>eating at a fastfood restaurant with friends and collage class mates
>one of my friends start the topic about politics
>he said that we all going to die because of trump, and that he will bring WW3 starting with Russia
>couldn't control myself because i'm sick of braindead libtards and democrats, revealing my power level
>told him how currupt shillary is, and the fact that Trump wants have good relationship with Russia, while Hillary wanted the opposite
>"Than Trump and Putin will start WW3 because if they are strong allies they will wanna conquer the world"
>mfw he's on a next level of retardation
>mfw for 26 years romanians vote for the same 2 political parties which are domocratic and liberal, than complain how the governament is currupt and the fact that this country became a shithole
Eating at a fastfood restaurant with friends and collage class mates
Other urls found in this thread:
don't be upset, just redpill your friend one by one.
Remember that we are winning
have a pupper
there are no clear ideologies for romanian politicians, most of them side with the wining ideology at that time
gotta ask OP whats romanian fast food?
The only romanian i know unironically prefers clinton. Why are you such faggots compared to hungarians?
mici, shaorma, and burgers
Dah Ivan.
Putin is of friend.
if you dont agree he will bomb you.
slap hap him and tell him as a message from me
"fututi grijania mati de comunist"
Trump does want to disband NATO, which is the first step to making WW3 even possible. That alone is the single scariest foreign policy any American leader could hold.
Thank god the election is over and you fuckers can't call me a CTR shill anymore.
you arre still ctr just with no shills
A vast majority of people at my job support Trump, or at least find the whole thing funny.
Even fucking Antena 3 was open about liking Trump.
Stop being friends with Vice-reading faggots.
Because the media is against Trump, calling him racist and that he will bring WW3, and the people eat all this shit propaganda. The people of this country are too fucking stupid and belives all the lies they hear on tv. After I graduate, I will live this lefty shithole and come back when a new Hitler or Cornel Codreanu will rule this country.
>my family keeps talking shi about Trump and fell for the liberal fear mongering
>Dad is watching anti trump videos that use fucking text to speech
>everyone around me are in fear mode
>friends have actually felt sick at hillary's loss
>listening to basically "were dooooooooooooooooooomed" ad nauseum
>Try to explain that hillary is just a corrupt and sinister as they claim hat rump is only one either fall on deaf ears or it always ones back to "b-but the illegals!"
I never knew that most people around me were this bluepilled. I expected at least a handful but it's actually just me and my bro.
>fast food
I didn't watched antena 3 lately, only on the results of the election day and they were bashing him.
actually the point of disbanding nato is not having to start ww3 if russia attacks some country
Dana Grecu, Radu Tudor si Badea au zis ca l-ar vota.
>Trump wants have good relationship with Russia
Maybe he does, but with whom exactly he is going to cooperate in Russia?