Hey Sup Forums we had a super great time with the elections. Never had a greater time in Sup Forums. And yes...

Hey Sup Forums we had a super great time with the elections. Never had a greater time in Sup Forums. And yes, i know that we must continue investigating pizza, but I just wanted to say one thing:
I hope this time more of us realize that no true change can come from the left of right. The very name tells you that it's just the right and left hand of the same people.
I'm sorry, but you have to accept this if you want to be red pilled. The left and the right help each other. With all the conspiracies that are turning to be true, this is the final one. No change will ever come unless we change the system itself.
There are some issues that are just legacy issues by now, "engine" limitations.
No more right vs left, no more (fake) democracy vs (fake) communism. We need a new version of a political system, designed for the advantages and issues of our current age that takes into account the massive technological leap we made in the past 100 years.
This is the true test, where apathy is strongest and the difficulty can't be higher.

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Nationalism is the only answer

you are correct, the change comes from the people, nobody has actively spoken about how to change things in decades, since news organizations took control of the thoughts of Americans, we have changed that, let's not fuck it up

I already know what we can do in 2017 when Trump is at the White House.

Since we have to wait to help the Australians, it will help us to get primed if we can make it sure that Hillary gets prosecuted by those emails.

But we cant do this now because if Obama see that Trump will prosecute her, he may give her fully pardon and fuck our plans.

Don't forget that people are dictated by the culture in which they are raised. I highly recommend this video youtube.com/watch?v=Jjy-FU6tqPI

The government control media, culture and trends. So what do we do? Replace the government. It's literally the only way.

Its more than that.
Sup Forums is a place where ppl come together to mock everything, including ourselves.

No wonder the big midia dont affect us.

Watching the left, from Hollywood actors to late night hosts shamming ppl into voting for Hillary and yet, loosing it just proves that we are a weird bunch with a lot of power on its hands.

We can see the bullshit this artificial culture is and call for what it is: a shit. And the fact that they doesnt know how to deal with us just show how strong we are.

>make the midia attack a badly draw cartoon frog
>influences the politics of the most powerful country on the planet by doing just that

Unless the CIA crack down Sup Forums like did with Infinity, there is no stopping on us.

>Unless the CIA crack down Sup Forums like did with Infinity, there is no stopping on us.

CIA started this movement on Sup Forums, if only I could tell you

Yes, it's the only way. Burguers may not understand this, but USA exports culture to many countries as a means to control.
For example, I know that if i want to know how arg will be in 1 or 2 years, I just have to look how is USAs pop culture.
For example, a couple of years ago I was telling my friends about the dangers of feminism when Anita started pushing the agenda in vidya. No one really understood it. Those who did, told me "that's just in USA" now arg has suddenly become rampant with feminazis.
How did it happen? It's because there is almost no true argentinian culture anymore. Not in the biggest cities. We have a bizarre mix between USA pop culture and Argie eating habits and customs.
And this is completely intentional. Japan was truly subdued this way, not with bombs.
So, culture is formed in country labs, like South Korea, then it's implemented in USA through universities, art and media. Then, all mechanisms are naturally adopted by all the cultural colonies.

So, escaping this it's actually very hard. We are defeated in the schools of other countries...

make your own pop culture, ours is ruined, hasn't been good in decades

>Sup Forums is a place where ppl come together to mock everything, including ourselves.

When you understand female mechanics you understand that women do not have self deprecation humor. This is why VERY FEW women browse Sup Forums - they cannot take it. It is certainly an artificial culture.

That's the thing, we can't. There is not much difference between usa and the cultural colonies.
We play the same vidya, we watch the same movies and series, and read the same articles in english on the internet.
Culture is cloned

"Stop cloning culture" a good slogan

So, we have the same fucking problems, because we are under the same attack. The war on language is the same too.

good post. it's exactly the same over here.

He, I guess it could be a nice hashtag, but that's the thing. I'm not sure the kind of change that is actually needed can be done with memes...

No, it didnt.

I know. They dont need sense of humour.

We do because its a way to get their attention.

But the fact that ppl believe in equality is why cunts like Dunhan and that horse faced fatty appears on TV so much.

Gotta bring them down.

I know we're all burned out after the battle.
Some of us need a break to regain our sanity.
But we have shown how powerful user has become.
Next is France.
Then Germany.
We can save the motherland.

I do understand propaganda culture as a weapon, we use it in Africa to spread aids, they hand out free porno with plenty of anal scenes

it works, like handing out blankets with smallpox on them

but it only works if you're stupid, if you're smart enough you can view propaganda objectively

>No, it didnt.

intelligence community has been parked here since the CP busts in 08, this is well documented summer friend

Yes, but all of us know how fucking rare it is. Even here in Sup Forums how many true red pilled people there are.

Nope. Next is Australia.

They election comes before France I believe.

Germany will be complicated to operate because of the crackdown on Facebook.

I know. More than that, they have forced the owner of Infinity (and probably here too) to use codes from Red Hat. Red Hat is a well know face from the CIA/NSA so nothing of this is under my radar.

But one thing is monitoring the chans (easy since anyone has acess to this) and the other is they trying to steer where we should go.

We are just too complicated for an agency to steer our attention to something.

Do you remember that guy about a year or 2 ago that had posted the military secrets from Australia on a thread and we said "fake and gay"?

They can get our IPs easily, they probably has it as a standard feature, but power OVER us, I doubt it.

more and more every day

keep working spread truth

we can never let those lying democrats back into power,

they refused to abolish slavery, they started the KKK, they advocated lynching, they created nothing but suffering with their lies, they collude with the media, they are the party of the foreign oligarchs

get rid of them and do not be a democrat unless you can admit publicly that you hate minorities and seek to eradicate them through abortions and cheap food handed out freely

or you don't mind being in the party of people who want you dead because you want a free meal

those are the only two types of people that belong in the democratic party

But remember, the right is not an answer either, the Jews dual wield

Depend on what right.

If we are saying right as in, small goverment, patriotic and against masive immigration, Im all forward.

Dont fall for the nazism/facism was right wing.

I'm saying that we must leave the notions of right and left because they lock us and take away our options. If you can only chose between 2 options, and someone else is giving them to you, you have no choice at all.
For example, maybe we could have a true democracy (not this republics falsely call democracies). Maybe we can solve the problem of numbers and participation with internet.
Is there any govt considering this? any govt actually willing to experiment with new forms of govt?
Because those are the ones that are truly stopped at all cost by the establishment.

Also, everyone check this if they haven't already.
It has english subs

Nah, internet based voting can be easily attacked by hacking.

And fraud because you dont know the source code.

Trusting voting throught the internet is worse than trusting those Smartmatic machines.

I agree.