Romanian Legislative Elections Thread

On the 11th of December Romania is hosting it's Legislative Elections:

The system: Romania is a Semi Presidential Republic with a Bi-Cameral Parliment.
For a party to get in it requires 5% of the vote and for a coalition 8-10%

The parties:

PSD(Socialists, though less Europhile and less cucky, they do have some politicians that are nationalists) 40% projected
PNL(Liberal EU puppets that should be hanged for treason, went so far to add the EU starts to their party symbol) 25-30% projected
ALDE(Libertarian and Conservative parties made a coalition and will coalition with PSD, they are nothing more than a party people make a coalition with to win) 5-8% projected
UDMR(Hungarian party that will coalition with PNL) 5% projected
PMP(Populist party led by a corrupt Politican that though has come out against the media and Soros) 5-7% projected
PRU(Nationalist Party) 4-5% projected
USR(Bernie Sanders Socialists with ties to Soros) 5-8% projected

The situation in Romania:

Following a colored revolution was the installment of an EU educated (((technocrat))) government. Which coincidently has a lot of PNL politicians, and considering our president is part of the PNL, they have it easy with ruling, so far.

But just because they hold the power it doesn't mean they know how to use it, the economy has stagnated and they have created a prison crisis and a health care crisis. Which they blame it all on the former government though everything was fine before them and they have the power to change everything.

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intrati aici dacii mei


>inb4 a frog joins

Pourquoi as-tu uriné sur le drapeau français user ?

feels good to be the heirs of Atlantis

Legatus Bump

De ce Paris e negru?


>PSD wins again
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Romania is so fucking cucked we will never have a major right wing party that's not infiltrated by SRS or some controlled oposition politicians.
Just nuke us already.

PSD seems decent

intrati pe discord

30 de ani de politicieni trădător, prietene. Ceea ce privește legionarii căzuți.

bozgors out
PSD will suck erdogan's dick for some free shit
under their government a grand mosque was due for construction in Bucharest

Only because they are not full on Pozz Socialists.

And if not for the literal commies and them wanting to milk church votes I think they would be just as bad.


>they are not full on Pozz Socialists
they wanted to criminalize critiquing feminist rhetoric
beyond the rotten carcass of corruption, it is pure pozz

>everyone who isn't a PSD or other parties shill is a bozgor.
Tell me, how are gonna we get uncucked again?

OP is tl;dr

just vote for the candidaet who will send the gypsies back to india.

Romania is a country full of stupid people,I travel a lot because of my work (inside the country,from city to city) In every city I was in,I saw:
-Old people who know what's wrong but don't know why and how to solve it,also they can't argument why they take a specific decission
-Adults who are money hungry and brainwashed to think Germany and France are their goals and they should be like them or be their puppets
-Teens who are educated by gypsies,girls hanging around with gypsies listening to gypsie music,using gypsie curse words and basically being gypsies.
We are a nation full of idiots,morons and inferior people,we can't change shit,I love you all tho.

Eh at least Ponta wanted no rapefugees, it's the only thing I would give them a bone on.

Though there still is a chance Ponta doesn't come back to PSD because purges are incoming.

>tfw no right wing rally you can join in this country
feelsbadman I could pick up legionar chicks but now I am stuck with progressive cunts and feminists.

>we can't change shit

Don't be defetist.

Vlad's brother was a faggot chuggign turk cock. But that didn't stop Vlad from turning kebab into kebab.

more parties in the parliament -> instability -> democracy fails -> CAPITANUL

should all gypsies be sold for slave labour to Russia?

PRAISE KEK FOR THE PRU(Nationalist Party) to win, these meme nationalists dislike the EU and probably they will trigger some kind of ROMEXIT.

they also hate gypsies but don't expect your first world cucked EU countries will get rid of them so easely like neither we (the white, clean and educated romanians) do.
anyway the gypsies should be your last worry, they are much less by numbers than the muslim hordes that still migrate to your countries thanks to merkel and hollande.

Vlad's brother,not 99% of the people.Thanks to my father I speak Russian as good as I speak Romanian and I can move to Russia anytime I want so I won't have to watch the death of Romanian culture.The bad part is that I love my country very much and it's so painful to watch our youth becoming what we hate the most...gypsies...

no such party
the only far right party is a CIA honeypot
a party that kinda wants to do it is PRU but we have to put some effort for them to get at least 5%

So we want PRU to win, right?

