can Sup Forums redpill me on flouride?
my parents both very strongly believed that flouride is bad for you, so for my entire life ive basically never drinken any tap water. so i don't know much.
can Sup Forums redpill me on flouride?
my parents both very strongly believed that flouride is bad for you, so for my entire life ive basically never drinken any tap water. so i don't know much.
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drink spring water and use natural toothpaste
its a neurotoxin in 95% of us water supply
But have you washed your teeth?
what the fuck does it effect on people though?
in small doses it can build up over time and cause loss of iq and cancer and stuff
it shouldnt be in there its only there to make profit on their waste
That's why I only drink rainwater or distiller water and pure grain alcohol.
It does build up in specific areas of your brain in very small amounts. We don't really know if it ever causes any damage there through a normal human lifespan.
I wouldn't personally drink fluoridated tap water, just use fluroide toothpaste and rinse your mouth afterwards. The stuff is good for teeth, but is severly toxic in large doses (i.e ingesting a couple of tubes of toothpaste). I don't see why anyone would willingly ingest it for any reason.
so its not a psychological toxic made by the nazis then?
Your parents are crazy like this board, so you're more than likely going to get a bunch of misinformation and fear mongering.
So blah blah blah you'll die, blah blah blah government is trying to sterilize you, blah blah blah Alex Jones.
Decalcify now ! and you will see again, like you are reborn a child.
Yeah I'm planning on getting a counter top distillery with my Trump bet victory money
yeah but ive never had any contact with it
so has mine always been open? how would i know?
There is no reliable study saying flouride has any positive effect on teeth whatsoever, it is actually poison. Use baking soda flouride free toothpaste.
post sources then nigger
two good ones, there are hundreds more. no we shouldn't put it in our water, yes it is very well established that it works for preventing caries.
>its only there to make profit on their waste
what do you mean?
We don't have fluoride in the tap water where I live.
Up in the mountains of northern England. The water that comes out of the taps is clean - no smell; no taste.
It's very cold here and wet. Water comes from two sources. It is filtered and checked for acidity. The ph is neutral.
Putting additives in in is illegal.
It's a communist plot to subvert the American people. Flouride softens up your brain to make it easier for you to be subverted by Communist propaganda.
Haven't you people been paying any attention to this over the last 60 years?
what's the best way to distill water? a lot of amazon counter top distillers i see people say it leaves a taste. I wonder if just something like this would work even better:
it makes your penis glans really hard or something
> in small doses it can build up over time and cause loss of iq and cancer
This isn't actually true. Fluoride in small doses does absolutely nothing. Your body shits it out, or if it absorbs it, quickly dispenses it.
This is one of those things where in huge concentrations it's extremely bad for you, in in small doses completely harmless. People scare easilly "x can kill me in large dosages? that means x can kill me in any dosage".
Most things effect both sides, physical and mental. If the Nazi used it, I Don't know. Maybe it's just an other of the 100 Horror Stories about Nazis which aren't true.
drinking pure, distilled water is really bad for you m8
There's other ways it can be calcified, do a full detox and you will see.
Seems to leave the body with no problem.
Trust in Foodbabe. Foodbabe does not lie.
It's a byproduct of aluminum manufacturing or something like that. Look it up.
I doubt that. Any reason why?
Ah so you mean it's just in our water because they are too lazy to stop dumping it in there and it's not actually good?
>my parents both very strongly believed that flouride is bad for you
The only people I've ever met who are anti-fluoride are a bunch of fucking hippies who think it blocks your psychic energy, so I'm inclined to think it's safe.
And it does nothing. So why take ANY of it in if it CAN be harmful.
And different people of different weights are different.
If you are sensitive, than little parts can already have bad effects on you.
Just a Fact: Natrium-Fluoride is also used to kill Rats.
Here is the Story of Fluoride, maybe this helps people to understand it better where it's coming from:
> And it does nothing.
No in small doses it's great for teeth and a few other health benefits, and is also a by-product of methods used to cheaply clean out huge amounts of water very easily.
> If you are sensitive, than little parts can already have bad effects on you.
Every study on this, particularly by the health organizations that approve it, shows that in small quantities the effects are net positive.
> Just a Fact: Natrium-Fluoride is also used to kill Rats.
Again you are saying a thing used in large amounts is definately bad in small amounts, and in this case it's not true.
