Oy vey
Oy vey
Is this like that time the media said Trump's campaign leadership was utterly chaotic and he was about to drop out of the race?
Trump got the ultimate redpill
Whatever he was briefed on
Its true this time. I hve prof. hes going to fuck america
there's no proof they ever said that.
Probably alluding to his comments about using nukes.
>this is what your job is
>this is how the economy works
>have fun with congress
This is the
>Trump won't actually build the wall
They showed him aliens.
Or how they killed JFK.
i believe it, that source is never wrong
>mfw being POTUS is my actual job now
No one talked about anny of hisbreal policies. The only policies the masses know are clickbait deportations and meme walls.
If you bring up his campaign ethics reform proposals and tell people about them without saying Trump they'll think it's a great idea.
Real politics is boring, but Imexcited for modt of the policies he's laid out.
did you just have a stroke friendo?
Can someone post that other picture of everyone excited and him sitting there all bored?
Possibly also the version with "10 pranks that went too far" or whatever
>Didn't read Trump's policies on his website but tries to signal how incompetent he is on an anonymous imageboard
Hello, fellow centipede! Isn't Milo funny?
I hate anime!
Sorry. I'm literally shitposting after eating my daily burger. The guac must have been bad.
>(((sources))) say
>but muh drumpf can't lie to us
>Or how they killed JFK.
double of truth
they told him the fed run everything and will kill him if he try to stop them
that the dollar has zero real value and is only worth something because the US military can destroy any country in hours
Yeah, they were told to ignore the pro-Israel shit. Trump's not going to let them suckle from America's red, white, and blue swollen teats from now on.
or killing the families like he said that one time
you are aware that trump is a billionaire CEO, right? Why the fuck would he ever go against the fed? He's rich ACCORDING to their arbitrary value system, not in spite of it.
>implying the banks don't run the fed
Also, by virtue of being used as money any commodity will not be worth its "true" value, because suddenly it's market value will be the supply and demand for liquidity and future prospects of those who use that money.