This whole ride has been a blast.
We literally memed a white nationalist into the whitehouse.
I feel like I should be celebrating and going crazy with joy.
So why do I feel so ambivalent???
Anyone else feeling this way?
This whole ride has been a blast.
We literally memed a white nationalist into the whitehouse.
I feel like I should be celebrating and going crazy with joy.
So why do I feel so ambivalent???
Anyone else feeling this way?
Theres lots of chaos in your future, if only because of the furious left and their weaponized 'tolerence'
Breitbart is expanding to the EU, our movement will expand to the EU as well.
>a white nationalist
Trump is here for all Americans buddy
And no, I feel great.
>I feel like I should be celebrating and going crazy with joy.
Me too, i am living again, we are on the good timeline !
I am still fucking unemployed, and living off fucking fincial aid checks from uni, life is shit, i need a fucking job so i can get a house and move on with my life.
California is a fucking trap, if you ever get the chance run and never look back
>photo of a pornstars butt
Yeah that thing is worn out. Please don't post things that have been used.
>Mfw that pic
No, I don't care. He's gonna build us stuff and MAGA. Maybe get us factory jobs and we can be China now.
>We literally memed a white nationalist into the whitehouse.
Trump stands for all Americans, HuffPo. And I'm pretty stoked personally.
>We literally memed a white nationalist into the whitehouse.
I'm not sure where you're from, maybe stormfront, but fuck off with your loaded, inaccurate premise. Trump is for America.
>a white nationalist
How so?
Just join the border patrol. Patriot Ordinance factory will be giving out free rifles to Trump wall guards.
I feel like I haven't woken up yet
It's the dawn of the new age, and there is still plenty to do. Just because we won, doesn't mean we get to vacation. We must move with vigorous energy.
I don't know, maybe deep down inside I never really believed that Trump would win.
Maybe it hasn't sunk in yet.
I'm also afraid that the media will pull some shit and liberals and niggers will start using violence against innocent people now.
We fought for this shit. Our guy is in despite the odds, so why am I feeling a sense of dread?
Trump is a "white, nationalist"
Not a "white nationalist"
We just won the battle. The war is yet to come and we have to keep fighting
oh yes please
>mr potato head
Piiiizzaaaa plz
Because you know deep down it's all a sham. You know deep down Trump will cave to the establishment elite and cater to their every whim.
You can't stop a global power with one man. Not even Hitler could do it, and he was 10x more charismatic and focused compared to Trump.
For many, it will take a while to sink in.
Secondly, there is an inherent conditioning put through the media in ALL forms, which is grinding away in your mind. Work to stamp it out by rejecting every single possible Left ideological point you are even slightly in agreement with. You MUST cleanse the disease from your system before you can truly function again.
I'm disappointed that the most the left can ire up is a bunch of jumping up and down with posterboards and blocking traffic in their own blue ass towns.
>this is what the retards in rust belt states actually believe
yay! a future of working corrugated sheet metal factories in semi-rural, uneducated, domestic, xenophobic bliss!
we're gonna make america the 1940's again!
oh wait, those jobs don't exist because globalism and the global economy is a thing.
anyone that thinks protectionism and not innovation is the future is delusional. you can't force the rest of the world to buy our overpriced steel, aluminum, coal, etc.
The world's economy is about to go to shit, Russia gets to do whatever it wants, EU is forming it's own army, WW3 is on the Horizon because you wanted a candidate who 'wasn't afraid to speak his mind'. BTW he didn't win because of your hilarious memes, he won because he tricked the lower class into thinking he gives a fuck and can do anything about their low skill jobs.
California fag here
It's pathetic how miserable people are and how stupid they are. They're acting like their lives are over.
And yet the world is still here
Lol ok maybe I should have said Nationalist but he employed Steve Bannon as his campaign director.
I didn't mean WN as an insult.
Nigga you are fucking retarded.
Shit hasn't even started yet, kiddo.
because you just voted for a fascist because of memes. your life is a joke
Guys, enjoy that feeling.
For 2 years almost, we have been fighting for Trump. All sorts of opposition was in our way:
First, it was Jeb.
Then Rubio, with the hands comment.
Then mainstream media tagged in and tried to shill for Cruz.
Then the RNC, and #NeverTrumpers.
Then the media came back for round two.
Then it was Hillary herself.
Then it was CTR.
Then it was Obama, rallying for Hillary and roasting Trump.
Then the media came back, Media 3: electric boogaloo.
And we won. All of them.
There will be new opposition soon enough.
Kek has granted us this period of rest...use it wisely.
You have been warned.
Because Trump isn't president yet. Once January rolls around, everyone will get more excited for better or worse.
Sadly, Trump isn't a white nationalist.
But he is a civic nationalist.
Good enough.
Remember to not forgive or show mercy to libs, they need to be crushed.
That's you realizing that you just destroyed this country. The American Empire has begun to fall.
Fuck I hope this isn't true...
Will trump fix our gun laws?