Do you also protest the use of toothpaste, which as its foundation is fucking blasting your mouth with fluoride in more concentrations than tap water?
It kills the fish when they dump it in the river. To throw it away labeled as toxic would cost a lot of money.
Putting it in your toothpaste, creates them money.
Only crazy stupid schizophrenic motherfuckers believe it is dangerous and 'calcifies your pineal gland'. Calcification would be done by calcium first off. number 2 see pic.
>I don't know how domain names work
>daring to shame NCBI.
If it was the CDC website I could see your point.
Also, many countries that do not put it in their water have it occurring naturally.
>No in small doses it's great for teeth and a few other health benefits, and is also a by-product of methods used to cheaply clean out huge amounts of water very easily.
Science shows it even makes teeth worse of people in areas with fluoridated water.
You may have an other opinion but I believe there aren't any benefits. I think it's better to eat food which contains fluor in a natural way to digest.
I'm not sure. But I think the calcification process is the reaction of the body to protect from the poison.
So a healthy person maybe reacts better to it and it's not as much damaging. Everyone is different after all.
The fuck is with the idiots? How do you function in reality?
Also it is highly hypotonic.
Get spring water. It's the best. It's highly energetic and low in minerals. Which helps to clean your body of bad substances.
There's a book written by a Chemist called Gerard Judd. He makes a strong case against fluoride and gives advice on reversing the damage it causes. Your parents probably know about him if they're tinfoilers.
Dad is a civil engineer for drinking water. His opinion on fluoride is that it really doesn't do a whole lot and is a waste of money.
>The cancer meme
I've seen hundreds of people so far that believe in the fluoride is bad for you meme. Personally I only drink purified water anyway but that's simply because tap water where I live tastes disgusting.
Fluoride was put in the drinking water in small doses in the past and on into today to combat the nation's growing tooth decay epidemic. Fluoride has been proven to reduce tooth decay by replacing Fluoride ions contained within the structure of your teeth.
I forget the specific process but essentially when plaque breaks down sugar and produced acid the acid strips the fluoride ions in the enamel of your teeth which is the cause of tooth decay.
Fluoride is deadly in LARGE doses, this is why it's so minimal in drinking water. There are careful measurements used for determining the safe levels of fluoride in the water, if I were to take a guess you would sooner die of numerous other problems associated with drinking too much water before the fluoride content ever became an issue.
You can safely put fluoride based fears in the nuthouse right next to chem trails and anti-vaccers
Not in the way your average Infowars shit thinks.
Though it does seem to cause problems for elderly people and people thyroid problems.
In otherwords, the shit isn't damaging to people who are not already damaged.
Do I think it is okay to drink in water? Mostly.
Do I think you should? Not particularly.
Go figure, I know a conspiracy theory nut (He believes it all) who actually is married to a woman with thyroid problems.
So convincing him fluoride isn't a conspiracy isn't just impossible, but probably not even a good idea.
That's a pretty shit article with no sources my man.
Here's an interesting one from the WHO. It does look like the magnesium/calcium in water might be essential for health. There isn't much consensus here and by no means does it say having some distilled water here and there is bad. Looks like there is something there though. Looks like water with minerals is better but I still think it's very possible fluoride is no good. Maybe spring water with low fluoride is good like said.
You could swap things around like it's done here. Instead of in the tap water, fluoride is put into table salt. This has the same health benefits for the general population, but people who don't want it can choose to buy salt without fluoride. Everyone can be happy and there is no need to argue.
a normal person would ask for evidence. your parents are morons
Don't you care about your precious bodily fluids?
>tfw my city's water has no fluoride in it
What type of water were you drinking rather than tap water? Distilled? Spring water?
Do you have any health problems or abnormalities?
Here is an article that shits on every anti-fluoride crazy ass bitch unscientific complaint.
We were drinking water without that shit in it for... well... forever. And not too much was wrong.
Actually, drinking most water back in the day would just flat out kill us. So we made it ale instead.
I've been drinking non-city filtered water for years. I have arthritis but my family has a history of this so I doubt its from water. But I honestly couldn't even tell you that much for sure.
>We were drinking water without that shit in it for... well... forever.
True, I'm just wondering if distilled water can cause abnormalities like the WHO suggests I'm sure clean spring water is best, as it's what we are adapted to and have been drinking for..ever