Bernie is the real winner this election. Trump becoming president means an inevitable victory for Bernie in 2020

Bernie is the real winner this election. Trump becoming president means an inevitable victory for Bernie in 2020.

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Bernie's going to fit inside an urn by 2020 that motherfucker's so old.

>Bernie Sanders
>being alive in 2020

Pick one and only one

Trump v. Sanders 2020

The greatest meme election ever


Sweden is so cucked they're sucking off that old loser coward.

What the fuck happened to the people who were once Vikings?

Bernie is healthy and very active, there's no way he's going to die in 4 years. He has the energy of a 27 year old.

78ish yrs old.....not going to happen

>he has the energy of a 27 year old

So democrats will graduate from dead voters to dead candidates?


if the 27 year old got hit by a semi truck and contracted cancer

>Not alive
>Will not recover the voters he betrays
>Kanye West

>He has the energy of a 27 year old.
...with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Whatever lets you sleep at night.

>implying he'll live that long

nigga gonna keel over before he makes it to 2020, he always looks like he just made a deal with devil for an extra 4 years.

Hillary got more of the popular vote, so she's the true winner.

Stick to potato jokes.

>gerrymandering to rob the president chosen by the people


Nice try, it will be a minority woman.

I'd say maybe he has a chance in 2024 after Trump gets re-elected but even if he's a live he'll lose in the primary to Kanye.

>there are still berniebots after his betrayal

Actually bigger retards than unironic trump supporters desu


>Corrupt Jew that conceded to Hillary and endorsed her

Ya ok bud


He was forced into endorsing her, he didn't have a choice in the matter. Now that Hillary has let down the Democrats for the last time, he will be able to take up the mantle as the primary candidate, and people's favorite.

>moving the goalposts after the fact
If the winner was selected by popular vote both candidates would have used different strategies. Both parties knew exactly what it took to win, and Hillary couldn't do it. Bottom line. That's how the system works. You can try to change it before the next election, but you can't change the results of this one. The more you insist this should happen, the more you look like a little crybaby who doesn't want to play a game if there's a chance they will lose. If you can't handle playing fairly, you don't deserve to play at all.

>America's first zombie president


>He was forced into endorsing her


>forced into endorsing her

Shows he's a coward who is unfit to lead our nation.

Vote for commie cucks in your own country and quit waving you fucking finger at us while arabs rape your women.

You'd have to be pretty dumb to vote for a quitter like Bernie.

He's way too old for a 2020 run.

But he does have the benefit of being 100% about everything. he always is. But he threatens the powers that be so they use their billions to bury him or shit on him.

Old Ashkenazi's never fucking die. They live to 95. Look at Mel Brooks.

He's not a coward, he was simply made to what had to be done for the party that he stands behind. In 2020, that will change, since he will be the one on the forefront.

Bernie isn't a quitter, he's a fighter. He'll never stop working towards good things for the people.

I don't think he'll be dead in 4 years, but I think he'll be too old to be electable. More likely he'll pass his "mantle" to someone else. The Dems will probably be looking for someone younger to set up. Obama 2.0.

I think she is my wife now

This, screw (((Bernie))). We move forward with a Tulsi Gabbard and Stein ticket

>Bernie isn't a quitter, he's a fighter.
Sweden please

I thought he was paid like 900k to endorse her

We all know what's going to happen

>2020 election comes about
>DNC favours some career politician android like Clinton
>Bernie stands again, saying how he will clean up politics and make university education free
>Gets all the college kids' donations
>DNC pick android
>Bernie immediately pulls out and tells everyone that they should vote for the android


The guy's the Pied Piper of numales and single, white mothers with mixed race kids

Bernie would've won this election if leftists had shown the proper outrage when Hillary stole it from him. The protesting they're doing now is a fucking disgrace.

Why wouldn't they fight for a good candidate when they had chance? Why the fuck are they fighting for a horrible corrupt cunt like Clinton now?

>>DNC favours some career politician android like Clinton

They're already talking up Tim Kaine (literally who?) and Michelle Obama.

Michelle is likable but she has no experience. She'd need 8 years in the Senate first.

Tim Kaine is a bland robot and even after running as VP no one knows who he is.

>Bernie would've won this election if leftists had shown the proper outrage when Hillary stole it from him. The protesting they're doing now is a fucking disgrace.

If they did that, they would get to be scape goats for Hillary's loss. Bernie had to step aside and let the Dems run their candidate and win or lose. Hillary gets the full blame for losing now. If he ran 3rd party or didn't endorse her, then Bernie would be the Satan in the party. He'd be demonized for years.

Adding on to this, the Bernie strat

>See DNC has a favoured candidate
>Stand for election knowing you're not going to win, but you don't want to anyway
>Appeal to naive, idealistic 20 years old by promising FREE SHIT for everyone, because you know you'll never have to deliver on any of your promises
>Get all the donations
>DNC picks favourite as expected
>Keep the donations
>Watch the kids turn on the DNC favourite because they can't promise all the outlandish shit you did, because they might actually get elected

Ez donations

>Michelle Obama.

When will you fucks just institute a Monarchy? You love electing people from the same fucking families anyway

No one is made to do anything. He was pressured and he gave in. If he doesn't have the courage to call out corruption in his own party, what makes you think he'll be able to do anything?

That is by definition the opposite of a fighter. Sanders is a failure and a coward. Good riddance.

Trump will win in a landslide in 2020 after a glorious term

I'm still amazed at how accurate this picture is

Honestly, I love the hustle

Tim kaine looks and acts like a cucked stepfather dying to gain acceptance from his wife's son

Bernie looks like a polish jew so much that it hurts my eyes.

Bernie is a Polish Jew.

Bernie Sanders is 75

I know
I live 100km from his home village.

Bernie easily would have won against Trump. Fucking DNC and Clintonite cunts. He was populist, likeable and genuine. He'd have thrashed Trump in the debates, Trump has nothing on him.

When Trump's magical promises don't materialise, we need Sanders or someone like him to swoop in and show the workers the way.

Trump has the energy of a 27 year old, Bernie can hardly speak

>glorious term
lel, please tell me how. "fuck da mexicans lmao" won't make america good

>didn't have a choice
Ok look man, you live in fucking Europe AND you dont know what youre you're talking about.
Take your shit thread back to rebbit