What, no salt thread?
>keep the fire burning.jpg
What, no salt thread?
>keep the fire burning.jpg
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best one
Kek delivered us a victory, the biggest ever. no sense in being sore winners, there is no time to waste..we must liberate Europe now.
>those qt fertile blonde white women supporting hillary
cunts should be impregnated to max then dropped in the atlantic ocean with cement blocks tied around their ankles
I love this one.
Nate Topsoil looks like he's lost all will to live.
She won the popular vote. Trump won't be the president.
like how gore won right?
like bush? fucking leaf leave pls
Yeah but this time they're not just going to sit down and do nothing about it.
bullshit, trump got 100% of the popular vote, hillary voters aren't biological life forms
She won the popular vote. She should be president.
First day of Trump being president millions are of Hispanic, Muslims, and blacks are hurt and told racist things in the name of trump.
White privilege?
> Fuck Facebook I feel half of the bullshit is made up
Why didn't we choose hope?
>She won the popular vote. She should be president.
well lets have a recount, but theyu won't because once all those votes get verified, all the dead and bogus names get tossed. shes going to jail retard.
According to you.
According to the US constitution, Trump won fair and square.
>a fucking leaf
if cancer had a flag, it would be the Canadian one
According to some retarded fucking document that a bunch of fucks came up with 200 years ago, Trump won.
According to the universal definition of democracy, Hillary won.
>my candidate didn't win
>therefor the entire system has to be thrown out and replaced with one that allows my candidate to win
system is all fine and dandy until your POS candidate loses. and whats funny, is if hillary won the way trump won, NOT ONE of you vile, hateful bigoted drones would be bitching.
you be cheering and laughing at republicans calling them mean spirited words.
go fuck off
She did win the popular vote, but it's a worthless statistic. Trump won more states and the electoral college in a landslide.
Macaulay Culkin is With Her?
According to some retarded fucking document that a bunch of fucks came up with 200 years ago, Trump won.
According to the universal definition of democracy, Hillary won.
2000 votes, leaf. Also it's not retarded, it ensures that a few states don't get too much power over a whole nation.
On the left, I wants
What I find funny is that most of the retards posting this shit are upper-middle class, white millenials. Do they not understand they'd be taxed the most under his policies?
Dem anal destruction material for centuries.
Literally the biggest troll ever.
The fact that all polls had Trump losing throughout the election makes this just that much better.
>According to the universal definition of democracy, Hillary won.
Too bad the US isn't a democracy.
Canadian education
>2000 votes, leaf
It could be just one vote. It doesn't matter. More people voted for her. She won.
Video thead
I also love how they don't realize he sold them out.
If you have her tell her Bernie was a Hillary plant all along and link her the wikileaks emails that prove it.
She literally said 'Donald Trump will be our next president' during her concession speech. It ain't happening.
>Some stupid fucking meme song at the beginning
It isn't funny, never has been or will be funny. Literally just for instagram fags and funnyjunk tier reddit tards
Please fuck off with your low-tier bait already.
>Bernie Sanders was the only candidate that claims he wants better healthcare, jobs, and education
She may have said that, but she won the election.
dude, fuck your disney font
>using the age of something as an argument against it
>failing to realise that democracy itself is an archaic and outdated system designed for a small city state
Stupid Changs.
I have a few gems from the Clinton HQ on election night I will post.
So a few States should be able to shit on the majority because they have more people in them? Fuck off, federation masterrace.
More people voted for her.
Therefore, she won the election.
Therefore, she should be the president.
What part of that do you find unpleasant to accept?
I think she is right guys
I was waiting for someone to say that
She won the popular vote, not the election. Stay mad.
Does anyone have source on 60% of the voting populace living in four states? I'm arguing with a fat libtard about why we need the electoral collage and he's trying to say it's only something like 40%.
You better check CNN my buddy
>Bumblefuck, Nowhere. residence: 400
>Newyork City: Residence 400,000
should be weighed the same?
>I'm just going to make some completely random rules that advantage me for no reason
No. She won the election. More people voted for her.
The end.
have a (you)
don't worry leaf, i'm sure you'll find better bait posts to use later
>What part of that do you find unpleasant to accept?
Your non-sequitur
No, she won the election.
The only thing she didn't win was the electoral college.
But she won the election.
Popular vote is utterly irrelevant to the election. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that. Now fuck off with your "I'm just pretending to be retarded" shit.
>things that didn't happen
the post.
these libtards sure have a wild imagination.
>another retarded foreigner that doesn't understand the reasoning behind the electoral vote system
A pure democracy is fucking retarded, despite what a lot of faggots will tell you the majority of people don't actually know what's best for them.
That's not how the US voting system works
If you have nothing intelligent to say, you don't have to respond.
More people voted for her, she won.
Seek help
>that font
Whatever good points she might have made will be ignored because of that gay-ass font.
Is it odd that I wanna throw these people in a meatgrinder?
but she didn't, because if she did she would be president. what don't you understand about that you fucking leaf?
As Alexander Hamilton writes in “The Federalist Papers,” the Constitution is designed to ensure “that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.” The point of the Electoral College is to preserve “the sense of the people,” while at the same time ensuring that a president is chosen “by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station, and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice.”
>Popular vote is utterly irrelevant to the election.
If more people vote for you in a democratic election, you are the winner.
The end.
Nope, and that's why different states have different amounts of college members.
>I'm just going to make some completely random rules that advantage me for no reason
That's literally you right now, how can't you see the irony? The system has been the same for over 200 years but only now you protest against it.
>this delusion
They should be bred for their genes and more white people, but after that, dumped in the ocean. Nothing wrong with that. They're useless besides reproducing.
Leaf, please. We're down here trying to MAGA. Get your shit and go.
Delicious sodium chloride.
I know so many of these faggots who are just LOVING this chance to pretend they're victims. Literally crying on each other's shoulders, telling each other it will be okay, that they'll get through these toughest of time *together*
This is the only way large swaths of my genetation can feel anything at all. It's the true driver of the bullshit protests we see everywhere today. Without feeling like a victim, they can't feel anything at all.
America is not a direct democracy you dense leaf
fucking gold
But you're a gay, why would you vote for Trump?
Does CTR ever stop?
>but she didn't
Let me rephrase that so that I can't leave any possible ambiguity:
She won the election.
More people voted for her.
The only thing she lost is the electoral college.
But she won the election.
m8, the entire world have accepted the result. You can't just back out of that
>Macaulay Cucken
>go up to a black woman who's pumping gas...
Am I the only one who wants to see where this goes?
>The only thing she didn't win was the electoral college.
>if your opponent wins the electoral college, you win the election
This is the background on my phone. I love seeing it every time I pull my phone out
>Hasn't been posted yet
She may not even have won the popular vote. CNN is predicting trump wins it, once all the votes are cast.
Also, neither of them was competing for the popular vote. It's easy to win that which isn't being fought over
I don't know what America is, I'm just telling you that Hillary Fucking Clinton, won the election because more people voted for her.
She may have lost your dumb fucking system that makes no sense and is totally rigged against her.
She may have lost according to your convoluted definition of election.
But according to every reasonable, universal, logical and true definition of an election, she beat Donald Trump.
Thanks, user. I wasn't trying to be a shitstirrer, I'm just lazy and didn't quite get the electoral thing. How are these 'members' decided? Population I assume?
Good thing this isn't a pure democracy.
All that matters in America is electoral college votes, and Trump won.
Because without Trump, this happens:
>a Muslim walks into a gay bar
>what will you have?
>shots for everyone
post the unedited