Canadian retards

>Watches NFL
>Watches NBA
>Watches MLB
>Watches NHL
>Eats American Food
>Listens to American music
>Watches American movies
>Watches American TV shows
>Wears American clothing
>Think they are protected under the US Constitution and Bill of Rights
>Fuck America!! God damned greedy Americans! canaduh is too Americanized! So glad I live in canaduh with free healthcare
>canaduh is the real land of freedumb!

Why are most canadians this fucking retarded??

Your cuntry has done shit for the world. Nothing.
You do everything American, think American laws apply to you, but hate America and Americans.

canadians: fucking retards.

I've met several canadians from Toronto who like NASCAR.

Is this normal?

I donno, I live 100s of miles from that place.

canada is big and empty.

>80% of canadians live within a couple 100km of the US border
>FUCK America and Americans!! Free Healthcare!! My freedumbs!!

The canadian charter of rights and freedoms was written in 1982 and clearly states the government can take away any law they want

>Nu-uh!! We got that Constitution and Bill of Rights!
AMERICAN you dumb fuck canuck
>Ah well, fuck America anyways!
>Free Healthcare!!
>canaduh land of the FREEEEEEEEEE

>Hillary woulda wun if canadians coulda voted in da US election
>canadians matter to American elections eh??
>all those lefties coming here? Fuck off we're full eh??
>Oh more muslims? We love multiculturalism here in canaduh. Not racist like Americans with their niggers and spics.

You canadians are honestly the most backwards and fucked up retards on planet Earth.

>Watches AFL
>Creates Basketball
>Watches Canadian teams in MLB
>Watches Canadian teams in the NHL
>Watches CHL
>Hockey is our national winter sport
>Eats British and French cuisine
>Has to put up with American (((music)))
>Has to put up with American (((movies)))
>Wears whatever will keep them warm since it's pretty fucking cold
>Have our own charter of rights and freedoms, and laws
>Man, I love Canada and our history, long live Sir John A. MacDonald
>Canada is the true North, strong and a free

Why are Americans so obsessed with consumerism??

Your cuntry has helped ruin western civilization. Ruined.
You do everything to help the Jews, think that they're your greatest allies, but hate when people call you out for it.

Americans: kike lovers.

>tfw not American

I want a gun

I love you too Canada.

Memes aside I always have loved you guys.

Your country hasn't done anything.

You got a couple crappy teams in their national sports leagues. Big fucking deal hoser.

your charter of rights and freedoms is a sham, you fucking retard.

Your history is made up too,
First canadian thanksgiving in 1957? WTF loser
What history you retard faggot?? American history??

Canada and America strong.

Go get your licenses you dumb cunt, it takes 3 months to get your regular licensing with your licensing for restricted firearms. After that you can go purchases whatever the fuck it is you want.

Charter of Rights and Freedoms, written in 1982
Got your faggot leaf flag in 1964

You watch the ONE canadian team in the MLB?
>Hockey is our sport but we only got 8 teams in the NHL

You have no rights retard. How are you FREE when the government can take away any and all rights if they see fit??
EXPLAIN retard.

Canadians are alright (apart from pol), they might be unnecessarily apologetic all the time, but they're a good bunch. Less belligerent than East coast yanks for 100%

>nignog trespasses your property with intent to rob your shit
>shoot nignog
>you get a worse sentence for negligent use of firearms

I live here, they're shit people. I'm not making this up off just Sup Forums

Blow it out your ass.

All you have to do is yell "SKEET SKEET" and it's legal. Just make sure to kill him so there is no witness.

>hurr be durrbb American under US proxy trying to shit talk us eh??
>dats how important canaduh is to the world eh??

You're dreaming you delusional fuck sticks. I'm canadian, born in canaduh, I help do a scored earth tactic on you fucks, I swear to God

LOL what a faggot

You claim to be free, then presented with facts and post a faggot anime girl like you're cool.