Germoney is currently in need for some brown people to replace them.

just to get 5%
don't really trust Diaconu to pull through his promises


UMDR???? It's called RMDSZ you fucking gypsy!

S Z É K E L Y F Ö L D . N E M . R O M Á N I A

Get your fucking gypsy beggars out of our streets. Fucking scum.

cry more bozgor


There is no way they can get enough to win, but we can meme them to get in the parliment


Make us cuck.

Looks like HIDF is out in full force today.

their are our scouts preparing for the great Romanian Invasion. Austria and the entire Europe will be Romanian clay.

Alright, since there are a lot of Romanians in this thread, I wanted to tell you a story and get your opinions about it.

Pic VERY related.

I'm French, currently living and working in Timisoara. Basically escaped the feministic shitskin hellhole that France has become.

Living the good life, have only seen one black guy at a bar, could count the veiled muslims on one hand. I perfectly understand Romanian, but still have progress to make speaking and writing it.

But one fucking morning, shit happened, like visions of a nightmarish past.

>get to my job
>take the bus
>I'm quite claustrophobic and there are plenty seats left, so I sit at the back of the bus in an empty row, opposite side of the window
>other people sit down, three girls in front of me on four face-to-face seats
>diagonally from me, an old, clean-looking man, certainly Germanic, sitting next to the window, with an empty seat right next to him

>then suddenly this woman in her 30s gets on board
>red dyed hair
>problem glasses
>bitch face
>holding a bunch of paper sheets, looking like a stereotypical feminist leftist French teacher

(cont. 1/2)

>she comes to me
>wants to sit right next to me, making me move to get past me and sit on the window-side seat I'm blocking access to (remember, claustrophobia)
>I gently make a gesture since I can't speka Romanian well, showing her the free seat next to the other girls, and the one right beside the old man that she could have hopped in right as she entered the bus

>her fucking face
>she stands up in silence right next to me for the next 10 minutes, not sitting down elsewhere
>as soon as the girls in front of me leave, she sits on the sit right in front of me
>weird, I think

>then I see it
>she takes out her phone
>selfie mode, like she was checking her make up
>puts it over her shoulder

>I see it, autistically slip down my seat to hide
>she moves the phone to catch me
>slip even more
>she end up leaving at the next stop
>I don't know if she snapped a picture or not, or what she intended to do

What the hell. Is this a common occurence? Have you succumbed to the feminist shit as well?



Vesszen Trianon!

Muie PSD.

PMP. Basescu is okay, as corrupt as you think he is.

Why not stand up and ask her why is she trying to take a picture of you ya fucking cuck?Use your superior body and beat her.

toate eu
sincer sa fiu (ssf) nu cred ca exista asa femei pe-aici; daca exista atunci ele-s mai putin relevante ca separatistii moldoveni de genul Radu


You live in pozz central m8, enjoy

I know I should have asked her, but I was speechless.

>Use your superior body and beat her.
I'm a woman as well, even though this is not important. I also don't want to make enemies.

Romania's only achievement ist "it does not fuckin slip"-guy on Sup Forums

Come on good goys, join us on discord and we shal start a meme war for Romania.

That's really weird dude.
Are you good looking ?
Or perhaps she thought you're a celebrity or somethin'.
She felt probably awkward because you did not let her sit next to you, but romanian girls don't go apeshit like this over little things.
Crazy bitch.

tits or GTFO

I really hope she was the odd one out of a million.

Really? Care to elaborate?

I expected the memes. Sorry, but no tits. They'll be for my future husband.

The weird thing I didn't mention to avoid the memes is that I'm a young woman as well. Why next to me? Why not the other girls? Why not the gentleman grandpa?

Timisoara is not only our most western city and a university city.

It is trying to become the most progessive city in Romania.

They want to be the model European city for youths. To give you a example.

PRU's a bunch of thieves, not a real party.
I hope pic related will be in jail soon.

She probably tried to send one of her friends a pic of you and say
>Uh this bitch is annoying asf she didn't let me stay near her what a bitch
Don't worry,Romanian women who use public transport are too stupid to do shit.

nu fi degenerat familie

Them repeating digets twice and trice m8, kek is blessing your tits and vajayjayj

No. They are puppets of the most corrupt Romanian party - PSD.
PRU's goal is to get votes from brainwashed people that believe wewuz memes and form a coalition with PSD (socialist party).
The only decent choice seems USR because it is against the establishment.
Romanian anons that are saying USR has ties with Soros are just edgy teens because nationalism is now considered cool.

