"Why are you protesting Trump?"
>Many of my friends and family are undocumented
Holy kek this is great
"Why are you protesting Trump?"
>Many of my friends and family are undocumented
Holy kek this is great
>you have to go back
*calls the police*
And that's how I got lyched by niggers and spics.
Reminder, you fucking sheltered children, that there is no reasonable path for legal immigration in this country and hasn't been for 30+ years.
It's like if they if the DMV was only open 2 hours a week and required paperwork notarized by your employer, landlord, and multiple other three letter agencies. Then 30 years later they declare all unregistered cars would be impounded and crushed into a cube.
Then they shouldn't even consider immigrating.
>there is no reasonable path for legal immigration in this country and hasn't been for 30+ years
Why should there be one?
i am a legal immigrant.
if your family has some sort of education or degree, you're gonna get in. poor, destitute? not a problem. if you have an education, you're expected to be able to make it in america.
if your family has no money, no education.. what will you offer to the country?
stay out.
Yeah that's pretty much the level of understanding I expected
>implying other flags matter
my plan is to give people citizenship if they spend time working on the wall.
We can build a grand wall this way, and never stop building it. It can go higher and wider and more ornate and embellished as time goes on
but then the DMV gives you a license in the meantime that lets you legally drive around while your papers are getting filled out.
1. enroll in college
2. marry
no they don't offer college degrees in picking fruit or washing dishes
so stay in your own country
I found it funny that she was saying it wasn't fair for her family.
I say its not fair to LEGAL CITIZENS that her and her family comes here ILLEGALLY and is destroying our country.. How is that fair? Fucking kids man I swear..
Yeah there is
t. Legal immigrant
>current levels of immigration are desirable
>it's a flaw that almost none of these turds would be here without breaking the law
Nope, you have to go back spic.
Then don't immigrate! They don't have a right to be here. They don't have a right for the chance to be here.
>there is no reasonable path for legal immigration in this country and hasn't been for 30+ years.
This is bullshit. Fuck off and let the adults talk politics, kiddo.
>help build wall
I fucking love Sup Forums
These stupid high school kids not only are ditching class, but they demand to have the voting age lowered to 16 and dissolve the Electoral College.
No, they don't, that's the point of the analogy. You can't get through the bullshit bureaucracy. Have you ever thought about this from the other point of view?
If a legal immigration option was feasible in any way, would you really have 11 million people having to deal with this bullshit every election cycle?
I wonder what demographics Trump did so well with
My wife was legal immigrant and now a citizen since
You don't know what your talking about.
at least she has a reason, unlike the white liberals
Lol it. Cuz we don't want them here ;)
She can go make Mexico great for the first time.
my aunt is there and she voted trump, suck it
>its not convenient so it isnt reasonable
kys faggot.
yeah, nobody thinks this is "unfair" to the illegals, just a bit insensitive to deport them but not unfair.
Yes, we are all aware a minority of voters elected Donald Trump, thank you
>No, they don't, that's the point of the analogy. You can't get through the bullshit bureaucracy. Have you ever thought about this from the other point of view?
Wow so all those green card must be fakes
Why not do it the legal way? Hell, if some of them join the military it always spends up the process of them of getting a citizenship. You have to prove to USA that you want to truly be a member. You can't just set back and do nothing, expecting to automatically be a citizen. This is exactly why a majority of them have to go back, We already have enough welfare babies, don't need more.
>Yeah that's pretty much the level of understanding I expected
It wasn't exactly hard for me or my family to become citizens. Took some years to get naturalized and paperwork while living as a permanent resident. That's about it.
Why is she protesting? All the deportation crap has been thrown under the bus already.
>"I will lock up Hillary"
>(day later)
>"I like Hillary, what a nice lady"
Nobody is going anywhere.
Imagine a fucking drug dealer crying because weed was made legal.
Just imagine, them going "b-but how am I supposed to make money selling drugs illegally? I never went to school and just sold drugs, I have no other options now!"
>I'm protesting because they're undocumented
What a fucking dumbass, it's their own fucking fault you idiot. Jesus Christ, college kids should stop pretending to know about politics
He wins an they're whinning even more they're so progressive they're now chanting for death.
so shes not only saying her parents are criminals but shes also saying it shouldnt be against the law to be a criminal?
