>Trump wins
>DOW goes up
why? I thought he was going to shut down the fed and relapse the economy
>Trump wins
>DOW goes up
why? I thought he was going to shut down the fed and relapse the economy
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we did it, pol
No, that was with Hillary, so we could go to WW3.
It just shows that investors were secretly on the Trump train the whole time and they know he is going to MAGA.
What part of "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" isn't getting through to you?
Depends if he still wants to enact his retarded economic policies. If so, we're fucked.
Oh you run a multinational conglomerate?
Sorry you are going to lose some money you are just going to have to deal with it.
>la la la la I want to be poor and heve my economy fucked :)))
Turns out not having the prospect of a nuclear war stabilizes the markets
It was priced down because of uncertainty. The bubble will pop in 6months or so, trump will be blamed
I see you don't have any idea what is going on at all.
Why are you running your mouth?
Clinton wasn't going to do shit to change anything up on Wall Street, or they would have dropped.
Imagine, when you say you're going to improve the country and focus on making it great again, people have a positive outlook.
If you are paying attention it looks like the bubble could pop in 6 days...
keeping it realistic
>stock market crashes
>all foreign countries pull out of our market. first europe then russia and china.
>tax cut to top 1% but trump wont make them buy bonds (he prob doesnt even know why they have to buy bonds)
>interest rates soar
>banks pull their 4.5 trillion out of the fed reserve
>800% inflation
>economy collapses
>1% survives. all middle class are now peasants
>literal monarchy ensues
>trump blames obama
>He promised to rebuild infrastructure >Construction stocks are on fire right now
Construction is one of he best economic boosts and it feeds into all other aspects of a healthy market. As it stands, investors are very optimistic about america and are going long on a bunch of american companies. We fucking did it boys, we're healing america.
The Fed actually claims they'll increase interest rates next month.
I doubt it will be much, but markets will feel it and Trump will be blamed, same with any other increases not matter how long he's been in office.
The market has been running on pessimism/optimism for the past year. Fundamentals don't matter anymore because there's a disconnect between the markets and reality in a big way. Trump is high energy and optimistic so the market is reacting in that way.
>Determined Republican who is all about the bottom line in business is going to be bad for the economy
who started this meme
what's in 6 days?
That 730 point drop after the news broke though was pretty intense.
I think it hit 900. It would have been a bigger crash than 9/11 and after 9/11.
It could go at anytime that is my point, it is inflated and propped up as is.
Because DOWnald Trump
Trump is making American industry great again. There will be a lot of restructuring in the big international companies during Trump's first term.
Tariffs are simply replacing the government revenue source that won't come from the now low regular taxes. Main difference being that it will give incentive to produce in the US instead of the current system of lel no tariffs but 35% corporate tax and 6 gorillonz regulations on every business decision, which gives massive incentive to produce outside the US and just sell it in the country.
Remember the last time DOW increased this much after an election? A new golden age is upon America, congratulation guys
Ny "friend" said it was war stocks that went up, "those stocks only increase when theres going to be a war!" How do I prove him wrong pol?
While getting rid of crime niggers, get strong industries and making cucks cry are very important, I can't wait to see the Trump decade of esthetic.
I've lived all my life in degenerate ugliness. Whatever you think about the 80s they were esthetic af. I want to live in an esthetic world.
>talking about being poor
Yeah don't drag us down with you
>a successful billionaire is going to fuck up the economy
Most stocks have risen on the DJIA.
The exceptions today are Coca Cola, Verizon and Apple.
If Trump manages to ruin the overpriced unaesthetic gadgets of Apple drones it'll just be icing on the cake.
For fuck sake, how blue pilled is your "friend"?
This is just as dumb as people who thought the stock market crashed after Trump got elected. The market went down because people were liquidating their stocks and futures because they expected Clinton to win and didn't know what to invest in. After they educated themselves a bit more, they figured out where to move their money to, and markets that will appear to do better during a Trump presidency went up. The amount of people buying in was more than the ones selling off so the markets went up.
This shit is trading 101 and shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who knows anything about financial markets.
Look at all Defensive Stock over the past 6 years the are up 150, 250 and 300 percent. Hillary is a Hawk many defense contractor and investors know this. I got out a moth or so back. Most of these gains are form Health Care industry that has been crushed by Obama Care. Also the Industrial are up as Trump want s to Build up our infrastructure and Damaged cities.
Healthcare companies that were not in league with Obongocare are back in the game.
Healthcare companies are doing good as fuck right now and are milking obongocare for all ti is worth. This is good times for them. There is a reason the middle class is paying more for healthcare, and that is because insurance companies are overcharging the shit out of everyone since the government basically gave them a free pass.
Market may be up but I got fucking destroyed in the past 2 days. My fault for buying assuming Hillary would win.
Talk to us again on April 29th
> Iran Contra
> Trickle-down
> Alzheimers
What an age to live in
> Rosy retrospection
they thought it was going to be a meltdown with WWIII happening to prevent it from happening, then Trump got photos of Hillary having sex with minors and she negotiated the loss facing a big reveal
because of the people here that happened
Supply side economics was a solid idea and worked extremely well for quite a bit. The Clinton administration just fucked the over by creating policies that forced companies to leave the US. The Reagan administration gave them money to expand, but the Clinton administration seek labor elsewhere.
>Supply side economics was a solid idea
no it wasn't, Georgian economics are a good idea that China has been whipping our ass with since the 1930s
most money on the market is white money. and who voted on trump? white guys. basic psychology.
I remember some user actually predicting this and saying the Fed would hike in order to pump the economy up and crash it, then Trump would be blamed.