>great productive meeting
>Obama a great man and individual
>we will ensure a smooth transition for the mr.President-elect
Suck on that, David Duke worshiping retards.
>great productive meeting
>Obama a great man and individual
>we will ensure a smooth transition for the mr.President-elect
Suck on that, David Duke worshiping retards.
Other urls found in this thread:
>HAHA Trump is going to get an easy transition to be President! Suck on that!
What's wrong? They're both professional, presidential material. Of course they have civil discourse
This is what happens when shills stop getting CTR scripts
But we hate David Duke for being controlled opposition for the dems, or at least for being retarded by constantly latching himself on to his campaign
Makes me happy. After all the mass triggering going on over racist, misogynist Trump, I'd love to see every trust fund baby's reaction to him being a sensible, cross-political centrist with classical liberal ideas that benefit them. That would make the past year of meme magic all the more spicy.
Pretty much this. This OP is terrible.
>David Duke
If it wasn't for Hillary rattling off about him he'd be a literally who.
>trump is acting presidential and trying to counter-act the divisiveness the media has been pushing the last year in a half
WOW, I can't believe this. I wish I could change my vote to Hillary now.
thanks for correcting the record
Obama is a lying piece of shit. While he says he is accepting the results and trying to make the transition as smooth as possible, he is going to be working as hard as he can to make it harder for Trump.
Trump is a honest man. I believe it when he says that wants to get along with Obongo and work with him.
That's basically what he did with Mike Pence. He takes someone who he doesn't get along perfectly and he talks to them man to man, just straight up talk with no bullshit, and people end up loving the guy.
Politics are ruined by a lack of communication. Most things can be fixed if you just open up to other people and they open up to you. You can always figure out a compromise, you can always reason with people.
Obongo could have easily just talked to Putin. You can go talk to Duerte and figure out what he is all about, but these people are not able to do that. People like Obama, Trudeu and Merkel, they're just close minded and don't want to hear it.
You're an idiot. You only think David Duke is "latching on" because you've never followed him, watched or read any his material, listened to his podcast, or done one iota of research beyond "hurr durr kkk bad".
We don't want or need your deficient analysis, and you certainly don't speak for all of "us".
I've seen plenty of his stuff. He constantly invokes Trump. Many of his arguments start by ''the media jews know that Trump and I..''
He can't stand on his own merit. Constantly comparing himself with Trump.
I don't believe for a second he isn't a CIA shill.
If he wasn't constantly invoking Trump for no reason whatsoever I would love the guy, and I already feel sorry for all the hate he is getting, all those stupid questions going ''hurr what do you think of the nazis?'' It's sick, but the guy is a shill. He is too intelligent to not know that he is purposely bringing up Trump to hurt Trump's chances at getting elected. He failed.
Did you ever think that he might invoke Trump more often than not because this election is important to him and doing so actually makes him intellectually honest?
But you'd rather cling to the wild conspiracy that everyone with a diverse opinion is literally a CIA shill, that's cool too.
If he wasn't a CIA shill he would have long been arrested. US does not have free speech. People get arrested for far less.
You can't say ''the nigger word'' in the US without being fired from your job flipping burgers, yet you can be anti-kike, deny the holocaust and run for senate after having been a KKK member? Makes no sense.
The KKK bit is the most suspicious. KKK is a honeypot. It's practically all CIA shills. Anyone who is anywhere near KKK is probably paid off.
Fuck all these posts.
Ya Donald Trump isn't what the msm has been saying he is for over a year, and now he's trying to clam all the people panicking who have been lied to.
The old stormfags know that Trump is a phony, a fraud, a joke and a kike puppet. They hate him.
LMAO you even serious with this?
Show where he's "denied the Holocaust". And no, challenging the 6 bajillion number doesn't count.
>he would have long been arrested
This isn't Europe, fuckhead
Another leaf says something retarded.
Color me surprised.
The debate he was at. The kike ''moderator'' asked him if he believes in the holocaust.
David Duke dodged the subjected and talked about how it should be legal to deny the holocaust.
I don't think that there are any legit KKK members left. They're all members of various government agencies working undercover and not realising that they're just going undercover against each other.
The 'communist' parties and organisations in the 60s were like that. More than half of the fuckers were FBI agents.
Tell that to the priest who was arrested for sitting outside of Planned Parenthood offering to talk women out of abortion.
Free speech lol
Good try, UK 2.0
But this election was never about actual politics, user..
Have you learned absolutely nothing these last months?
