not an argument
seriously why is the US always this extreme ?
all this christian fanatics that ignore science are so popular there.
Because Evangelicals are like 25% of the population and are the base for the GOP.
>discussed tapping Sarah Palin
Can't blame them. I'd tap it, too.
> It's going to be great (unless you are black, Mexican, Muslim, gay, Jewish, Christian, or white and live anywhere in the United States).
Wow they actually included Christians and whites this time for some reason...
>implying evangelicals are bad...
Sweet Asians will rule.
Deserve what?
There's really nothing concerning here.
You hilltards are fucking pathetic.
They're retarded hypocrites. They voted in an atheist blasphemer who's been married a handful of times. Their opinions are pretty much useless now
no she's not. this is made up from """sources""" to get clicks and in 3 weeks this will have been totally forgotten
>sarah palin is bad!
>because the media and the obama campaign spent billions telling us she was bad!
>the same media that told you clinton was up 50 points in wisconsin?
This is a picture I took at a glacier. The tree stump is what is left over after this glacier receded. It got there because 100's of years ago this glacier receded and a forest grew then the glacier advanced and mowed the forest over. The earth warms and cools all the time, you fucking idiots just cherry pick what you want to believe.
Why are you so afraid of intelligence? Did you have a bad experience as a child? You don't have to lash out at everyone for it, you just make yourself the laughing stock of the entire planet.
She has a column in Breitbart every so often and writes a lot more eloquently than you'd expect for someone who comes across as utterly retarded. I wonder what it's like to be in her head?
Mods Start banning these click bait no substance treads. Ads have changed to this shit. Put the info or GTFO.
kek is a funny guy sometimes
all this strawmen.
nice source you got there.
All Trump has to do is bring up Palin and the libs go nuts hahaha
>They're retarded hypocrites. They voted in an atheist blasphemer who's been married a handful of times. Their opinions are pretty much useless now
Compared to the atheist blasphemer who's been in office the last 8 years?
>implying the only things that matter to evangelicals are divorce
k, bud. k.
>being considered
i, for one, still trust media predictions even after they were consistently wrong about literally everything for the past year and a half
Fuck your elitism.
She'd be a good Secretary of Interior because of her previous experience as Governor of Alaska, which has swaths of Federally managed land.
That's pretty much a shit argument to appeal to evangelicals, because tons of stories in the bible involve god using sinners to achieve his means. I'm an atheist, and even I know that shit.
I read a positive poll about media reliability, so i too do trust our media institutions and the incredible journalism that they give to our societies.
>ignore science
The left isn't any better in the US
Pop-sci isn't science
Try 3 days
>devout protestant christian who, despite being raised in a heathenistic environment absent of Christ, found Jesus in his 20s and continued to practice religion throughout his career and presidency.
>athiest blasphemer
Hell, Hillary's faithfulness to Bill is a better example of evangelist values than Trump's personal life.
>actually believing Trump will bring back jobs
>oops, forgot automation is ramping up and there's no stopping it
>Hillary's faithfulness to Bill
Have you looked at Chelsea? She's not Bill's.
>devout protestant christian who, despite being raised in a heathenistic environment absent of Christ, found Jesus in his 20s and continued to practice religion throughout his career and presidency.
>athiest blasphemer
>Hell, Hillary's faithfulness to Bill is a better example of evangelist values than Trump's personal life.
I know bait when I see it, and that's some fuckin' bait right there.
am i the only person here who thinks she is actually a brilliant person?
>reading tabloids
Dude, just take a fucking look at her face.
damn I knew a bout this story but the comparison is shocking
They're still clearly idiots and that's pretty much that unfortunately
Automation is today's buzzword for you guys?
Where was all this automation talk when Obongo was talking about jobs, or Shillary?
You lost, and I think it was close enough that you can even blame yourselves, because you fucking suck at internet propaganda.
k, bud. k.
You do realize she isn't actually stupid, right? The opposition just spent a shitload of time and money framing her as that