Mexico keeps saying they won't pay for the wall?
So what happens with that?
Mexico keeps saying they won't pay for the wall?
So what happens with that?
Other urls found in this thread:
We make them pay regardless of their feelings on the matter.
>We make them pay regardless of their feelings on the matter.
How will you make them?
smack the tacos out of their hands and pull them by the ear until they do.
Its trap porn
Tax remittances to central america at like 40%, reduce foreign aid to Mexico, put tariffs on Mexican imports.
Wall paid for.
They will
They will
Who's the artist?
I've gotta y'know... Purge them.
Tariffs, Visa fees and taxes increase, NAFTA is going to get FUCKED etc etc
Trump never once said he was going to get mexico to write us a blank check to build the wall.
We're just going to make them pay for it if they want to stay in business with us.
we are currently in a trade deficit with Mexico, we simply suspend all trade with them. They have much more to lose than us (which were losing just from the trade to begin with)
They are never paying for that thing.
Kimeseku ni Maketa Shounen
>this new
They are paying for it by us using the financial aid we would normally provide to them for the wall instead.
The whole point of saying he will 'make mexico pay' is because he knows that they will not pay in the end - but they will either subsidise it, or give some other advantage to America, all the while feeling that they 'outplayed' Trump.
It's the art of the deal. You start high and negotiate down.
Why do mexicans keep acting like its difficult or something.
Also the US OWNS the WTO.
I think the exact phrasing was "can't pay" for it. BECAUSE THEY'RE FUCKING POOR
People have been trying to tell everyone for a while now. We give Mehico lots of money. We can just put that money toward the wall.
Its ok mexico, We finance :^)
The wall just got 10 feet taller!
Can we just fucking invade mexico and force them to build it under threat of nuclear war?
War. We kill them until they agree to pay for it.
Simple, we put tariffs on Mexican corporations.
That was the plan all along. Mexico will basically pay for the wall by proxy.
thanks famalam
>sad panda again
why do i keep having to fucking fix the cookies and why dont any addons that are supposed to do it automatically work
I dunno how cucky Mexico's president is, but if he is anything like Canada's, then they'll pay for it.
>Arrest all the drug traffickers
>Take their money
>Fund the wall
Thanks, Mexico.
We don't pay for the wall.
It's that simple.
>How will you make them?
Mexico is Mexico, a poorly run country that is run by drug lords. America is the richest and most powerful country in the world. If they wanted to, they could turn Mexico into a parking lot and the world will just sit back and fucking watch. Trump will find a way to make them pay for it.
I know that Hentai.
Source for anyone interested.
>home loans
>car loans
>student loans
>construction loans
Thank you, based user
Confiscate the drugs that come over the border and sell them back to mexico.
You'll have funded the wall by lunchtime.
I don't remember how I did it, so instead:
their government as about as useful as a broken condom.
Just like trumps wall
yes of course, but we'd need you to sell us some cheap nukes first. you know, so we can actually engage in a nuclear war
Yes they are my white friend.
Honestly, we'd probably do it.
It's simple. The illegals send money back via western Union, moneygram, etc, You can do that without a bank aact or citizenship now - Trump can change it if he wants to (under patriot act provision) and require people to set up an account to send remittances like getting a US bank acct. Of course spics can try to get around it by having people wire money for them but thousands of $ going to Mexico by US citizens is fraud - the mob will probably get into the biz if anything.
How's the peso doing, pedro?
Every time we blink your entire economy shudders. Without our full cooperation your country will actually manage to be even more shitty than it is now.
If you don't pay for it directly you will pay for it by proxy and your economy will completely shit the bed.
We've got you by the balls like we always have and you should probably stop acting like you have any kind of independence.
But even if organized crime does it it won't be for free - at which point we will start seeing huge fed busts tied to money laundering for illegal immigrants and that will be the beginning of the end illegal immigrants in USA permanently - an undeniable link to massive organized crime.