What do I respond to that?!
"But he didn't win the popular vote."
Other urls found in this thread:
More than 2 million votes remain uncounted. The remaining votes belong primarily to Alaska and Military servicemen, who historically vote republican by about 90%. Hillary's vote lead is fewer than 200,000.
>majority of people want to ban homosexual marriage
>courts stopped it because muh equal protection
The electoral college prevents tyranny of the majority.
Tough shit, faggot
votes aren't all counted.
So no, she didn't win the the popular vote yet.
and you don't have to.
We are a democratic republic, not ruled by mobs.
Because it's the American election, not the California election
>The popular vote also made the USSR a thing
>The popular vote killed millions of Chinese
>The popular vote got Putin in power
Tell them this, and that the popular vote is very susceptible to persuasion.
Is California not part of the America?
Well, the US isn't a democracy, rather a republic.
The states are important, not the population and Killary lost the rust belt, which means much more than 1 million illegal spics voting in commiefornia.
He's projected to win the popular vote on CNN, not all of them are counted yet
Electoral college is to address problems with the popular vote. If they can't grasp it, too bad.
Tell them that America isn't a strict democracy, its a Democratic Republic and thus the popular vote is not what matters. but if there American and dont know that already then there retarded.
Not for long
CNN yesterday
Random white guy:"Trump had a movement behind him! A monster vote!"
Don Lemon snarky:"Nope, he didn't have the popluar vote and less votes than Romney in 2012!"
What do you say to that, Sup Forums?
''Neither did Obama''
Still didn't get a majority.
>The polls had Clinton winning by 80% chance 2 days before elction I don't trust any statistics they throw at me
Plain and simple
>The electoral college prevents tyranny of the majority.
Not in any way.
When Obama won in 2008 how did the EC protect people from his tyranny of majority?
cry some more ahmed, your days are numbered
4% of the landmass has no right to control the rest of the country.
all in all, i would say this election is an amazing example why state rights should come before federal laws (for the most part) communities can actually effect local elections and fight for what that community needs, it doesnt need some asshat with a small world view from across the entire country telling them that they are wrong about an environment they dont even fucking live it. it goes both fucking ways too. look at how much shit goes on between parties in countries in europe when texas itself is almost as large as all them put together.
We do not live in a mob rule society, we live in a civilized constitutional republic.
These threads are stupid, lame, and posted by a butt hurt mexican who has to go home -- not CTR.
>Tell them this, and that the popular vote is very susceptible to persuasion.
And a minority vote isn't?
Explain how that makes any fucking sense.
"as long as we are counting metrics that don't matter, trump won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states"
illegals can't vote you fucking retard
It was my first time voting here in california and they require your info with license number or last four of social security number for first time.
1. Both candidates knew the popular vote didn't matter, and planned accordingly. The popular vote totals would be different if they were trying to win that instead of the electoral college
2. Trump is down 200,000 in the popular vote. Up to 2 million illegal immigrants might have (illegally) voted in the election.
>Don Lemon saying anything
he mad
and get out of here with your plebbit spacing
Secede from the union then and Ill be the first one to join in the crusade to retake la republique de la california or whatever and push the liberal wave back into the sea
>Up to 2 million illegal immigrants might have (illegally) voted in the election.
Neither did Bush in 2000.
4% of the landmass has no right to control the rest of the country.
Why should % of landmass matter at all when thats where the most people live?
It's a representative democracy.
Go learn your PoliSci 101 terms, leaf.
I'd say "Shut up Don you fucking faggot."
Nah he's going to win the only vote that matters 306 to FUCK YOU!
That's fucking retarded. Are you brain-dead?
>We do not live in a mob rule society, we live in a civilized constitutional republic.
How does being a republic with a constitution make the USA any more or less civilized than for example Canada?
They should have counted all the votes.
Electoral fraud and/or voting location incompetence.
Go tell democrats in Rhode Island that you want to get rid of the electoral college.
The electoral college is designed to require popular support from all parts of the country.
If we didn't have it, what would stop a candidate promising to pull all federal funding from western states and give it as a UBI to eastern states?
Drumpf insulted the military. He'll lose.