EXPLAIN yourself in words you retard faggot canadian fuckwit.

How are you FREE when the government can take away any and all rights??
EXPLAIN with words retard. Not a cartoon girl.


How can one man be so angry at Canada? What did we ever do to you?

Oh....wait. You recently moved here?

Did you... bring your wife?

Fuck, at least you have the knowledge that you have easy access to a gun. We have nothing

He's probably a poo skin immigrant with zero attachment to North America and zero memory of US-Canadian relations.

He has to go back.


canadians have the smallest dicks across the world
3 inches hard is the average cock size for a canadian

Again faggot, HOW are you FREE??

Born and raised in canaduh. People like (you) are the reason I hate canaduh and canadians.
IF USA went to war with canaduh, I'd join the USA and kill you people with no remorse.

I'm also "white"
I hate you fucking low life degenerates. I wish I was born an American.
You people are retards.

Explain how you're free
>retard does nothing but post insults and pics
Good job retard.

Okay US proxy faggot.

canadians need to pretend they are from other countries and defend their toilet bowl USA wannabe.

canaduh is USA Jr with down syndrome.

Canadians truly are a breed of stupid that is unmatched by the rest of the western world.

At least some people in this fuckhole nation are awake.

You can't be "red pilled" and love being a canadian.

I'll bet you 50 American Dollars that I have a larger dick than you do. Post a time-stamped pic and I'll do the same.

>Explain how you're free
I do whatever I want 100% of the time. Feels pretty free to me man.

Seriously, everybody is a drunk degenerate who is proud of their awful low quality Socialist benefits.

Though I can only speak for southwestern Ontario.

That's like taking your lived experiences of being in Portland Oregon and basing your image of the entire united States on it.

Why do you live in literally the worst part of the whole country?

They're all the same across canaduh. Literal fucking retards.
Drug addicts too.
canadians fucking love doing drugs and bragging about how many drug dealers they know

.> I FEEL free
Fuck your feelings faggot. You're not. Bitch. Explain with reason and logic faggot. Not your faggot feelings.

Like fuck I'm posting my cock, you dick slurping faggot.
Get so much pussy you need to stare at some dick for awhile faggot??

I wish I could fist fight you.

>muh free healthcare
>muh American freedumbs in canaduh!

Do you live in a sheltered bubble???

Taking your mommies house that you can't afford to move out of, as an example for all of canaduh and the living conditions is fucking retarded bro.
You should see that with your canadian "genius"

Ya fucking retard. You need a serious shit kicking

Nay Iam American.

Where in the US would you go to that you think is so awesome?

Lol, small dick confirmed.

I'm taking my experience of having lived in Alberta, B.C and Ontario as well as visiting the east coast and the NWT.

Anywhere that isn't canaduh.

Look bud, if you live in America and think it sucks, GTFO of America.
Come live in faggoty canaduh.

I doubt any American would stick up for canaduh.

Any state I mention, you'll talk bad about it, cause you're a canadian and all canadians can do is point out flaws to cover their own.

LOL sorry faggot, I'm not giving you any homo jack off material.

I seriously wish I could boot fuck your face.

All those places SUCK as well faggot.
Nothing but drugged out and drunk white trash.
You must be a drugged out drunk if you don't notice that.

Fucking waste. You're probably stinking up your office with your booze smell and showed up late and hung over.
You people are fucking trash

No one wants to jack of to your miniature dick dude.

Keep talking about how you want to get violent with a stranger on a Malaysian basket weaving forum, it makes you look really intelligent and well adjusted.

Who cares faggot. I want to beat the shit out of all canadians. Starting with your retard faggot backwards self.
Stupid fucking white trash scum

I love the US, most of my ancestors came in the mid 17th century. I will never leave.

I'm from Arizona, though. It has a lot of problems. I will stick up for Canada no matter how faggy it can be, get fucked and go back to India.

