Is a depression coming?
Is a depression coming?
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(((They))) will probably pull some shennanigans. Obama and (((them))) have created a nice little bubble for Trump to inherit and when it eventually does burst, it will of course be all Trump's fault.
King Nig is a POS and is setting Trump up to fail.
God I hope so. We need a reset.
Well, probably not. But the idea that Hoover was somehow responsible for the great depression is stupid.
People always try to pin the blame on whatever president or political party is in power, and they rarely have anything at all to do with it. 2008 wasn't Obama or Bush's fault, nor the fault of their administrations. 2001 wasn't Clinton or Bush's fault, nor the fault of their administrations. 1982 wasn't Reagan or Carter's fault, nor the fault of their administrations. They may not have responded as appropriately or as swiftly as they should have, but to blame them betrays a poor understanding of economics.
No, I believe in KEK and meme magic will never let this happen.
We will meme America into a utopia.
Daily reminder that back then they were inverse, republicans were the libs and the dems were the conservatives
do you hear yourself?
you sound like my co-workers who said we were about to goto war with Russia and Obama would enact Martial Law to stay President.
It was always coming.
All the good goys who took out (((loans))) for (((investment properties))) will be left holding the hot potatoe.
It had to happen eventually, our grandparents endured it, our parents missed it (until now) and generation X will get hit the hardest. Gen Y and Z will have less debt but will have less employment.
For whatever reason the retarded Gen X-Z thought their generations were immune to financial catastrophe that has been routine for all recorded history.
That's hubris, or ignorance, but it's not prudent, and it's going to cost millions of people for the rest of their lives.
I don't get this meme. Didn't Republicans do this when Bush was first elected?
obviously, a depression is always coming, its been that way for the past century
the depression was a result of poor speculation from a whole decade, not one year you libcuck
>Is a depression coming?
A resurection of the economy is coming.
You're a fucking retard if you don't think we're already in a depression. On 911 the newspapers were like 4 cents. Today they are 3 50
We can only hope. You really think the people rioting in the streets would survive a depression? If the welfare checks and obamacare hormone river runs dry they will all kill themselves.
Is she referring to Hoover?
you're fucking retarded if you think inflation is the same as a depression
why is a horse trying to give history lessons
If Trump starts the trade war he wants absolutely it will.
>Trump starts Tariffs on China and Mexico
>Since Republicans repealed Dodd–Frank, banks will go into a tailspin due to massive unsecured debt speculation
>Economy goes into death spiral even worse than 1929
>Trump becomes a one and done, we get a new FDR from democrats
Screenshot this boys, you heard it hear first.
>economic crashes are results from one year
>modern ''''''''''''journalism'''''''''''''
I think your thinking of 1908, not 1928.
The depression started in 2008, in case you weren't paying attention.
Inflation is a symptom of a depression, yes.
The great depression was due to DROUGHT not the president. Liberals are fucking retarded.
Didn't that happen in 2000?
Donald Trump knows more about money management and economy than any of the most recent presidents who have just fucked it over. If anything Trump will have the opposite effect of a depression.
The biggest problem, is that this could very well happen if the Fed was purposely waiting for Obama's presidency to finally end before finally increasing interest rates. They are either going to do it in Trump's first year, or right before his reelection. Either way, we are all going to get fucked, and Trump will be blamed by the usual 34-year old (((yuppies))) from brooklyn/sf/austin/portland/seattle.
yeah let's just forget how much debt Black Oklahoma piled up over the years, surely that won't ever be demanded now that Trump won't take so much shit from the Saudis
>20 trillion in debt
>interest rates are STILL at 0
What do you think will happen when they finally decide to increase them?
and it was before the theorization of modern economics
I just googled it and this has happened in 2002 and 2004.
Ann Coulter is lying.
Everybody knows the Great Depression was Coolidge's fault. Hoover just inherited it
I assume this is a shoop, because no one who was alive in the 00s would post it.
Republicans held the White House, House and Senate 2002-6.
>The great depression was due to DROUGHT
No retard, it was due to massive unregulated speculation of the banks and wall street, added to a softening manufacturing sector. The Dust Bowl didn't start until 1934
Trump is going easy on obama and the establishment so that America looks good on a world scale. They have to keep a formal presentation to keep things in hand so no power leaks out in the exchange. Trump doesn't have the full power of America yet. He is much smarter than most people realize. He's on like four layers of dunning Kruger
Hoover didn't cause the GD
He handled it like a fucking moron but then again, so did FDR
Hitler pull us out of the depression
I mean it's not as nefarious as you make it out to be but if Trump is smart he will be forced to raise interest rates and destroy the stock market for a short while in order to build it up better than ever
It's not fake, she's just dumb because she's actually a Trump supporter
Stock market is doing great already.
Someone posted a big explanation that Hoover fucked everything up because he wasn't conservative enough.
I think they mean during a Presidential election. Though 2004 would be the last one. I think saw CNN or FOX mention 1928 as well.
Hope so. The world needs a cleansing. liberals will be the first to go. ironically, probably at the hands of blacks.
Maybe including the surpreme court?
Hoover just didn't handle it well at all. Poorly executed ideas under the guise of progression put salt on the wound.
Give it a break USA he's president elect it is happening, time to swallow the pride and make the best of it. Making him a demon isn't helping. To the winners I'll say be humble, to the ones who lost, ask yourself why and maybe consider not everyone has a city mindset, but most importantly accept it.
>Is a depression coming?
yes but it's ok, Hillary is already on suicide watch
What language do you think in?
>No you're not the party of Lincoln anymore!
>Wow look at these examples of REPUBLICANS from almost a century ago!?!?
fucking hypocrisy
>Obama and (((them))) have created a nice little bubble
We've been looking at the bubble since 2008 you massive retard.
For sure it's going to hurt. This is the concequences of artificially hiding stuff
Watch (((them))) jack up interest rates and collapse the economy by making all home owners unable to afford their interest payments.
yes. I'm going to buy storable food from Alex Jones
If Trump lets his neocon buddies deregulate everything yeah. But that's great. Laissez-faire economics will finally be relegated to the ash heap of history where they belong, along with left-wing extremes.
Supposedly the Fed is increasing them next month. It will be under Obama, but Trump will be blamed.
That is not necessarily, universally, or even obviously true. They can coincide but to call it a symptom -- what is it about a negative gdp growth rate that leads a general increase in the price level to be a symptom?
Didn't W have the house, senate, and congress?
I seem to remember that, and he fucked us all with the Medicare Prescription Drug shit and No Child Left Behind bullshit.
Republicans a century ago had same economic stances as modern Republicans.
Didn't they have it right after George W was elected? It wasn't a straight majority in the senate if I remember correctly, it was a 50-50 tie and Cheney got to vote on ties giving them the majority.
The Great Depression was a decade in the making, she's an idiot
Also republicans back then were much different than Republicans now. Remember that it was Democrats who supported segregation and Jim Crow
Because Clinton's two views with the public and Wall Street would have been so much better.
The one that matters to getting the message across. Bashing each other is all fun and games to get where you want to go, making sure you get along, though having different views, is what makes humans the dominant species of the earth.
Don't fuck this up, it only comes back to spite us.
Trump from the start, knowing he will be presidential as is required for the task at hand.
Godspeed America, show the world, the people are never wrong, though we might not agree, we can always find common grounds.
In 2002 yes.
Not in 2000 though.
What bubble exactly mr.leaf?
Well played Belgibro!
> Bashing each other is all fun and games to get where you want to go, making sure you get along, though having different views, is what makes humans the dominant species of the earth.
Couldn't have said it better myself, Belgium-bro.
What's that pic from?
B-but I thought he's literally Hitler? Hitler made the economy go through the roof. Make up your minds libbies.
Fucking this. This is the only thing that I'm concerned about, he can literally do whatever the fuck he wants, just don't fuck around with trading policies during your first 100 days in office, think that shit the fuck over.
Trump's finally fixing the mistakes of 1929.
of course the fed will crash the economy
to fuck with repub
why they didnt raise rate under obonko?
this we have forseen
What. Supreme court is it's own entity, it has nothing to do with who owns what.
the only depression that will happen is for the sjw
Let me sum this up for you with words you can understand.
