Do you think isolationism is a good thing?

Do you think isolationism is a good thing?


Within reason.

We should all go back to isolationism rather than globalism.

yeah, when your internationalism causes a complete loss of identity.

Better than some alternatives, sure.

Depends. There'll always have to be foreign intimidation in order to keep the peace.

To an extent.

not bad if everyone does it, can be horrible if your the only one doing it.

Only an idiot would think isolationism is good, What we need is colonialism.

No. Hell no. You end like the amish. You start inbreeding like the british. And you start failed wars like the Germans. None of it is appealing, or progressive. Why do you think america is so fucking


Switzerland seems pretty sweet desu

The western world (Europe, North America, Australia and East Asia) should isolate the Arab world and Africa.


>And you start failed wars like the Germans.

At what point in history was Germany ever isolationist?

Sweden, Switzerland and Finland have been isolationist since the 1800's and despite the memes all three are still very good places to live.

Trump isn't calling for North Korea tier shit.

>It's good

>I'm on Sup Forums

What do you think we've been doing in the middle East for the past 50 years?

After WW1 they had a forced isolationism. Of course it was the Nazis that broke that and began to take Germany international again.

Japanese style? No. But I think we could move many, many notches over to a more isolationist policy before even approaching that.

We don't run their governments. if we did, things wouldn't be so unstable and corrupt.

If isolationism means no immigrants. Allowing trade for items you can't produce in your own country and allowing tourism seems reasonable. Someone told me he didn't want tourists in his country. Can someone explain the logic?

cancer head

Where's my colonial oilfield where I can travel visa-free and kill the locals for looking at me wrong? Arabs are colonizing white countries, not the other way around.

>Someone told me he didn't want tourists in his country.

They were lying to you as well as to themselves.

Lol. Government has only been established in growing Israel. We are performing a different kind of colonialism, we destroy their city states, inflate our israeli stronghold, and absorb middle Eastern citizens into our own- all while containing the east to their own parameters. Killing all birds with one stone

It was someone from Australia. He could have been shitposting.

This. A truly isolationist state would simply mean one that doesn't ally Israel. Good luck in trying this.

White's don't even like you so I'm not sure why you believe you have some color kinship. Arabs take menial labour here and their specialists do well.

>cancer head

That's not us practicing colonialism.

>White's don't even like you
All my friends are white.

>color kinship
Race isn't skin color.

>Arabs take menial labour here and their specialists do well.
What's your point? The bulk of any colonizing population will be doing menial labor.

holy shit what a fucking dumb post.

Israel is one of the smallest countries in the middle east, and last time I check, they didn't have any city states.

The refugees are only causing chaos in Europe.

It will never be a viable option for usa ever again, we are like rome, keeping the world glued together ny any means.
If we hold up like we did back in the 10s and 30s the world would be completely destabilized and sporadic land grabs would erupt across Asia.

Isolation is preferable for every nation but uss

In theory, it makes sense. Don't get involved with shit that doesn't directly concern your state, and that includes no arms deals, monetary aid, training, etc. It means being very cautious of any alliances, and it also certainly means no joining IGOs that can be described more as supranational organizations.

But, we don't live in a world of theory. The US is still the most powerful country in the world, and we are in all corners of the globe, as is the rest of the world. All we can do is hold on to the status quo, but there's certainly no going back to isolationism.

Also, blame the Joos and good goyim for fucking that dream up before anyone could change anything about it.

Sounds good. But as much as you fags dont want to see, we live in an ever shrinking world...communications and transportstion have made the world interconnected. We cant isolate ourselves...and last time we tried, ww1+2 happened

>the world would be completely destabilized and sporadic land grabs would erupt across Asia.
So what?
