is xe right?
Is xe right?
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Yeah sure why not, I don't care
I'd rather have the dems be run by incompetent SJW fuckwits than corporate shills. At least it would mean less CTRposting
There's a difference between protesting and rioting. They're openly calling for their enemy to fear them, they're breaking windows, starting fires.
Riots are to be shut down. I can't wait.
If that's the route they want to take it's time to start forming right wings death squads to deal with them
>elected politicians can't change law if we don't like it
Yeah that term is becoming alarmingly more used.
Why can't he use apostrophes? I thought liberals were supposed to be "educated".
Turns into
top kek lolberals are hilarious.
Too bad they keep stripping themselves of their gun rights.
>We need to make him FEAR us.
>We're so weak individually that we can only inspire fear as a collective of tens of thousands
He/she/potatoself/they/it/xir didn't say anything about rioting there though, just protesting
You got to let them de-rustle their jimmies man, look at what they're saying there: "he's going to come after the very air we breathe and water we drink". The libs are in maximum high impact anal devastation mode. They have to let steam off somehow, and if that means a bunch of trannies screaming then whatever, could be a lot worse
can california just secede
Mob rule is a third world approach to governance.
Is anyone really shocked the Twitter/Facebook/Tumblr echo chambers, which played a part in getting Trump elected due to their insane identity politics, doesn't get it?
I just watched this, and then looked at the comments, some funny as shit.
Yea, good video.
Sure but he's talking about how sjw demonisation of white people contributed more to Trump's victory than anything else. And then you scroll at the comments and they're "I'm black and gay OMG the KKK gonna kill me halp" they might be satire though.
It's becoming alarmingly more plausible
>come for our health insurance
Obamacare is absolute shit
>come for our undocumented friends
They shouldn't be in America in the first place
>queer friends
Donald Trump is not anti-gay (unfortunately)
>>>come after the air we breath and the water we drink
>cant hurt our environment
>implying that America can suddenly stop living on fossil fuels
>implying that fracking and big oil companies (which Obama tried to regulate, so he's not responsible for the low unenployment rate) don't produce tons of jobs
>implying that so called "efficient" green energy that Obama endorses isn't a massive waste of money that increased our debt
>We need to make him FEAR us
>implying that they can do anything to make Donald Trump fear them
I'll never ubderstand the mindset of libtards
Not in the slightest. It was actually more shocking to see one leftist echo chamber actually pause for a second and go "Wait... we're an echo chamber??" But the rest of them don't get it and never will as long as they stay inside their enclaves.
>he wants to take our water
>Literally promised San Joaquin valley farmers they'll get their water the libshits have been blocking from them
top lel
Fucking degenerates