In addition to the others saying that America is a representative democracy and not a mob-rule democracy, the candidates would have also campaigned a lot differently if the winner was decided by popular vote. In that case, Trump could've still won.
We are not a direct democracy.
We are a Constitutional Republic.
Don't like it, change the constitution.
Or fuck off.
>making more of an argument against the republican party
You don't get the thread, do you? I want Trump to have a clean/full win across the board. Him not winning the popluar vote might not be significant for you, but it sure gives ammo to the niggers ruling your streets.
People that were registered to vote and didn't, plus the lack of any requirement for identification of being a person voting.
Who cares? He's already President.
lol man its like you arn't even trying.
Yeah bs you lying cunt. I voted in SF and they refused to look at my id.
Fuck off and die CTR.
This +Illegal immigrant votes and proven cases of pro-dem voter fraud put Trump significantly ahead realistically
Why would that be important?
I am not American, but I am pretty sure that the electoral college decides the victor, not fucking popular vote.
Do these fucktards seriously imply that just because they are butthurt due to results, laws should be rewritten? That's kind of selfish and childish to me.
What if Hillary won the election and Trump got the popular vote? What then? Would they still have thought that the electoral college is bad?
They are just retarded and butthurt.
All votes are, democracy is shit
Maybe if you actually looked outside the American education system just once, you'd realize this.
We are a republic. The EC system did its job, and once again, we were proven right as a nation.
Explain what the fuck you are talking about.
My fellow Kraut, behold my wares.
First we have the logic mine that proceeds as follows:
USA has never been a complete republic. The Electoral college exists because it is only fair that all states get a say in the matter because not all states have massive population cities, and the environment for jobs, financial standing, cost of living and life in general differs from state to state. Without the EC, then California and new york would vote for the entire united states, including places they've never been, and outshining people that the have never met. What right does two states have to sway the rest of the nation?
The Butthurt SAM:
Because all the liberal cucks that live in these large cities and "check their white privilege" have bullshit sanctuary cities that allow illegal immigrants to stay in the US where they are prompted to vote. Think it can't happen? Keep denying voter fraud, faggot. Not to mention long term that when these illegal immigrants reproduce their children are legal immigrants because fucking reasons, and considering that mom and dad need protection from ICE, how do you expect them to be raised to vote. The EC is to balance the vote from all this cuckery and corruption.
The Napalm Cocktail:
Who fucking cares. The EC dictates the election not the popular vote. More people voting for Hillary just means there are more idiots in this country. QQ, we don't give a fuck about your opinion. You lost. GGNORE MAGA DRAIN THE SWAMP.
All of these will aid you in your journey. Remember, it's dangerous to go out there alone.
Its the United STATES of America.
States matter - no matter their population size.
All candidates involved know about the electoral college. Its not like they campaign with the sole purpose of getting the popular vote.
voter ids are raycis user, didnt you know.
He's just a retard wanting to justify his tiny bumfuck state being able to screw over elections for the country's majority.
Then explain to them how the American election works. Then drive the point home by suggesting having someone run to abolish that system and if that someone doesn't get elected then tough shit.
That is unless they're suggesting going outside of the system, but that would be awfully fascistic wouldn't it?
Tyranny of the majority.
The EC is specifically designed so that California and NY can't dictate presidents or policies for the entire nation.
It's the united STATES of America, and each state deserves to have their votes count.
Cry some more lefty
You lost
Get over it
This shit happens in these stupid ass sanctuary states.
>If we didn't have it, what would stop a candidate promising to pull all federal funding from western states and give it as a UBI to eastern states?
The fact that the President doesn't create the budget?
If it was strictly popular vote, he would have campaigned differently.
His strategy was a winning one based on the way the system works.
Jose, if it were up to me I would give California back to your homeland.
Do you not understand what the fucking electoral college is?
Holy shit Ahmed, fucking throw yourself into a vat of acid, the popular vote is a meme. The only ammo the niggers ruling the streets are going to get are tow in the chest and one in the head.
this bullshit is running rampant on my feed.
What is going on in this country?
What do I tell people who link me this trash
CNN is projecting he will win the popular vote.
"Hillary won the popular vote because of the illegals"
You still verify that you are the registered voter by providing your information.
If the election was decided by popular vote both candidates would have run nationwide campaigns.
