"Get him he voted Trump! Fuck him up!"
Trump supporter attacked
We need to protect our brothers and sisters of trump
We seriously need to bring law and order back to this country.
37M of those. They outnumber us. Canadian wall now!
Walls are a good idea right?
Yup. The world has WAYYY too many bridges and not enough walls. No wonder things are so fucked up.
Good. Death to Fascists!
This is who we are dealing with.
If these men don't get busted for this I will completely lose faith in our justice system.
Reminder that this video keeps getting deleted by youtube every time it starts getting popular
Black user here. I hope all you whiteys pay for what you have done
I doubt they will. Even though trump was elected president, the systen is rigged against us.
>u gonna pay for muh shit
Hmm, what did she mean by this
This is the reason why peopel voted for trump in the first place. They just confirm trump voters with this.
Funny isn't it?
Yeah well I hope you niggers riot in my town so I can run you over, I love how your women literally sound like chimps when they scream.
Always carry, friends ;^)
Keep up the good work
the day of the rope will come soon enough
So, when do us whites start chimping out?
"hillary supporters"
all i see are a bunch of feral googles who are probably not even registered
savagely attacking whitey you fucking deceptive skype
30 rounds of 7.62 would do a number on a group on negros
no tolerance for these apes. Shoot on sight if you witness any of this trash
mother fucking googles ,they can never hold their fucking phones sideways
if it were a gun you can bet they would be holding it sideways though
God I really wish I had the legal protection you did. If I knew the cops would look the other way I'd murderrapekill your entire people.
day of the rope coming nigger
deport abodiginals
This video keeps getting removed from fucking everywhere. The original was reaching 1m views in only a matter of hours yesterday before Youtube pulled it for "some reason" and has been removing all the mirrors as well.
A version on vid.me was posted to plebbit where it quickly reached the #1 post on the entire site and got thousands of comments and of course the admins over there couldn't have anyone witnessing black people doing bad things, especially not against innocent white people and specifically for voting Trump, so it was promptly deleted without any reason given. Still, if you read the thousands of comments in that deleted plebbit thread, it very obviously redpilled the fuck out of a shitload of people, as most comments were along the lines of "I didn't vote Trump and hate him with a passion but not as much as I hate the subhuman filth that would group up and attack this man so violently simply voting for a candidate they don't like. I keep hearing that Trump supporters are bad, but I've never seen any as bad as this."
Also, a lot of
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but maybe Trump was right after all"
This is primo redpilling material. This will absolutely get taken down so download it while you can, host it all over the place, and make sure you spread it to normie websites since they sure as hell can't explain this away.
(Also, this is primo race war material tbqh. What are non-racist Trump voters gonna think about black people attacking a white guy and stealing his car simply for voting Trump? Meanwhile, black people are gonna love this and it will encourage them to be even more brazen. That'll get a race war a'brewin real quick.)
I was thinking about this on my way to work....
In the past 100 years, have blacks contributed one single thing to American society!??
Like if they all just left tomorrow... you would just have a surplus of food stamps??
Permanent sticky: keeping this shit on youtube.
Seriously, needs to happen.
>This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying.