>tfw you find out about ayylmaos and realize you can't maga because the grey overlords wont let you and you now must become another washington puppet in obama's path
i laughed, leaf
What could change is demeanor? What horrible truths could drain ones soul?
Was he threatened to keep in line by a shadow government? Is a meteor coming down in 2028? Can he really do NOTHING with a red congress and conservative supreme justice seat all because of shadow governments?
He is worn out needs sleep.
Also still in shock at the win.
they showed him what's behind the curtains
He had to shake the hand of a google...without a stunt double.
Guess what
He also won't do half the shit he said he would.
Politics 101.
kek. I'm beginning to think he will have a very short presidency. He doesn't seem very enthusiastic, almost as if all he actually wanted was to win, now that he wonn there's no next goal.
At least we got o BTFO CTR and political correctness, and also realign politics with white blue collar workers
Of his own will, or because (((someone))) won't let him?
you cracked the code burger
He's tired/bored
They tell him a terrifing truth. He was shocked. He even coulndt properly talk. This is why establishment didnt want him to be POTUS.
Trump cant be trusted and he finally understand the mistake he did. Imagine President of US is announcing the world is being ruled by extraterrestrials on live cnn.
He will be either
>forced to resign
I can tell you're still salty about him winning.
The blurriness of this picture makes the eyes look more dilated which conveys an emotion, I'd like to see a clearer one
nope i supported him since last june.
>tfw the shadow government chose him because they have more blackmail material on him
Looks like he wants to quit
He never intended to actually win
He seems fine to me. Maybe sick and tired of being around wet paper bag Obama
>Trump won't nuke non Earth invaders
fuck off
The realization he is the leader of the Free World and the West is riding on his shoulders.
God bless this man. He is fucking insane for running and doing it.
Poor fella
He looks a little bit nervous but he's not using his public campaigning persona, he's probably tired as fuck and he's in front of one of the most powerful people in the world so it's totally understandable I guess
he is 70 years old and just beat the entire world
is Hercules allowed to look tired after completing the 7 tasks?
Oh jeez
what does he mean?
I think the reality is setting in that he is actually about to be the most powerful man in the world, and that he is now feeling the tremendous responsibility of leading our country.
I am so fucking ready.
What's even funnier about this is he still holds the black guy's hand before letting go and after the closeup
brain operation scar etc.
Please explain this image
meybe he has alien implants