Good thing I'm saving up to build a farm in Banat then. Hope the countryside will stay uncucked.
Yeah, I noticed the leftist-looking all-inlusive graffitis, but there are also white supremacist nordic runes around so I thought it was OK. Shit, man.

I hope this was the most she could do. I talked about this shit to my boss as soon as I got to work, and she told me there were very few chances any SJW could cost me my job like in the western world, but still, wanted to make sure.

>> Why next to me? Why not the other girls? Why not the gentleman grandpa?
Romanians are not like the french. They don't like to sit next to each other in the bus or tram or metro. I lived in Paris 3 years, you French love crowded public transportation, and you have a shorter interpersonal distance.
She probably did not like those girls - probably she overheard them , and probably did not like the old guy either. And you probably acted strange when you showed here the other seat. Probably she felt insulted.

Wew lad, didn't even notice. Thank KEK and you all for answering me as well.

Let's make Europe great again, one family at a time.

That would be the most sane explanation. But still, what a crazy bitch. Thank you.

anyone have the Sup Forums version of this when we send Sup Forums over to tumbler?

Eat shit gypsy!

I would recomend Alba Iulia for less Pozz. But the country side is nice.

salut Gyorgy
cum te simti in teritoriul roman? :^)

This does not look good at all.

Our youth has been infected with Negro and Gypsy culture too.
It is a global trend, sadly.

Do you mean PRU? Why do you think it is a CIA honeypot?

nu uitati sa intrati aici

sugi pula la cai morti

niciodata PSD nu votez comunisti convinsi, mai bine votez Noua Dreapta

>Alba Iulia
Looks gorgeous. I will definitely visit. What is your opinion about Sinaia/Busteni ? I come from the French Alps, so I plan to spend a little time in the mountains as well. Also, I'm basically in love with the Peles Caste.

Yes, I don't plan staying in the city for too long, my goal is to have a nice simple life in the countryside where SJWs wouldn't even dare step in.

KEK, Please show mercy for us.

*Peles castle damnit

asta trebuia sa pateasca si ceausecu ca si comunistul asta japonez, futuva-n inima de comunisti, luati muie tradatori de neam si tara sa ii sugeti tot kilometrul de pula a lui Codreanu

They're more market liberal than fucking PNL. Unfortunately they're also full of corrupt fucks.

Literally controlled opposition.

Gonna vote ALDE desu, I know they'll end up allying with PSD, but I can't bring myself to vote with anyone else, especially PSD and PNL.

Avec plaisir.

>Gonna vote ALDE
>gonna vote PSD v2
gas yourself

vote PRU/PMP to get them over 5%

Both PSD and usr are no goes

if psd has anything good is their organization which kind of keeps them close to power

As I said, PRU is controlled opposition, it's PSD's toy. And
I won't vote in my life for anything Basescu touches. I still haven't forgotten 2012.

This is not worth KEK's time.

Fuck off.

P.S. USoRos is going to ally with PNL.

No, don't worry. Feminists do not exist here since this country is so religious.
She probably thought you were cute or some shit or you made some retarded move and now you'll be the laugh stock of Timisoara.

Post a pic of you.

Why not vote someone who is not from establishment? Like USR

Because USR is not from the ROMANIAN establishment. But their mouths are all wrapped around Soros's dick.

> Feminists do not exist

Yes, they do. But they are not like those from western countries. More like traditional feminists.

>Like USR
mars pe reddit mortii ma-tii

deal with it rumanians

you will never be 'straya tier level

don't embarrass yourself , don't be loo or a leaf

Nu te vrem sa votezii PSD. Vrem sa votezii PMP sau PRU pentru caterinca.

I only heard Dragnea puppets say that. You got any proof?

traditional feminists fought for the right to work
these feminists fight for more sand niggers and (((Equal pay)))
they can fuck right off
and you too


>traditional feminists

No such thing in Romania. King Cuck the 2nd gave women the right to vote, something they didn't ask for.

On an unrelated note, I've seen with my own eyes Remus Cernea having a chat with USR activists in front of the University.

Atunci voteaza PMP.

I don't know a thing about Romanian politics but it sounds like you're completely fucked. Good luck.


We blew our load early in terms of nationalism, and peaked in 2000. Doesn't help that the frontliner was nuts.

eu votez Noua Dreapta sa fie cot la cot cu USR impotriva securistilor ceausisti

Da eu cu cine votez?
Ce dilema de cacat.