They are so happy... :___)
Can't wait till Rajesh is arrested for her call to assassination.
Cowards and traitors.
Day of the rope when?
>Swamp creatures are scared of impending swamp drainage.
Nothing to see here.
she deleted her twitter
She thinks the secret service can't contact Twitter for an archive. Stupid poo in loo.
send a tip to the fbi
If that actually happened country would go into total war mode and only remove the fucking leftist faster. They're own mentality and self interest caused there defeat. The country has spoken get over it.
Didn't soetori say they were to be as kind and gracious as lil George's staff was? Can't even follow those instructions no wonder it's such a mess
why is she threatening obama?
who is this ?? does she work in washington ??
BREAKING NEWS something happen and woman cry
good. Shes crying and squirming. Just like every urban upper middle class democratic arrogant jew
why isnt she arrested yet? A criminal is roaming free committing who knows what other crimes while planning a decapitation strike against the ruling powers in America.
Writer for the telegraph, focuses on India topics.
Tip the FBI
I think they just realized that they are fired.
She's just upset no billionaires have grabbed her by the pussy.
I bet she doesnt poo in loo.
some time in january when Trump is installed to power. then we hang every single leftist cuck
Baby's first loss without a participation trophy?
Instead of telling other people to do it why don't you do it?
Also her twitter is gone as of now, so something happened.
She deleted her account.
tip the fbi please
whoa.. is that the bitch in ?
That isnt a call to assassination.. its literally a threat. Thats conspiracy to assassinate, and betrayal of a government position or something. Theres got to be atleast 3 charges there.
>she deleted her twitter
nice try pulling of an hillary.
>tfw he walked past you and didn't grab that pussy
This is fucking glorious. I've never been this high before. I can't turn it off, I just stay high. I see this, I get high all over again.
You are wrong. The madman is going to redpill all cucks and libertards, and they are going to become superbased people. Screencap this.
Even the artwork throwing shade
Those white house staff can literally quit whenever they want
jesus the left is pathetic
Hate to break it to her but that shit is archived.
The absolute least that would happen is she'll lose her fucking job.
>The absolute least that would happen is she'll lose her fucking job.
this is exactly what's going to happen.
she'll miss the BBC
>implying MLK wouldn't agree with what he's trying to do
He would have probably ended up getting the Cosby treatment if he'd lived, honestly.
If Kek can put an anti globalist in office, it's time of Kek to bring about fair justice to those who call for harm.
kek at the lady's face infront of her. She's had enough of Rajesh's shit
Haha guys look, I'm an epic memer xD
Jesus the way they are acting it's like Trump is the leader of some conquering nation
>implying it wasn't the FBI
>Literal liberal tears
So delicious
Thats the face I make when I am squeezing out a shit
They'd be much more welcoming if that were the case. See Germany.
Who is that? MLK?
sent ;^)
I was praying for this, so many delicious tears, so much butthurt.
Do people realize that Pence will become prez if The Don is kilt? He's way worse for social justice problems but I wouldn't be against him electrocuting all these shits
These people serve our leaders? What the fuck is politics anymore
They never imagined defeat.