Even for a slav, that is very disappointing..
>Drawing false conclusions by extrapolating accurate statements taken out of context, into whimsical fantasies that fit your narrative
Just quit while you're only a little bit behind, okay?
the only people here that like duke are deranged little kids duke was trying to ride trumps coat tails to the senate he is an opportunist in a cheap wig I hope he does get a bullet there is a reason why people like Jered Taylor avoid him and he was chased out of the KKK cause they thought he was an FBI informant
>A German lecturing a Slav on political awareness
Boy, this thread is making me bust a gut.
But it's true though. I remember those guys. A lot of them went to infinitechan and other lame forums. I've talked to them about this, one of them is my friend online. They know Trump is a con man phony, and a slave to Jews.
He's a hillary plant now. Many of Trump's team probably are. I hope trump is not misunderestimating the democrats' potential for trickery... they have much dark energy with them from their sacrifices...
>This desperate for a crumb to grab after the most epic upset in the past 100 yearas
Duke is a complete faggot who needs to kill himself or just fucking die. I wouldn't mind if SJWs kileld him.
Either Duke doesn't believe in the holocaust or he is a moron.
Which is it?
every time trump moves the sound of the cameras really gets me
Duke was in prison, he probably is a holocaust revisionist, but he doesn't speak much about it and he was in KKK 40 years ago, in real KKK. so you are wrong in every way.
Say the line shill.
Are you fucking retarded? He cant just jump in and tell Obama "you're going to jail"
He isn't in power yet, but I can guarantee you that once he is, he'll return to his high energy ways of the past accompanied with a fully republican white house.
It'll be 1933 all over again.
The butthurt is real.
With all of the liberals melting down, it's hilarious to see their heroes bend at the knee once the actual winner was declared. To them, the game is over.
i dunno what these shills expected
>he didn't call obama a nigger
i think we made a mistake guys
Him being in jail only helps to support the theory that he is a shill. It's not uncommon for criminals to strike a deal with the feds.
>Equates believing in the existence of an event with the legality of disputing its existence
How about you're a moron.
>Holocaust revisionist
I think you mean "historian".
Relax kike. Jared Taylor doesn't avoid him, he doesn't want conflict with the Jews on Amren. he wasn't chased out of KKK, he left it because other KKK groups were bunch of redneck morons and he didn't want to be associated with them.
how old are you 19 ? your opinion is worthless to me you doesn't know shit about duke or his involvement in things like operation red dog
So if he wasn't a CIA shill he would have been arrested, but now that he was arrested he is still a shill? what would make him not a shill? him stopping calling out kikes so you don't get triggered by that bad goy?
Someone please tell me what is going on????
I thought we were electing Adolf Hitler, not a levelheaded American businessman. How can Trump be behaving this way. He was supposed to announce a race war once he got elected, not meet with Obama!
Blacks are calling for race war, they started it (search the tweets)
I don't think we can ever have a president who rejects Israel..I wish but it just won't happen
>operation red dog
Literally nothing wrong with it.
How about him not mentioning Trump every 10 sec, retard?
only stormfags thought he would go "FUCK YOU NIGGER GAS THE KIKES THIIS A WHITE MANS HOUSE NOW"
LMAO, you got him good there.
Trump finally has a real job and can't spend all day watching TV and tweeting. He can't pay people to do the work for him any more either. UUUUHHHH OOOOOHHHHH
Low IQ detected.
There is no contradiction. These people strike a deal with feds after getting arrested, not before, you stupid shit.
He was either a Hillary plant or he didn't care about the effect his campaign was having on Trump. Duke is too politically savvy to not see that his support of Trump was hurting Trump.
> Anyone who cites Trump is a CIA shill
By that measure, who in America is NOT a CIA shill now that he's president?
Who are you quoting?
Boys was the FBI against Hillary or for her? Because they opened the case back upI don't know
Who in any section of government was anti-hillary too
He doesn't.
Duke was the same before he got arrested.
He didn't have effect on Trump campaign at all, neither did Jared Taylor or anyone else.
Now you're just behaving like an autistic gorilla.
I'll take that as a sign of defeat.
Post from the other thread. Pretty much sums up what I'm leaning towards as well.
The upside of this?
We will know how much control the president actually has.