Will Steve Banon have a plan to do something about mass immigration from 3rd world countries as a weapon against us?
fucking hell this election season left me scarred
>a fascist
I wish
First off you're a fucking moron. Second there are plenty of uneducated rural folks who want to work those jobs as long as it means a livable wage for their family.
Why should we be paying less for shittier products and growing Chinas economy at the same time?
We bring those jobs back to the US, we lower business taxes to cover the higher cost of labor, and thanks to not cutting corners in the US, we have higher quality products made at home.
Have some faith in your own country you fucking loser.
Okay buddy. Meet me in the streets and show me how much a ruthless savage you are. I'm trembling.
>>yay! a future of working corrugated sheet metal factories in semi-rural, uneducated, domestic, xenophobic bliss!
Your butthurt and open contempt for everyone who isn't capable or skilled enough to make money selling houses and gambling with other people's pensions is duly noted and irrelevant. The blue-collar types voted to punish faggots like you and of all the reasons to vote for Trump theirs were the most honest and legitimate.
>>anyone that thinks protectionism and not innovation is the future is delusional. you can't force the rest of the world to buy our overpriced steel, aluminum, coal, etc.
We don't need them to buy it, we can use those things to supply domestic industry in this country.
In conclusion, fuck you and fuck globalism too.
>So why do I feel so ambivalent???
Because the election of Trump was not a solution to our problems, but a prevention of the problems that Clinton would bring.
The truth is that government cannot solve the deep problems of society, it can only make them worse (or not, if a good leader is in charge). The change must come from the culture. The people are the only ones who can save the people. Government cannot.
The election of Trump was a necessity. But we still have most of our work ahead of us.
i felt immediately relieved when Trump won. I literally stood up out of my couch and sighed.
You memed a Shabbos goy into the White House
Part of me is super excited, but I'm also concerned for my safety. The 'tolerant progressives' vandalized the Virginia Republican HQ last night. It's less than two miles from my house. I wouldn't be concerned considering my roommates and I have plenty of guns, but I'm just worried they'll vandalize my car since I put a Trump/Pence bumper sticker on it.
tl;dr I'm excited he won, but worried about possible damage to my property from these angry crybabies.
I dont understand why dont we go deeper into the fucking spirit cooking. This place seems not to care that Clinton is praising Satan while raping children and eating humans. I thought we fought only against kikes but it looks like Satan wants us dead too. Now the Illuminati shit is making sense with fucking lady gaga in the club.
Your wife is gonna be sucking putin's dick while you work a double shift at the dirt factory
No, globalism is dying. How have you not realized this?
Great post , replying to spread
This is why I left.
Im sick of these "Victory doesn't taste so sweet" bullshit posts.
I'm still cuming even today. Every time I hear the news say "President Elect Trump" I cum again. Fuck of with your bullshit OP.
We did the impossible. We memed a fucking President. We maybe saved western civilization.
Because the fight isn't over. This is just a new campaign of the meme war. we need Gowdy as Ag to make America great again, and actually drain the swamp.
We need to rev up our twitter cannons and meme Trey Gowdy into the attorney general position.
This will guarantee not only that the god emperor is well advised on legal matters, but more importantly it will guarantee that he follows through on draining the swamp.
There is not a single American better suited to be chief prosecutor of the united states during an anti corruption campaign than Trey Gowdy
Get the word out that our choice for AG is @TGowdySC
I'm mostly worried for Trump's safety and praying he doesn't cuck. He doesn't seem the type though.
I just wish we didn't have to wait till next year for all the fun.
> Implying I'm a factory worker.
> T-Trust me guys Winter is Coming.
Perhaps if you weren't shitposting completely unfounded bullshit you might've made one of those protests last night watchable. Get back to your fucking reddit safespace cuck.
What song did you listen to when you knew we did it? This for me.
Who else got the best night sleep after the election?
We still have The Netherlands, Austria, France, Germany, maybe even Sweden left to save. Lots of work to do.
Because it's just stupid edgy bulllshit
Creepy, and obviously embarasing and just plain retarded but I don't think pedestal is trying to call forth Desmond he is just an edgy libtard who likes bad art for shock value
>white nationalist
How so?
Don't give me "the media said he is litterally Hitler, therefore he is" bullshit. Provide evidence.
I am a white nationalist and I love trump but I don't believe you.
Had better sleep last night those 'protests' streams were like ambien.
Because we haven't won until the swamp has been drained.
We need Rowdy Gowdy for AG
We've done our duty. Now we reap the rewards
>So why do I feel so ambivalent???
I was a restaurant yesterday and a table of pro-trump guys were looking kinda depressed. Maybe the food just wasn't good.
Not really having regrets but the reactions from my own family and friends have just made me fucking sad.
The fucking misinformation and lies and liberal propaganda going around is fucking stupid and it hurts seeing the people I once had great experiences with fall for such fucking bullshit. Even my illegal/legal Mexican/Cuban coworkers are more educated about this election than 95% of my Facebook feed and they barely fucking speak English
Because beneath all your meming you know that he's a con artist who doesn't actually give a fuck about what liberals OR YOU want and is going to literally loot the country to make himself a real billionaire instead of a fake one, while everything else stays exactly the same.
