Was it worth it?
Thx to Brexit and Trump we are getting an EU army now
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Yes, we need an army to protect our muslim overlords.
Good luck with that, Hans. They need unanimity for that.
>Thx to Brexit and Trump
Europe, be real with yourself here.
an army of liberals?
Well good luck with that
The EU is dead in the water, tribalism has returned and now is which country by itself.
Yes. As a supposed union that has some sort of common defence agreements but no overarching organization worth speaking of or common standards/planning the EU remained even more of a paper tiger than NATO.
Literally only the US/Poland and some portions of the French/British military is worth speaking of in a general engagement involving NATO, I cannot imagine how bad it would be for the EU without us. The wargames that we conduct were embarrassing, especially for you and your awful vehicle/aircraft fleet readiness numbers, Germany.
If the EU wants to be a viable superstate it better have a viable means for common defence.
>16% of your Tornado ECRs flight worthy from memory
Good, see how your epic social programs hold up under immigration and having a military build up
EU army is just code word for 4th reich army
28 different countries can only form a logistical nightmare...
You were going to get it anyway. If you don't want to help finance it, leave the EU.
Glad. We were supporting your stupid social programs by proxy, put on your big boy pants and rise with us.
I legitimately think we would've been the only country to oppose it.
The EU does whatever they want, then buys toys for themselves and then place the debt upon a random country and make others pay it.
If you are inside the EU and is not angry by that you failed at life.
About time Europe figured out they can't trust us to defend them.
>"Steady, steady, they're in our sights... Szymon, FIRE!"
>"Co po prostu zadzwoń do mnie kurwa???"
WW3 is gonna rock
Brits are(were) the only ones with brains inside that idiot farm.
I never really understood this concept, they have different languages, will the soldiers need to have a common language? English or german?
This. And good luck finding anybody who is motivated to fight for the EU.
Actually its English... worldwide
>we are getting an EU army now
>an army that has no leader,
>no common command structure,
>no common goals,
>no common strategy,
>no common equipment
>and absolutely no cohesion.
eu army is an ongoing meme.
Knowing a german tank platoon commander that always shits on the french when they have a exercise together tells you alot about how much the EU army is going to be reality.
Fuck off Hans, you're the baddies in all this (again).
I can't wait to see the newly arisen Anglo empire crush you once and for all.
There are ~50 million muslims in Europe. Who do you think the EJew will train to shoot civilians? They have more than enough people.
more like thanks to cucks like you who keep voting merkel
just kys kevin
EU army? Nope. We get EU dissolution.
why are there drying racks on the tank?
They need unanimity in parliament.
I am pretty sure you would have had European army either way.
The grids stop high explosive shells hitting the hull directly vastly reducing any damage they do as the energy disapates into the air.
>They need unanimity in parliament.
They need unanimity in the European Council.
Good luck with that
Who the fuck is stupid enough to put their life on the line for the EU?
Do we actual have the know-how to build an army with euipment that stands a chance?
>99% of German airforce grounded
>standard rifle doesn't work in hot deserts
>eurofighter is shit
>UK is gone
>france is alright I guess
Without the UK your army is basically French with EU member state cannon fodder.
Anyone who fights for the EU deserves all they get to be honest. It'd be like a transgender feminist fighting for the Islamic State.
>we are getting an EU army now
we aren't
well, we gonna need it for holy war against the muslims
i guess ends justify the means
>If you don't want to help finance it, leave the EU.
That will probably happen if it keeps being a libshit aauthoritarian crap
>quality soldiery
They are afraid of everything....
I can't really imagine an EU army happening soon, but Trump is going to make you guys start paying the 2% of GDP toward military equipment as required by the NATO agreements you all signed.
So in the end you'll have some more equipment that works.
At least they have nukes and some neat weapons. And the Baltics won't fuck around. Maybe there's hope.
Also we're getting the Scots back kek
Fuck do we care. Yuropoors can eat shit while we get comfy trade deals with Burgers, Kangaroo niggers and Hobbits. The Anglosphere is ascendant while Hans and Pierre get cucked by mud people.
Is that supposed to be a tank?
One word:
I could get behind the idea of a European army but not under the EU. The EU needs to get replaced by a more right wing, patriotic organisation that puts Europeans first and muslims and niggers last.
too many millenials in this country
>Also we're getting the Scots back kek
Fucking keep them.
>nato freeloaders building their own army when kicked out of nato for not spending money on their armies
good trade, swap your military coalition from being with the USA to non-nato members of the EU like sweden.
You don't realise how many euro states are against having a proper defence budget. only a handful of states, US/UK/Greece and a couple of the tiny eastern ones meet the 2% budget.
The EU will use Trumps anti nato stance to push for an EU army under it's control.
The froggies will not be letting you play with their deterrent. You'll get to be a shitty UN peacekeeping force at best.
Nah, an alliance of nationalist states
a-10 is obsolete
Yeah, because we get to see you become even more cucked.
You deserve it. You wanted to fuck us and ruin our country.
Now we'll suffer recession or worse just to ruin yours.
Yeah like under one strong ruler.
I think I could get behind this, last time I checked there was this one austrian ......
It's called an IFV
Not against that little toy.
>Was it worth it?
it won't happen, but even if it happens, trump was still worth it, faggot
every country should be able to defend itself, no matter how much of a fucking cuckshed it is
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA good luck against the russians mang, you're going to need it
A European Union army...
What, again?
only white males are allowed to fight in the EU army, that will only attack well defended positions without tank and air support. it will be an honor for all of us to die for the EU, knowing that our women are safe at home with our beloved guests from the middle east.
You were going to try to get one no matter what, even if UK vetoed it.
We will free the UK from your tyranny though. Also we will destroy your 4th reich, NATO is over we have no obligation to put up with your bullshit anymore, but we will be there to defend dad.