You're a liar and pathetic loser. Hang yourself with a canadian flag then faggot.
canada hasn't done anything for America.
You're liar faggot.

>Thank you canada
For what exactly??

Why would you, an American, defend canada or thank them??

canadian proxy shill faggot loser canadian

>Syrup sucker has to wait 3 months
>I can go buy a gun right now
>4 hr course to carry it around in public
>Stand Your Ground and Castle Doctrine

... not but a leaf upon America's hat.

He's a loser faggot trying to make canaduh sound tough.
No one has guns here. Except cops





You probably think that will gain you points from the US Sup Forumstards… but nobody like s a Benadict Arnold -- not even his mom.

You are just going to end up sad and lonely

No skin off my ass

OK, maybe less time on Sup Forums

go take a walk, get some fresh air.

I would say go get laid… but we both know that ain't happening

Do you ever feel sorry for Canadians? They try to be like Europeans and make cute threads like "I fixed North America" that Americans ignore. They will never get the level of respect of an Old World nation and at the same time can't act like rednecks and shoot guns while on top of the world - the benefits of being American. They are part of the mainland but an island in itself. They were never supposed to be more than a province for a bigger empire and now that they got their independence they belong nowhere. By the time they come to the realization they're American, they might miss out on America's golden era. Or they will invade them for the resources.

If you own a hand gun in canaduh, you need to keep it locked up at all times and call the police when transporting it to the gun range and back
He's just a liar faggot canadian trying to sound cool
>own whatever kinda fucking gun you want
Except handguns and automatics......
LIAR faggot. I want to beat the shit out of you cause you're a LIAR

You think I'm trying to impress people here?? I'm doing this to piss off canadian because I HATE you people with a passion. I love shitting on faggot canadians.
I HATE you fucking people. I would happily kill canadians in a war.

Go away no guns shitskin.

> THIS many posts!!

What's your point faggot?? You got one??

7 males to every female in canaduh, I doubt you get any pussy yourself.
MGTOW is huge in canaduh so STFU about getting pussy like ur swimming in it liar faggot.

xd go away bulgar




What a canadian thing to say
Proxy faggot LARPing as an American.
What a sad faggot country canaduh
canadians are such sad faggots.

I'd happily push the NUKE button for canada if I could.

>I'm doing this to piss off canadian because I HATE you people

You're not pissing off anyone but yourself though.

>having a dual citizenship

getting into a trade and planning on helping america become great again

>inb4 im stealing jobs

i only want a a piece of the american dream

Why you here then faggot??
Oh ya, it's your job to defend canaduh online like a bitch.
Paid canadian troll.
HA ha ha sad fucking faggot.

i'd go outside, but canaduh is so fucking boring there's nothing to do.

I'd love to meet you and kick the shit out of you.

Point is, some people are unhappy and just aren't well adjusted.

Talk to someone - seek help.

If need be, take a bus across the border and get a US psychologist -- but don't wait too long.

Life is too short and it's passing you by.

Take that first step, Make that change!

So jealous

I'd kill as many canadians as it took to get a US citizenship.

FUCK YOU dead granddad. You picked the worst fucking country in the world to immigrate too.

Holy fuck 30 posts take a break xd ur so gay

I know life is short and passing me by. i'm stuck in fucking canaduh.

Jeezus fuck. i'd nuke this fucking country and every inbred piece of shit in it.
Man, woman and child, i don't give a shit.
All canadians need to fucking die

>30 posts!!!

Wow, stinging. I'm totally going to stop posting now.......


I'd beat the living shit out of your white fat ass if I could
Leave you in the fucking gutter like a bitch.

Fucking white trash scum

>Why you here then faggot??

Your retardation is a kind of spectacle to me and I've got nothing better to do while I wait for my car to be ready at the shop.


canadians will egg someone one, then turn around and act all shocked at the sperg out.

Fucking scum bags.

Pretty much. Is this 4d underwater leafposting?

