What are the chances Shillary runs again in 2020, or ever again for that matter?

What are the chances Shillary runs again in 2020, or ever again for that matter?

next to none, obama's tranny has a greater chance of running

can someone even recover from this

Primary Between Michelle Obongo and Chelsea Clinton.

Say it with me, Madame President.

shes done she even implied in her speech she wont be running again

You can't run for president if you're in jail.

she's done for

Hitler also lost. Shell try again and establish a dictatorship In the US

She isn't going to make it to 2020. As soon as Trump announces he's reopening the investigation into her e-mails she is going to have a heart attack and die.

>cockblocked from nomination in 2008 by Obama
>had to play nice as Sec of State in 2012
>buys Democratic nomination to 'beat' Bernie in 2016
>loses presidency to a businessman with no political experience

Sonner or later she'll realize people just don't like her.

She's fucking finished

You can't come back from this

As an actual tranny, how do I become the first tranny president? What do I need to do in the next 30+ years to make that happen? Aside from not killing myself of course

Trump's the oldest president we've ever elected, at 70.

Clinton's only a year younger than him. It was now or never for her.


She has no shot. any dem that would run against only has to say "You lost to Trump, Trump of all people. And that was when the system was rigged in your favor"

in the eyes of dems, Clinton losing to Trump would be like a star NFL linebacker that weighs 280 lbs getting his ass kicked by a paralyzed midget in the special olympics.

Is she the Henry Clay of this generation?

>74 years old in 2020
>BTFO by "literally Hitler" to the extent that multiple safe Dem states flipped

Yeah she's done.

None. Shes been rejected twice now and there's probably gonna be a leftist uprising in the democrat party to throw out the establishment types or any centrists that might still be left to make room for more socialists like Bernie or Pocahontas.

Point made.

She's going to have a hard time running for president from a federal prison medical facility.

hopefully never

She's done, this is the closest she's ever gotten to the presidency and she blew it.

I'd be embarrassed just to show my face in public.

She's gonna retire to her mansion and get high off painkillers for the rest of her life

I hope you're right. That would be the best thing to ever happen to the democratic party and American politics in general. To have two parties that are ACTUALLY different from one another.

>Primary Between Michelle Obongo and Chelsea Clinton.

OMG, fuck no. I don't know how it is in Switzerland, but for some reason people here REALLY like political dynasties. Hillary and Jeb! were never options for me.

I'm pretty sure she'll die within 4 years. She's I'll.

No more Hawaiians, bruh.

Trump wins in another landslide. House and Senate even more Republican. 7 man majority on SCOTUS.


>Sonner or later she'll realize people just don't like her.

No she won't. Her inner circle knows that nobody likes her, as evidenced by the WikiLeaks emails. They sugar coat the fuck out of what makes it to her ears. They're probably telling her that we're still counting votes...

None after she rigged barnie nomination.

if she does not go straight to jail (unfortunately, quite likely) She will disappear from the world of politics. Much like the old Bushes.

Almost zero. Even if she does, there's no chance the DNC will swing it for her. The old bitch should be in a retirement home doing Sudoku in the morning and pilates in the evening.

Absolutely zero chance. She's an utterly poisoned candidate at this point. If Trump pursues prosecution all of her support will evaporate and hide themselves from any implications. And I'm confident Trump and his team know this.

If Gowdy gets the AG position I think that's our sign that Trump is serious about sending her to prison.

She has some cult issues that will drag her down.

What are the chances Shillary is in prison in 2020?

This. This isn't like 2012 where Romney lost a clean and honorable race to a strong incumbent. Not only did she get wrecked by Trump of all people , but she had her reputation ruined by a mountain of scandals. Additionally, Bill had his reputation severely tarnished as well. Given that Chelsea has the charisma of a burlap sack, I think it's safe to say that the Clinton dynasty is officially dead.

Obama has 2 more months to pardon her


DNC will not support her. With her as a candidate they lost the presidency to Trump, lost the Senate, and lost the house of representatives. I wouldn't be surprised if she becomes a total pariah within democrat circles.

Good idea, we ought to start early, my digits confirm this

beocme a billionaire

but by then you wont want to become pres, jsut live comfortably

>As an actual tranny, how do I become the first tranny president? What do I need to do in the next 30+ years to make that happen?
Kill yourself now, and then hopefully you are born again as a normal person.