I want to thank all the states who voted for Trump, but especially Texas. You may be stupid, but we love you.
I want to thank all the states who voted for Trump, but especially Texas. You may be stupid, but we love you
Fuck you, Colgate.
Texans aren't stupid.
Uh Texas is the definitely smartest out of the red states
>mfw I live in Fargo ND
>mfw there is a protest tomorrow night
Fucking Lefties invading my safe space
I'm from Texas, and you should be thanking Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
feels bad...
>"We californians aren't stupid inbred retards like those redneck trash in flyover states! >:("
>california is as bad as the shittiest states in the deep south
>flyover states beat california by about 5 iq points on average
Hmm really makes you think
This. We'll always vote in national interests, but turning those four red is an act of God.
Leftists hate democracy
just how retarded democrats really are?
B-but I really like Texas
you're welcome
>Cali is dumber than Ala-fucking-bama
those are the real saviors of the USA
>people have a way of thinking that not just mine
>people must be dumbos for not having the same thoughts as me
Thank you Netherlands.
>Fuck you, Colgate
Same. Where's the protest? What is it?
>NASA, Texas Instruments, AT&T, Baker Hughs, UT, TAMU
>You may be stupid but we love you
Damn foreigners always buying into American stereotypes, shut up ruskie.
>dumbest states are the ones infested with niggers and spics
Feels good man.
>Uh Texas is the definitely smartest out of the red states
That is a really distressing thought to the rest of us, cousin.