OH now you're waiting for your car to be ready

Aren't you so fucking cool.

wrong i am a serb

OK - get off the meth and seek help.

If you want to be qualified for a professional position that allows for transnational immigration… you can't be a meth head of a speed freak

Do something… get up and make some moves

You have already wasted half a day making retarded posts on Sup Forums --- that will not get you out of Canada or even your mom's basement.

I'm not kidding you have psychological issues.

Deal with it.

not white xd


no your bulgar unless you are dijaspora

I don't do drugs faggot. This is what living in canaduh does to a NORMAL person.

STFU asshole. I'd kick the fucking shit out of if I could faggot.


I'd REKT you with a boot to the face you dumb fuck.

I'd kick the shit out of you too.

But you can't.. that's the point.



You might as well just stay home and shitpost on your mom's computer.

You're a fucking retard who stalks me and my postings, then tries to act all cool when you piss the person off.

Eat shit and die you low life scum.

Settle down little chink.

You're all safe behind your computer, what a tough guy.

I'd beat the living fuck out of you m8. You probably deserve it too.

Eat shit and die white trash.
Your cuntry is total failure. Just like you.

So you're a chink or poo?

Can't wait for President Trump to turn canaduh into the USA

You losers are going to commit suicide or be killed in the "uprising".


I'll kill canadians like a boss.

I love this shitposer

It doesn't matter how many times I say I'm white, you canadians are so fucking stupid, it won't register in your pea brains.
You people are that fucking stupid.
Nothing makes me angrier than stupid people and canadians are stupid on a whole new level.

canadians seriously need to get their shit pushed in and learn their place in the world.
Which is literal nothing.

Sure thing Charlie.

I quite like East Coasters but I'm a Southerner/Londoner.

I basically agree with the OP, I've met some very sound Canadians but most are effectively 'lame'/tame Burgers.

As a general rule OG Canadians (British/French/Irish) tend to be better than the slavic/other Canadians from what I've noticed, I legitimately met a few Canadians who were literally "lol fuck ya murika #1 baby, can't believe you still have a queen lol" so yea, leafs = retards until proven otherwise

Ok Jackie Chan, your leafposting is getting out of hand.

American movies and TV is made in Canada. Loving my mooseknuckles parka too. The players in the NHL are mainly Canadian. I'm forced to listen to Canadian content on the radio even then its mainly CBC classical

>watches NFL
No, only everything west of Quebec does that.

>Watches NBA
No, only everything west of Quebec does that.

>Watches MLB
No, only everything west of Quebec does that.

>Watches NHL
No, only everything west of Quebec does that.

>Eats American Food
No, only everything west of Quebec does that.

>Listens to American music
No, only everything west of Quebec does that.

>Watches American movies
Every country does this, America dominates the movie industry

>Watche American TV shows
No, only everything west of Quebec does that.

>Wears American clothing
T-shirts are universal at this point

Stop lumping Quebec, the Maritimes, and Newfoundland (places with their own culture) with your uber cucked western provinces. Torontonians think the entire fucking country revolves around them.

We have the Honda Indy on the fucking Gardiner Expressway in Toronto

It's not huge like in the states but NASCAR has a decent following here. I used to watch a lot with my dad back in the day.

Read it and weep you canadian faggots

Join or die. Pretty simple

You can fill out your 3 month form to buy a rifle and I'll just join the USA and put a fucking bullet in your big canadian mouth and end your miserable fucking retard life.

canadians are snow mexicans


Because as soon as we are born they brainwash us into socialist SJW bullshit every fucking day senpai.

The future of America

Not featured: canada and canadians.

Join or die.

Commit suicide or wait for your gun permit then have your fucking head blown off by an American
>yur dun bud

LOL canada is DONE



Stand up for canaduh and make an easier target for us.

Join or Die faggots.

canada is dun bud
yur dun bud


Or icebacks