>trump isn't going to do anything since he's not personally putting hillary in handcuffs the day after the election when shillary supporters are setting cities on fire
It's because we don't really want immigrants.
There should be more ways to gain citizenship.
Military service
Wall building
Coming on a legal work visa and working for an extended period of time with out incident
I think that anyone who wants to be an american should be able to be one. The issue i have is with people who want to live in america with out being american
maybe the american people are happy with the population the way it is?
>Why not do it the legal way?
Why would any Mexican do it the legal way?
>be illegal immigrant
>live in Texas
>work in Texas
>kids at school in Texas
>nobody cares you are illegal
>Border Patrol come around
>"we are deporting you"
>get in the car
>get driven into Mexico
>"not this again"
>walk back over the border into Texas
>go home
>go to work
Some people who live as illegals in the US have been deported dozens of times. It just means they miss their supper in most cases.
>There should be more ways to gain citizenship.
No, there shouldn't. The labor pools are already saturated. Fuck off, we're full. WHY would you want more spics anyway
>I think that anyone who wants to be an american should be able to be one.
No! Fuck you, that's retarded!
>were full
America isnt a place, its a concept
America is a belief system. We must convert all people to americans.
Is every western country some kind of kindergarten for wayward 3rd-worlders now?
Live in Texas, can confirm. I just want them gone. Now. They fuck up every bathroom and Dairy Queens. Just stuff all of them in Sea World for all I care, they'd probably be happy.
>The issue i have is with people who want to live in america with out being american
That's one of my biggest gripes about my own country.
100% this other countries have immigration standards so do we. there's nothing wrong or racist with having standards for coming into this country.yes it's true we only want your educated and skilled workers. in America we have plenty of uneducated and poor we do not need anymore.
make yourself valuable and then come over legally.
>Person residing illegally in the United States
>Joins an angry mob rather than going to school or work
>Doesn't want to be sent back.
The first to go, in my opinion, would be this crowd.
>illegals could vote without IDs
clinton votes are inflated as fuck sorry
Holy kek, I wanna see undocumented churkas protesting in Russia.
Why do mexicans hate mexico so much but have so much latino pride for mexico?
No, a nation is its people, its culture, not an abstract idea. And you're a damned fool if you think you can "convert" mexicans. Where there are Mexicans there is Mexico, period.
So what? We foreigners have no fucking right to live in America and that's how it should be.
Its called being magnanimous.
But you're a lefty, all you understand is throwing tantrums and burning cities.
We elected a meme president. Let's hope us retards can make sure he does the right things and not fuck up the government. We have a chance to make everyone look stupid and trump to look great. Hope Sup Forums makes the right choice
That's the point faggot. We make it hard on purpose in order to deter the undesirables.
it shouldn't be against the law to squat in your dining room :^)
>it's true we only want your educated and skilled workers
Bollocks. You import peasants and leave them in an undocumented, disposable, strike resistant labour class specifically to undercut domestic labour. Every country does this.
Thats shitty old world 'nations'. America is the new world. America is the constitution. We are basically the re-emergence of classical civilization. Romans came in all colors, and so do americans.
So you make promises, win, thus moving into a position where you can then fulfil your promises. Then, the promises fucking vanish within hours? How does that work?
Either she is a crook and he is letting her off, or she is not a crook and he is a lying cunt.
There's also a difference in being "The Republican Party's Candidate" and being "The President of the United States"
People will call it flip-flopping and treachery, but it ain't. You gotta do what's good for the country, not for the 8% of people that nominated you in the primaries. You also get a better scope of things when you're in the office and they give you the true rundown of situations.
Rome was destroyed by that very globalism, torn apart by more culturally and ethnically unified powers.
>there is no reasonable path for legal immigration in this country
Yes there is.
>Don't be a criminal
>Have useful education and skills (eg. a doctor or important scientist or an athlete)
>Attempt to integrate into the US
>Already have a job
Why should we let criminals in? Why should we scrape the bottom of the barrel for migrants? Why should we let people in who refuse to assimilate? Why should we let people into the country who will start mooching off of welfare the second they arrive because they are jobless?
FYI The US has taken in 2 million Indian immigrants since 2013 and Indians are the wealthiest ethnic group in the US per capita while Hindus are both the best educated and wealthiest religious groups in the US per capita. Maybe you and your family are just worthless Paco.
