Who is Sup Forums's ideal cabinet?

Can we please meme Trey Gowdy into the Attorney General, please??

Also, have you all considered what other cabinet appointments you would prefer? I know there's been a lot of talk of Ron Paul for state treasurer, and while I fundamentally agree with this, I think he's probably too old at this point.

Seriously though, Gowdy for AG!

You need a Keynesian economist. Not sure where to find one that isn't a disgusting leftie, but given that trump is calling for massive stimulus spending financed by debt, he needs an expert on that topic.

Take your shit somewhere else, Ron has been with Sup Forums for a long time

>Keynesian economist.

I'd like Ron Paul too. Either as treasurer or state dept

I voted for Ron in 08 man, I've been with Ron for a long time.
But Ron is getting old man... He was old when I voted for, and now I'm old!

>Massive infrastructure spending
>Tax cut
>Wall building
>All financed by debt

Why doesn't he need an expert on countercyclical stimulus?

What's up with Trey's head?

I don't know, but when I was picking out an image for the thread, I noticed a stark resemblance with Eminem. Would be funny if someone with more skill than me would meme that... could be a good angle for the AG meme theme.

Respect your elders faggot
Take your cuckold false economics back to North Korea

Stick a bunch of neocons in there and call it a day.
Just like that, #swampdrained

Explain how all of what I just explained isn't textbook US economic policy from 1950-1970, or how it isn't what trump promised in his speeches?

Because all you've got is ad-hom right now. I want to see him succeed, but he needs to structure his stimulus right to do so.


Don't be a nigger, I support Ron Paul, but can he really take on the position for the term limit?
I have my doubts. He's only human.

Thank you.

You can invest for the future without being a "Kensian" which at this point is just a person who is paid to shill for a theory twisted into nothing more than excuse for politicians to spend and borrow and spend and borrow and spend and bury our children in debt.

Let's strip the name from it then. Trump is proposing countercyclical spending (spending when the economy is weak, to make it strong). He needs advice on how to do that. Thus he should appoint an adviser who understands and could help him with a large scale stimulus bill (he even talked about the stimulus in his speech).

I love Trey Gowdy, considering he helped put Trump in the whitehouse I think he deserves AG

>I support Ron Paul, but can he really take on the position for the term limit?

I can't think of anyone who understands economics and politics better than Ron Paul.

Not to mention that a LOT of people absolutely LOVE Ron Paul.

It's not the AG who will win him re-election, but rather the way he handles the economy. Even if he literally did nothing else he promised, putting americans to work through spending and giving them money through tax-cuts would jump start the economy

Pat Buchanan secretary of state


>gift from /cfg/

Surely Trump follows his twitter right? Just spam we want Gowdy to him, throw in a hashtag for good measure like #GowdyAG

Goyde for AG would be epic! We need this over Juliani.

Trump is even further to the left of Keynes on economics, you clueless faggot. Even Keynes didn't support protectionism.

While I'd loved Rowdy Gowdy, you have to think politically.

Any prosecution is going to be attacked as a witch hunt from the DNC and left. So you have to get someone that is non-partisan and upstanding with a track record.
Enter Preet Bharara, NY US Attorney, and responsible for prosecuting corruption from the mafia to Wall Street. The guy takes no shit, and what can the DNC say when the legitimate facts are laid out and the law actually applied by their own legal Indian Immigrant?

I would love Gowdy as AG. He would shut down the Clinton Cartel and Drain the Swamp!


Well I'm all for Ron Paul, especially if there's no one better out there. Is Randlet in the same ballpark as his dad economically?

Prehaps leaf.

While i'd still have the gowdster this would make a lot of sense.

But this is pols dream cabinet thread, not political realism and strategy

Can you guys fill me in a bit on Pat?

I don't know much about him.

Google reform party, all you need to know.

Ya'll have twitters you can rev up? I never had an account...

I'm listening.

But I want Gowdy elevated to some position of power greater than where he's at... If we're being honest, if he runs in 2020 he's got my vote.
Where would you put Gowdy if you displace him with pooloo Preet?