...but the rules don't work that way so it doesn't tell you a damn thing
Why don't the teams that scored the most points go to the Superbowl?
Because it is the number of games you win not points.
There were a handful of battleground states.
That is where the game was won or lost.
Hillary lost more games.
That's all you need, those libs are gonna get fucked in the ass in Jan 6.
"And yet he's still gonna be the President, so deal with it."
He won 30/50 states
It's the United States of America, not the People's Republic
Wait a little bit longer. CNN is projecting Trump to win the popular vote.
We are not a Democracy, we are a Republic.
This is the point of the electoral vote, as each state has a certain amount of power to represent its people.
4 million people combined in New York and California do not negate the rest of the U.S.A.
As that would be entirely unfair for the politics of two small areas to represent 85%+ of the land/resources/people of the united states.
In fact this would be a form of dictatorship, as both those states would always vote for their self interest and use the other states resources.
There is also a margin of error in every statistic of 1-2%, if a statistic has a margin of 3% or higher it shows that it is unreliable.
I mean this is pretty common knowledge.
Right now Hillary has won the popular vote by less than 1% which is statistically nothing of value.
If she won by more than 3% it would show that our electoral count is not accurate and that we need to revaluate the importance of each state.
They both knew the rules of the game and played accordingly. Trump outplayed her, too fucking bad.
>"But he didn't win the popular vote."
that's because people who live in cities an around them are brain washed, so they all over the same.
popular vote is meaningless because they campaign to win key individual states not the popular vote.
I understand it better than you do, cuck. It's still relevant. It gets mentioned in MSM daily/hourly.
Fuck back to your shithole. You have no say here. Least popular country on this fucking board, Mohammed.
Do you have a reading comprehension issue? They require information, not an ID you illiterate fuck.
Good times it sounds
When will absentee votes be counted?
>about 10 cities make a country
a fucking leaf, like always
That this is the system that the US has used since its inception. That the US is a republic, not a democracy. That if the situation was reversed they would not fucking care, and they're just being hypocrites.
We aren't purely a democracy for reasons like that.
Democracy is mob rule. We are a Constitutional Republic so the majority can't vote the rights of the minority away.
How does being a republic with a constitution stop States from assigning EC votes based on each state's voter outcome?
Get 48% of the vote get 48% of the State's EC voters?
Show the the project Veritas video.
The dems bussed millions of illegals around to vote several times
is there a source on this?
>announced public referendum
>liberals lose and want to take it to representitives
>announced democratic republic
>liberals lose and want to take it to popular vote
Ah yes, you Californians know whats best for everyone. Especially people livink in say, Alaska or Nebraska. Lets make every state a communist nanny shithole just like cali, because thats where the only people who matter live!
even (((CNN))) is projecting Trump to win the popular vote once all the votes come in
6 million less democratic voters than the last election. She might have won more votes than Trump, but actually winning the popular vote? She did a very piss poor job and didn't do it where it counted.
>Popular vote isnt how it works
>Average citizen isnt smart enough to vote for a good candidate
>only lost popular vote by 301002
>The Electoral college exists because it is only fair that all states get a say in the matter because not all states have massive population cities, and the environment for jobs, financial standing, cost of living and life in general differs from state to state. Without the EC, then California and new york would vote for the entire united states, including places they've never been, and outshining people that the have never met. What right does two states have to sway the rest of the nation?
Are you actually this fucking stupid?
Have you confused the EC with the Senate?
EC votes are based on population.
The only sticking point is that most states are winner take all.
Even (((CNN))) has projected Trump to win the popular vote
That they wouldn't give a flying fuck if Trump won the popular vote but lost out on the electoral votes. If you hate the system so much change it.
Tyranny of the majority is democracy
A fucking Drumpfslave.
Also its a known fact the democrats commit voter fraud, that a bunch of illegals voted in Commiefornia, we had confirmed cases of fraud in Florida, California and Penn. and that we had Euros and Canadians coming over to vote and the Don STILL won.
How many of those votes for Killery are legit?
>Its the United STATES of America.
>States matter - no matter their population size.
>All candidates involved know about the electoral college. Its not like they campaign with the sole purpose of getting the popular vote.
How does the EC make States matter if the EC is based off of population?