California is the most cuck liberal state I've seen. We need to get rid of it now. It's crippling our nation with it's normalfag culture shit. How could we get rid of it and watch it die? How could we change history?
Sup Forums, how can we get Cuckifornia to secede?
Other urls found in this thread:
t. flyover
CA is based
t. numale
Without California and Northeast, USA would be mexico tier.
stahp wait I need save enough money to move out of CaliFag land
>flag of a country that doesn't exist
Nice try.
cali will just become mexico 2.0 and everyone will migrate east.
It'll be like Texas, you can't do it.
Also Cali is based, I love my state.
First, we need to create the red state of Jefferson:
I want California to secede so then we can have a civil war and kill all the nogun lefitsts
you magnificent bastards... keked heartly then almost puked...
Easy sign petitions allowing it to secede.
For all you new fags, a lot of people on Sup Forums, including myself, have been saying California is lost for years. Might as well give them their independence and maybe all of the other mexican'ts across the US will flock there which California will happily take because their golden calf is diversity.
It sucks because California is actually a really nice place, but we really need to worry about the bigger picture.
dont kill me im so cal pls
Why California and not Minnesota?
California would be the 5th largest economy above Britain if it was independent, Minnesota is not very relevant and they are leftists.
Minnesota has qt Nordic girls
not an argument
>California secedes
>US sends in small number of military
>California falls with zero resistance
>Thousands die
>Liberals call for loosening of gun control to stand up to a fascist governmet
Sacramento will hold it down for the union. Fuck the south, long live the north
We all know none of this shit will ever happen why do you take up space with these shit threads
>getting rid of our cash cow
Not fucking likely.
Californian here, just let SF, LA, Sacramento, and the bay area around SF leave. They stop ruining the state, and they fall apart without the rest of the state supplying them with water, power, and food.
For us the Europeans, the USA are New York, California, Texas and then Florida, Chicago, the North as a whole, the South as a whole and the Far West as a whole.
It's gotta stay. You need to sort out the wavering right wing states.
Splitting could work instead, though.
>tfw I'd still be in a blue as fuck state