This is America for the next 4-8 years
Trumps sickening America
This is America for the next 4-8 years
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Sdsu stolen here, I knew some of you faggots go to this school, I saw one of you retards post your little moon man pin, post where you're at so I can come see you
I just wanna talk
>this is america for the next 4 years
I sure hope not, that muslim's still alive
It's me.
Come here to my house you nigger.
Them false flags tho. Also, CTR pls go, you already lost the elections.
Just hide, you're already wearing the ninja outfit, how are they gonna find you
haha you stupid nigger ill beat the fucking PISS out of you bro
prepare your anus to get BTFO
does she have any proof?
what is next liberals?
>kEW lad
Nice. Finally muslims getting hit back
You're a genius
It was real in her mind
>Somebody claims to be robbed
American (((news)))
Islam is not a religion suitable for minorities.
This is America for a few weeks.
Won't take more than a few weeks to have a collection of exposed "hate crime" hoaxes. You'll be hated even more by then, but you can't avoid it -- these dindus are going to lie for attention because they're too stupid to do it without getting caught.
And you'll live with the consequences.
How does it feel?
My first thought was, did they grab her by the pussy?
Wash Ave 345, Alpha Pi House, come faggot
God i hope youre right user
How long until people are arrested for making shit up?
You'd never know it by that ugly mug. fucking hell.
It's really getting annoying how the media is still at it. You think they'd give up by now, toothpaste flag man
Insincere & homosexual
>Democrats rioting all over the country
>A Muslim woman "claims" she was robbed by Trump supporters
>What should the media focus on lads?
Why do we have so many videos of Hillary supporters attacking and stealing from Trump supporters but none of Trump supporters attacking or stealing from Hillary supporters?
Really. Makes. Ya. Think.
Boys its time to meme, fire up those social medias and create these ridiculous stories
>two whites and a trump supporter walk into a bar
No it's not, because the Muslims are going back.
"Im a trump supporter! This is stuck up, give me your money"
>no camera footage
>no witnesses
I don't know about you faggots, but this really making me think.
I'd rob her of her virtue if you know what I mean
>we believe
They can blame Trump supporters all they want but without evidence its just scare mongering because they're pissed their corrupt candidate got what she deserved.
Reverse reality happened?
Must have been wearing his MAGA button
They want to paint Trump supporters as violent racists so bad they'll believe any fucking thing.
Mean while Trump protesters start cities on fire, attack and shoot cops, and drag a Trump voter from his car to beat the shit out of him.
These fuckers better pray to whatever god they believe in that Trump supporters are gracious and this nation unites, because whitey is about a half inch away from going full Nazi on their asses.
All we did was take her bomb away. Fuck off.
LARPing as human is cultural appropriation, ape.
I have seen more than ten videos so far of Trump voters being molested, ridiculed assaulted and beaten by the left.
I have seen an equal amount of CLAIMS of violence from the left itself.
Never a video.
Never proof.
These are the same people claiming that I hate them arbitrarily on account of my skincolour and gender.
Suffice to say, I believe them about as far as I can throw them.
Inflamation is the body's natural response to infection. The wounds (Califorinia/NewYork) swells with white blood cells(police) to kill(arrest) the actual sickness (whining bitch liberal criminals).
you mean just like the jews claimed hitler could use blood as fuel?
tell me more!
>trying to rob somebody
>vote hillary
>wear a donald pin
FAKE, This was a TRUMP supporter!
they are truly getting desperate
That really looks like theater-blood. I've seen a lot of gore on the net, and that just looks off somehow.
That story behind that gay guy is the biggest bullshit i heard in a long time. As if you bleed this fucking heavy after getting hit with a fucking bottle on the head.
Holy shit! They're actually deporting themselves
um, thats shopped thats a swedish girl telling the media she was attacked by racist white men
A bottle to the head will fuck your shit up. If it's full or partially full it will crush your skull, and if it wasn't full the glass will cut the fuck out of your scalp which bleeds like a mother fucker thanks to the shallow blood vessels. I don't know the specifics of this incident so I won't speak to its validity but it isn't beyond believable that a bottle to the head could cause that much blood.
Only a few miles from the border.
Oh wait Mexico has Immigration laws they enforce...