If Trump constantly deviates and makes obviously wrong and regressive decisions, we know full well he isn't in the driving seat.
one week ago
>Trump is literally Hitler! you guys fucking lost delusional alt-right wrong again hahaha
>but trump isn't hitler
>yes he is
>Sup Forums blown the fuck out, turns out he wasn't hitler all along
>yeah we told you
>Can't even follow thread
>Calls everyone else retards
Get out, newfag
>the haters and losers haven't left
It's over. Hillary got blown the fuck out, even after having the support of every single institution of the establishment. The dumb cunt couldn't even win Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania, all states that Democrats haven't lost in 30 years!
What did you expect? For Trump to yell OBAMA, YOU'RE FIRED and boot him down the front steps in front of the secret service?
He's being professional, he's won the election and now he's got his white hat on
why are their faces akward in all of the pictures i've seen of this meeting? did the media only release those or they were actually frowning all the time?
>They're both professional, presidential material
Its very clear they both don't like each other you idiot and Obama's already doing things to counteract some of donalds proposals
you guys are so dumb. he's being presidential. he has been coached. if he starts talking shit about obama there will be crazy riots that will turn violent. he needs the whole country on his side. he'll be fine
I can't help it is LA is full of inbred niggers
>Duke didn't hurt Trump at all
Get the hell out of here. Dude's support was one of the few solid pieces of evidence liberals pointed to in order to say "look, Trump is a racist, all the KKK people love him."
If Duke really cared about anything but his own vain political aspirations, he would have been much quiter in his support. Instead, he tried to hitch his wagon to Trump in his failed bid at the Senate.
Obama showing a bit more class than expected. Must the weight of a pathological liar dropping off his shoulders. Probably wanting to get in league with trump so they can fix that fucking travesty obamacare while still keeping the brand name to preserve his name all while putting at least some faith from the black community in trump.
I love you Trump-chan
fuck this guy.
There are plenty of good pictures. There are pictures with both smiling, there are pictures with one smiling while other frowns etc. Every kind of picture you need to push a narrative.
What I am seeing posted the most is pictures of them reaching to shake hands, but not touching.
Krumpf looked like a little bitch. Obama totally dominated him.
We backed the wrong horse lads, Trump is just another establishment shill
I knew we should've went with Jeb
>the fate of senator Tim Kaine
Yeah this.
I'm a press photographer. What we do is fire a fuckload of photos (my camera is 14fps in burst mode), then the media decides which "expression" they like. It's amazing what a tenth of a second difference really does.
Second quote was supposed to be
It's was a stupid obvious liberal lie that nobody believed. he had more positive effect, in bringing people who disliked Trump for being close with Jews to vote for Trump.
You can't know his intentions were, that's just your opinion.
Trump won, idiot. The media was going to tie David Duke to him one way or the other. Doesn't make either of them wrong.
And I never suggested the connection DIDN'T hurt Trump with normies. So fuck you for putting words in my mouth. Real (((you))) tactics there.
Literally who
He got 3% of the vote, basically the stormfront vote.
What the fuck do you expect him to say? Call obama a nigger and tell him to go fuck himself?
Trump is a businessman, he knows how to work people.
This is his first time in the White House.
No shit he was acting differently.
It was an obvious liberal lie, but Dukes repeated public support gave the lie teeth. The people who didn't like Jews were already on Trump's side after he attacked the media and bankers. That's why Duke selfishly attached himself to Trump.
See above. I quoted you because you were spouting similar bullshit as the other guy. There's no scenario where Dukes support helps Trump nationally.
Yes yes I do. Why do you think he was elected president
Wanna know how I know you're an infantile shill?
When Duke attached himself to Trump, Trump's numbers rose in polls.
Duke wasn't even close to winning the Senate in Louisiana, the most Republican state in the country. There's no way Duke helped Trump. He was just trying to win over those Trump voters.
the leftards believe that trump not being a psychopath is a victory for them because trump voters wanted a psychopath in the white house. They're desperate.
Duke supports Trump and his policies. So is he supposed to destroy his own public image and support Hillary Clinton, hoping that his "terrible" association with the KKK gets her in trouble with the press that's already in bed with her?
If you're deluded enough to think there was any scenario where the media WASN'T going to spin Trump as a racist to the general public, I really feel sorry for you, m8.
He didn't hurt him either.
They always spin the Republican as a racist because that's the only way they can hold on to the minorities.
Duke should have backed off of his public Trump support. Dukes approval gave teeth to the "racist" smear.
It gave teeth to the racist smear, which is one of the driving factors for minority voters. Duke continued his loud public support even after it was making national headlines.
Again, it didn't effect him. Duke had higher black support in poll than Trump anyway.