Lol I'm sorry to be a downer.
I really wanna jump up and do cartwheels but for some reason I feel kinda neutral. I fucking hate Clinton but I kinda feel bad for her.
Maybe when he takes office I will be more excited.
Let's hope he makes gun laws less restrictive with the NFA.
Because it's only the beginning user
Trump is not a fucking white nationalist. Go to sleep stormkike you are dreaming.
Because the left gave up almost immediately.
Nothing can match the intensity prior to election day. Like the build up to chritmas and feeling bummed after the presents are all open. But then we realize we have new stuff to play with. These are exciting times. Things are going to get real interesting
>ywn watch Netflix with her
Why even live?
Fucking shit I live in a fucking shithole and hate my fucking life just kill me already
It sunk in today. I am elated... e l a t e d
I'm blinded by joy
Imagine how Sisyphus must feel when he gets the boulder to the top of the hill.
For a lot of us this is our first hill. We never thought the struggle would end,
we didn't think we would see this view from the top.
And we know we're going to have to let the boulder roll down the other side so we can keep going.
We're anxious
because we didn't think we would win.
We've been hooked, we've been crook'd, lied to so many times that we're suspicious.
And when the right thing comes along, we don't believe it.
When it's knocking at your front door, you're out the back door looking for four leaf clovers.
And when you find it you think somebody planted it there to fool you.
Most of us have never won anything like this.
We had all resigned ourselves to losing. We jumped in this handbasket to hell together. We were the only ones that could see where we were headed.
Now we get our first big win and we're stunned.
"This wasn't the way things were supposed to go" we say.
"We (whites/conservatives/Nationalists) weren't supposed to wake up in time.
"We were supposed to wake up after it was too late!"
Well now we're awake. Now we have a chance. So the only question you have to ask is: what are we going to do with it?
Hulk hogan theme tune then shadilay on repeat for hours
Bannon did not do anything the entire campaign. Nobody even heard from him.
I want all races to prosper (except religious jews because the fuck over everyone) and I am a white nationalist.
TBQH I would like to see the black nuclear family come back and for the gangster crab bucket culture to disappear.
> I feel bad for the most outwardly exposed and corrupted politician in recent memory.
Good lord.
That had to be the best night on Sup Forums ever
That night we came together like never before. To channel energy in full force.
same as when i celebrated brexit
based on your meme vocab your only job prospect in the next four years is going to be the salt mines, honestly if you kys now you might not have to see just how badly you fucked up
That occult nonsense was just to suppress Dem turnout. Wait, you actually believed that bullshit? Go see a doctor.
Cause you and the rest of the memers didnt do shit, you were just pawns in the grand scheme of things and got used like a cheap whore with the only reward being the accelerated decay of modern society. Im sure all the animalistic savage white people are happy theyll be back to living in huts and shitting in the woods like muh based german ancestors
Now it's the time to show the anti-trumpers that when they go low we go high.
> No seriously guys Winter is Coming I tell you.
Everyone has been feeling this sense of dread now, now the doubt about Trump is beginning to settle in, slowly. Sup Forums has always been a board of autists and happeningfags, now that Trump is elected we are attempting to find a way to continue our daily life of autism and faggotry.
We just lack a purpose...for now. These last months have been one hell of a ride, and you're just feeling the absence of the thrill.
>white nationalist
If only he were a white nationalist that would be something really worth celebrating.
>I meme'd for over a year to get Trump elected and now feel ambivalent
Lies, you're either a hillshill or a newfag.
And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer.
>So why do I feel so ambivalent???
>Anyone else feeling this way?
Trump himself said we'd win so much we'd be tired of winning. He was right.
Sup Forums needs to help us electing Marine Le Pen now, and it will be perfect.
>They say the number one killer of old people is retirement. People got 'em a job to do, they tend to live a little longer so they can do it. I've always figured warriors and their enemies share the same relationship. So, now you ain't gonna hafta face your enemy on the battlefield no more, which "R" are you filled with: Relief or Regret?
>We literally memed
Nice implying.
>(((Refugees))) rape women across Sweden.
>I-It's okay because they're just having a hard time with the emotions not to rape people
Holy mother of fuck is Sweden really this cucked?!
the fight produced a bigger high than the victory.
But we have Kek now user
Do you even have debates in France?
>white nationalist
White isn't a nation.
I thought you nerd virgins weren't working anymore?
America voted for Trump you sitting on your ass posting stupid fucking frog pictures had nothing to do with it.
He's also not a fucking white nationalist.
We're in a weird spot where Trump isn't campaigning and he doesn't have power yet. What the hell are we supposed to do until January?
Grab your Maga Hats and your Guns folks! Time to get away with some "self-defense"
The worldwide anti-globalism wave is just getting started -- 5 months until the French elections: