false flagging? How do we hold those fuckers responsible for knowingly running with a falsified story to score political points?
And before you niggers even start yes, we've had plenty of leftist/arab false flags here.
Anthony Russell
Robert Cook
Camden Foster
Keep thinking that and you'll be starring in the next cartel film.
That's how you lose your balls, Paco.
Anthony Gray
Lincoln Murphy
reeeee why do I still fall for this shit
Benjamin Young
Shouldn't have tried to use his Mexican Warlock magic on him
Gabriel Thomas
Trump isn't even President yet though... Why are people keep blaming him for stupid shit that other people have done with no input from him?
Juan King
>When he tried to fight back >fight back >started to shout racial slurs at him >>fight back >>>fight >>>>shout >>>>>fight
Liam Perez
Only 8yo should believe Trump wants to kick out the legals immigrants too, but some people are just stupid.
Tyler Powell
I've never seen someone get "beated up" by a group of 10 and come out of it with just a cut on the bridge of their nose before. No black eyes busted lip, blood in the hair, or blood coming out of the nostrils.
Robert Hernandez
Oh look, kids being brainwashed by their brainwashed parents.
Charles Robinson
Elijah Russell
We've proven its fake in the same threadCTR isn't even trying anymore. We've really buried them
David Moore
I mean won't it make minorities scared and more likely to leave? This could be a good thing. They seem fake though
Parker Bailey
>How do we stop the media Kill all the jews
Brandon Perez
>BeatenBeaner.jpg JAJAJAjajaj EL JUSTO JAJAJAjajaj
Brandon Harris
Are these people even trying?
William Clark
CTR doesn't exist anymore, he's just a shitty troll
Austin Butler
Ill take "things that never happened for 400 Alex"
Jacob Gomez
I'll take 'Things That Didn't Happen' for 100 Alex.
Ryder Bailey
I'll take things that never happened for 600, Alex.
Evan Thomas
he has to go back.
Jayden Sanchez
Same shit was running through the media after Brexit. Of course there will always be dickheads going around beating people up... but they dickheads before the election and they'll be dickheads after it -- whoever is in charge.
Jeremiah King
Now he has more reason to go back and make Tacoland great again.
Landon Barnes
I'll take 'Things That Didn't Happen' for these sick digits Alex
Jack Wood
Since the rise of identity politics the left's favorite pastime has become hate hoaxes. You can add this one to the long list:
when is a trump supporter going to drench his entire body in blood and claim he was attacked i want to see some sweet pot shots
Jackson Ward
fake and gay. Pretty cool if real though
Ayden Cook
Thanks for the fake out paco, call me when you find a brain to cite your source.
Luke Jenkins
Ever since Trump won I feel like I've won the lottery. He literally made White privilege a real thing and not only a buzzword. It's now ok to be a white male. Racism is no longer bad. It's an amazing feeling.
Nathan Torres
Finally have a reason to use this
Matthew Martin
what kind of fucking 8 year old knows about Ceasar and the history of rome to make that analysis about modern day politics
Gavin Ramirez
This and only this. >omg i just got attacked by racist white trump supporters you guys >Instead of seeking medical help or even tending to my wounds myself, i decided to rush to my computer and make a blog post about it
Isaiah Peterson
Since most liberals' only sight of blood is the corn syrup in hollywood, it's easy to see fakes.
Isaiah Brown
>shout racial slurs at him. When he tried to fight back he was hit in the nose with a bat and kicked in the ribs multiple times Mexicans are notorious liars. They're the type that will do something stupid and aggressive then try to claim victimhood when it backfires on them.
This beaner probably heard 1 or 2 white guys talking about Trump positively, then he chimped out and picked a fight with them, and lost when more whites jumped in to defend against a spic attacker.
Shouldn't you be selling chiclets to pay for the wall instead of shitposting pedro?
Jaxson Ortiz
This had happened in my town but in reverse, where a group of Mexicans beat up some white kid(s). I'm going to look the other way and pretend I care in public, I guess
Kayden Turner
>dried blood >no swelling of the face
Buh-buh-buh-biggity BULLSHIT
Caleb Cruz
Aiden Murphy
>when he tried to fight back See Pablo? That's your mistake. 10ft higher!
Nathan Martinez
One Mexican kid gets beat up and it's all Trump and his horrible supporters.
Liberals are rioting in major cities, calling for race war, and beating up whites and people wearing MAGA gear, but that's ok
Adrian Gutierrez
Racism just won't die :/
Landon Sullivan
Anthony Hughes
Yeah cause people didnt get bashed before trump got elected. Also, its perfectly fine for niggers to chimp out on white people all the time. bring on the 4th reich!
Oliver Morgan
>pic from 2014 suck cock Pablo
Lucas Edwards
Brandon Sanchez
>Trump can't be as bad as Caesar -the year 8 old of an obnoxious dyke
How the fuck does an 8 year old know anything about Caesar? Let alone that he was somehow bad, even though most of western civilization has emulated Rome to one degree or another? Fuck these people are so full of shit it's literally incredible.
Nicholas Cooper
Because the racists were just so excited that their bigot king is going to be President that they had to go out and beat people. They voted for racism and now they're carrying it out.
> this is what liberal faggots actually believe
Thomas Morgan
Trump's first day in office he's gonna cancel all federal funding to sanctuary cities