Yeah right, let's see the same media coverage of minors raped by muslims. Bitch.
2016 has been the best year since '33 - we're striding quickly into a golden future.
>New Years day starts with massive public rapes by rapefugees in Cologne and with the mass muslim shootings in Paris freshly in mind, thus for the first time ever forcing the media to start telling the truth about our muslim hordes - the public in Germany and across Europe undergoes a right shift
>Brussels happens a few weeks later
>Muslim kids decapitate a priest
>due to millions of (((refugees))) in every city, people are ripped out of their feel-good world view and see how savage and retarded these people are
>one prevented single-muslim attack after the other, one successful muslim attack after the other
>motherfucking BREXIT
>Russia stands up against the US and their jewish overlords, preventing the US from Mossading the Assad
>right wing party AFD gets huge amounts of votes in all state elections in Germany
>Presedent Elect. Donald J Trump
what else does Kek have in store for us for the last 7 weeks?
Damn, the trash takes itself out. What a time to be an American.
At least until Trump officially takes office, there are going to be accusations of rape, violence, and harrassment every day. Strangely, all of the perpetrators are going to be Trump supporters. These liberal crybabies are going to lie their asses off. I hope they at least investigate and punish those individuals who make false accusations.
Underrated post.
What'd they steal - her bomb?
Underrated post
Based Brozil is based.
hahahahah fahni le bomb joke. are you 12?
How would you know this? What have you done to your minorities?
He woke up in his own puddle of blood and called his friends, which let him go home alone after they realized together in a bar that shit escalated between Trump and Clinton supporters as some shit. Great friends too.
Also his friend is a canadian movie director, it's very likely thats just theater blood. Especially because its that damn dark.
>blacks actually believe they can overpower white people in a 1v1 situation
Why do Muslim women lie so much about being persecuted? Every single time their claims end up being proven to be made up.
>things that never happened
That's how every 'marginalized' group is. They know they can get what they want by playing the victim. It's like a dog learning a new trick. These sjws have cried wolf too many times though. It's clear most if not all of these racist incidents are made up, no one is going to believe them except other sjws.
Shitskin detected.
Go home, get raped and stoned.
it's the natural cycle
fox news will be CNN while the MSM will become Fox News and spread bullshit that will enrage a bunch of young voters instead of geezers.
Blood still looks super fake to me. And even if, it could have easily been a false flag who beat him up. Libs are this pathetic to go this far.
Not that i dont believe that every Trump supporter is a saint and there are certainly some total nutters amongst them, but the left will take any chance to exploit shit like this.
If that mongrel was back in her ancestral homeland she could live free of all this oppression.
All of these fake stories will all be cited over the coming weeks for why a Trump presidency is bad.
>wasting resources for imaginary suspects
Just a talk between me, you , and 20 of your closest worldstar brothers. But they totally aren't there as backup.
And how, pray tell, did she know they were Trump supporters? Were they going around robbing people in broad daylight, wearing MAGA hats screaming "WE LOVE TRUMP"? lmao these are the type of lies I'd expect from a 5-6 year old. Do sub-humans just have no self-awareness? Do they not understand how other people will perceive stupid shit like this?
Here's the thing, i believe he was attacked and it's real blood but the whole story about being attacked because he is gay seems suspicious
Actual SDSU here. Go to hell faggot.
If we relabel black criminals as "Hillary supporters", imagine the amount of robbing they'd be responsible for.
That seems very plausible, they like to exploit and lie about this without hesitation. It's not like it hasn't happened in the past.
Also no eyewitnesses again. As usual.
>trump supporters don't vocally support Trump during campaign
>now suddenly go about loudly proclaiming Trump support while wearing Trump merch while assaulting people
Sounds so real.
>Trump supporters are blamed for every unsolved crime for the next 4 years
And here I thought shits lying has been an 8-year trend up to now. Whowouldathought?
>white watch is still spotless
Well, that wouldn't be completely untrue. I'm sure many black people would have voted for her if they weren't felons.
If you have to spell it out, then it's not a good analogy.
I cannot wait for this to be broadcast on TV. We need to make that one go viral.
oiiii im moving to america lads
Blood, fire and glory. Don't worry Hans we're coming.