The cause of the stock market crash:
1. A vast majority of the stock market was over-valued.
2. The banks encouraged everyone with a job to invest on margin, because they believed the wouldn't falter if more people invested more money into the stock market. Everyone bought in to the "get rich quick" mantra.
(Many people will deny this next one, but it's very true; however, there's something you should know about it.)
3. Relaxed federal regulations and there being no watchdog groups setup for finance caused widespread corruption in this sector.
HOWEVER, the person in charge of the Federal Reserve Board was a man called Adolph Miller. What's special about him? He was appointed in 1913 by Democratic president Woodrow Wilson. He was majorly responsible for financial regulations at the time, and he disregarded almost all forms of regulation.
The Great Depression wasn't caused by just Republicans and just Democrats, but all financial policy was guided by a man appointed by Woodrow Wilson. Adolph Miller was one of the sole reasons why Calvin Coolidge adopted a laissez-faire financial policy.
Nope, it happened in 2002, back when everyone was scared shitless thanks to people like Ann Coulter making it sound like Democrats wanted to surrender to al Qaeda.
Yes, but it's not exclusively because of Repubs/Dems.
The Federal Reserve has been inflating the same bubble from 2008. We're still in the same recession, they just dumped a bunch of paper money into the economy to keep it hobbling along instead of letting it correct, and it will make the inevitable worse than it ever had to be.
Of course, not many understand that it's taken decades of failed policies to get here, so when it happens, whoever is in office will get the bulk of the shit for it.
>since 2008
>Not Obama
It's a leaf
If your mindset is this, it isn't worth living, changes are feared, but not to be broken down, we live our lives by standing and falling, but in the end we always thrive.
Oct. 28 was before the election retard
I'm not talking about that. Clinton was nothing, cosmetic changes at best.
Sorry, experience has shown that extremes don't work or they only work for a short time.
You can't let banks and big business run amok. You can't micromanage economy either.
"Free" trade is a sham and just a weapon of globalization.
And finally, economic and social issues overlap.
This is clear to everyone who isn't desperate to not see it.
What's sad is that so many Americans are fucked over by the weapon their elite uses yet they defend it ferociously.
Just a simple question: who do you think is behind mass immigration?
Debt, interest and bailing out bubble.
QE isnt over and is continuing because stopping the printing machine and buying of bonds will crash the scheme.
Being president on the Republican side you have 3 choices.
1- crash it a take the blame
2- try and do something which will amplifie the problem in the future
3-crash it a blame the other(which will not work since you can blame the house and the Senate)
>Haha Republicans back then were the liberal party, i bet you feel real silly now
>Haha look at the racist conservative Republicans back in the day causing the depression
So which one is it?
That's not what he means genius.
This is what he means, It's decades of failed policies from both sides.
And we know the Depression isn't just the Republicans fault.
Do you deny Obama created the largest debt ever?
>"Democrats and Republicans switched in the 60s, they're nothing like they were at first!!!!"
>"The Republican Party is the same as ever. This means we'll have a depression!!!!!!"
FDR caused the great depression.
government causes all depressions
Trump=1928 Republicans
Gud 1
yeah but it's just gonna be for liberals.
Fucking bullshit. How was it Coolidge's fault?
>Of course, not many understand that it's taken decades of failed policies to get here
This sentence reminds me of greece. They had pretty much the same problem - they just always left the bubble for the next legislation to deal with. And then it burst.
haha nigga there's already millions of depressed liberals
Yes, but not a Economic one.
The Great Leftist Depression
A sore throat is a symptom of throat cancer.
It's also a symptom of sucking dick.
Anons.... I keep seeing the same threads over and over again. Are there really bots posting slide threads? I've heard anons say it alot lately, but I didn't want to believe...
But weren't the pre 1960 democrat and republican parties switched so that would mean their way of rule would match modern day democrat policies?
Republican-appointed justices they probably meant.
What the fuck isn't Ann Coulter supposed to be a republican? Why did she post this?
She didn't post the second part idiot.
This is overplayed too much.
There was a liberal wing and a Conservative Wing in both parties.
The New Deal screwed that up as Conservative Democrats would ally with the Republicans, and by the 1960s both parties would start to be shaped by ideology as the Democrats went for the New Left.
Or drinking too much last night.