Goddamn I love being American. I mean I really begin to understand the outright jealousy shown by other flags.
Lies. Machine operator at my job got legal status this year and he is proud as hell of it. Took many years but he did it.
Pray tell what makes it so impossible to move to the US?
It's a bargaining chip, dumbfuck
>Why should we scrape the bottom of the barrel for migrants?
For the cheap labour that will not go on strike. The entire reason you import Mexicans is to create a worker caste of low wage, rapidly breeding, disposable serfs.
Good news!!!
All of you illegal immigrants get to go home to your native countries!!! Don't worry illegals we will not be sad that you are leaving and the sooner you leave the better. We all have heard how proud you are of your heritage and we want you to enjoy leaving to go back home.
>It's a bargaining chip
>bargaining chip
He has won you docile twat. What the fuck does he need to bargain for? He is the most powerful man in the world. What is Trump trying to bargain? Is he going to fuck Bill?
What are you trying to say?
am empire is not 'globalism'.
Rome was doing fine untill it split in half and eastern rome lasted for a thousand years afterwards.
It's not supposed to be easy.
Why should a country that you weren't even born in, owe you?
It's about time you prove to America why you matter.
San Francisco HS kids are marching on City Hall.
>City Hall
I don't understand gov't but I know I hate it!
More like you go to the DMV and wait in line like you're suppose to but you can never get in the door because 11 million people cut in front of you.
sluggish bureaucratic bullshit mostly
kill yourself my man
>they need to come here
If they aren't willing to do the process then stay the fuck out. Go somewhere else or stay put. You don't need to be in America and we don't need you here
Explain to me why the need to come here in the first place.
Why can't they make their own country better?
if you have a nice house that you fully remodeled and your neighbor has a shitty one that needs a lot of work, he doesn't just get to move into your guest room.
Ebin mein drumpf :D :D :D
We'd be sharing our homes too if socialists came into power
>muh votes please dont deport them
Sorry we are sending your livestock back.
We don't owe our nation to anyone, we don't have to allow a single person in.
Fuck your feelings.
>retards actually believe this
first of all you have to know a coyote
you have to travel from where ever you are in mexico to a close city near the border
next you have to pay the coyote somewhere around 2,000$ for each person
then you have to wait for the right time for the coyote
you also taking a huge risk u wont get scammed and killed or kids taking for ranson or even lost
next is the journey you have to walk for atleast 3 hours sometimes more.
then after you finally made it to the usa you stay in a motel with 10 other immigrants and you have to find you're way from there
>easy right?
>I moved to US to live here, study here, and enjoy all benefits of first world nation
>But I refuse to comply with US laws
>I will call anyone who wants to enforce those laws racist
>And protest lawful democratic elections, even when I have no right to vote or live in US
wew lad
Even if someone has nothing to offer to a country they should still be allowed to come in. It could mean life or death for these people, they know real hardship unlike Sup Forums, and the destitute and dangerous regions they're fleeing from are usually the result of the U.S.
You have no repect for the lives of innocent people, and this is a classic case of "I alredy got whut I want so fuk you".
>We should make sure our children live coddled lives and never have to work any job until they graduate college at 22
A lot of the jobs Mexicans take are jobs that would otherwise go to teenagers and young adults, the types of jobs that motivate the youth to succeed.
This is the way its meant to be :^)
>we're full
Because they are a low iq childish people.
Such as?
>there is no reasonable path for legal immigration
Then they have to go back. It's the law. What don't you understand about this?
Fucking Asians do it no fucking problem, fucking Mudslimes of all forms get their papers, Indians do and they can't even poo in the loo.
All these fuckers from varying shit holes find a away to get legalized yet Mexicans just can't figure it out.
And you analogy suck. If the DMV were like that responsible adults would get all that shit needed and show up early so they can get what ever they needed. And the car part makes no sense. It's not equivalent to people.
Being skilled and of interest to a foreign country is the only reasonable path there is. It is exclusive and restrictive and that with good reason.
All 7 billion of people shouldn't just up and move to 1 country because their own suck.
Irrelevant. Immigration is not a right. It's a very exclusive privilege.
So delicious.
Time for you to send them back.
... slowness?
There are people who go through the process and end up getting temporarily deported while waiting because everything moves so slow.
Its also interesting that these people have to leave the country while people who are not in the process of becoming citizens at all just lounge around.