Bernie Is Making A Come Back! watch out Drumpt, one wrong move and you are outta here!
Bernie Is Making A Come Back! watch out Drumpt, one wrong move and you are outta here!
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I like how Bernie is playing the long game here, but he's probably not going to make it to 2020. The Jew is old.
Because the only place where Bernie is a threat is in his dreams.
>his worst nightmare
Trump doesn't sleep, he's too busy MAGA.
So he gets back stabbed again and the next token candidate wins ?
Why is he even still there ?
Yeah he sure showed the will to fight when he groveled before Clinton and shined her goldman-sachs funded shoes.
Both Sanders and Warren actually agree with a lot of Trump's agenda. I wouldn't be surprised if they collaborate on a lot of stuff.
Lol, the union isn't gonna make it to 2020.
> lose presidency
> couldn't flip senate
> didn't get congress either
Sanders should stfu.
dumb communist jew trying to act hard
sit the fuck down
Funny how the left are the reason for all of these protests. They're are the biggest demagogues ever.
>Obama: Trump would tolerate Klan
What did he expect to happen?
People need to stop freaking out and while they're at it they should probably get their estrogen levels checked because these are levels of faggotry that shouldn't even be possible
He can't even get out of the bed without someone aiding him.
Be afraid Drumpftards.
Oh fuck this miserable little boot licking communist faggot goblin and all his fat retarded faggot supporters who got played and duped
Who cares what this Shillary plant thinks?
He showed his true colors already.
What will he do? He lost everything.The defenition of weakness.
When the fuck did Trump turn any anger or hatred against blacks?
>le honeymoon in the USSR man
Crazy Bernie at it again! Low energy, very sad!
Dublins and he will die soon like the marxist filth he is, scum.
I've been wondering this myself.
All blacks at my uni are crying how Trump is so racist and black people will be enslaved again in the US.
>Don't call Muslims violent or they'll bomb you.
That stupid kike won't be able to find his car keys by then
>says he's against the establishment
>was with them all along to cause wars
I hate using Jewish stereotypes but Bernie dug his grave here. What a fucking cunt. Also
The same people that voted trump in a majority so he can kill extremist Muslims and/or deport them. No Bernie, fuck you
That's President-elect Trump to you faggot Sanders.
>shilled for hilary
yeah fuck off old cunt. You had your chance, but was scared to continue on and fight for it. It wasn't his destiny to be the president.
Trump, Trump continue on fighting when all was against him. He took the pain and hurt from us and turned it into something amazing. While the liberals continue to cry and bitch, if they were serious they would do something about it. They don't. This is why they lost. Trump is the hero we need, but don't deserve.
Also she did nothing wrong.
Bernie Sanders wears depends, and only SJW freaks support that man
As if anger is a fungible resource or something.
>implying sandnigs, spicks, nigs and dishwashers are a threat to the Lord God Trump
>implying this ((((man)))) has any social or political sway
savage and underrated
I see bernie is thoroughly buttblasted. He's old, his time is ticking. He thought he could start some sort of pseudo-socialist revolution, and here were are with a conservative dominated house, senate and presidency.
funny how he is pandering to minorities, while meanwhile he's living it up in his homogeneous white state.
Why doesn't he shut the fuck up and say something positive instead of threatening the president?
I regret ever donating $5 to Bernie's campaign. Biggest regret of my life.
Clever skype hatemongering tactic.
I wish Trump was actually like how these people describe him. Fuck them.
So, he is fighting Wall Street again?
More women voted fro Trump than Hillary, fuck off you old commie faggot.
He's right.
>people still think Bernie is totally legit and not just some career politician.
they are retarded
id like to provide an explanation but there is none
What do yall think of my new OC? Is this effective at all?
>Here is how Bernie can still win the election
That's what I don't understand either. Bernie acts like he is legit and anti-establishment but he is just a pandering career-politician like all of the others.
Jesus christ, shut up already.
>be bernie
>go to your rally
>niggers hijack your mic and rally and speak about some bullshit BLM
>trump wins
>wait for revolt to lead people on streets
>niggers hijacks your megafone and speak about BLM
There are millions of Holocaust survivors that were gassed ten times and still lived to be 110.
could this guy be any more cucked?