So why are Drumpftards acting like Drumpf actually won? Clinton won the popular vote. Drumpf only win because of the archaic electoral college that needs to be abolished.
America has spoken. Fuck Drumpf.
So why are Drumpftards acting like Drumpf actually won? Clinton won the popular vote. Drumpf only win because of the archaic electoral college that needs to be abolished.
America has spoken. Fuck Drumpf.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Clinton won the popular vote
They haven't finished counting the votes dumb ass.
>Clinton won the popular vote.
It's easy to win something that isn't being competed over.
He instantly believes whatever the media puts out. It is common to all liberals.
Instant Drumpf damage control.
>Loses popular vote
>Gets presidency by the system - EC
Of course if the table was flipped Trumpkins would be crying. Hypocrites and idiots.
I see the forced meme crew hasn't left yet.
Guess you decided you enjoy trolling this board. Good for you faggot. Welcome and go fuck your self
Are we still doing this
Is this going to be a thing still
We know CTR is done
Are we just going to ironic shitpost until January.
Its very tiresome
Hahaha, they're still going.
...Because Trump won. If you don't understand the electoral college, that is your failing. Also a safe space for Trump supporters would be pic related. Its ours again.
Trump could walk around any democratic city, stroll around all day with a literal target on him, and still be fine. You lot are pussies.
>clinton won popular vote
>trump runs the country anyway
>btfo drumpf
Hill Shills would be defending that very same system had she won instead of speaking about wanting to destroy it. Really makes you think, no?
Don't worry someday you might be able to own some land and not rent/ leech.
you forgot your canadian proxy
Ironic Hillposting is the best
Wow, these fucking retards are still pushing le Drumpf meme even though they're obviously done. Well, enjoy your death throes, faggots. This is your deviant movement's last little squeak of life before it wafts listlessly off into the index of a children's history book. You are relegated. You are over. The future is ours.
The SALT ladies and gentlemen, Fucking hell does it taste good. Even if you are trolling OP, it doesn't change the facts on the ground. Please stay salty, it only brings me laughter.
>Drumpf only win because of the archaic electoral college that needs to be abolished.
funny you cucks didn't have a problem with the electoral college when Obama won
The Electoral College keeps certain states from becoming too powerful, so it worked in this case. :)
Also, the popular vote doesn't actually mean shit. So Trump DID win.
i'm gonna miss our little shills.
I thought this user explained the electoral college well for people like OP who do not understand it.
"Popular Vote" Yeah, Like we are crying over that.
I cant wait till they count the active military vote to make all of you children shut the fuck up
Trump is the new president.
>CTR shill mistakes California democrats for swing state delegates
Hillary will be president through the electoral vote. It's not over yet. I can still use my Hildawg memes until December 19.
>literally conceeded
victory was swift and merciless
>P-p-p-p-p-p-p-popular vote!
Which doesn't matter since your strange country counts "Delegates" instead.
democrats are always trying to cheat, trying to change the rules after the fact. stop being children. we have rules for a reason. try following them for once in your life. not everybody deserves a trophy.
He won the popular vote too.
>people hired by CTR will be unemployed soon
they can go back to selling their ass for weed money
Would you rather the cucked states of CA and NY determine every election?
>yfw Hillary is going to assassinate CTR members out of rage
Typical liberal
No research into why the electoral college exists
Regurgitating everything they see on social media
Believing that the votes of half the country should be disregarded because they don't live in populous major cities
These are the exact reasons why we voted for Trump. All you're doing is validating our cause.
Face it, Trump is your new President. Get over it. I definitely hope he runs for a second term too. Liberals make me sick and sweet revenge happened on Tuesday night.
Go back to your cuckshed faggot.
What, like they did this time?
To clarify any potential confusion, I think the people screaming MUH POPULAR VOTE are sore loser faggots.
I don't know if the delegate system is right, but it's the system the Republicans AND Democrats agreed on before they started playing the game.
Some Dem children are only realising now that you can't change the rules after the game has already been lost.
She's just pretending to 'lose' with grace only to take it all later. This will make her more likeable in people's eyes. Hillary is the real 8D chess player.
>surface is more important than humans
No, Trump also won the popular vote
plz cry more
Oh yeah libtard, The U.S. is a Democratic Republic, not a Constitutional Democracy
Gore won the popular vote too. It still didn't matter. We'll never get rid of the electoral college.
>not understanding 4D chess
> not understanding that was to get democrats to say voter fraud didn't exist
> not understanding that was to silence the left statements after the election saying it was rigged
A lot of us former Hillary supporters are accepting Trump and optimistically looking forward to the future. The electoral system just makes it fair for the counties that don't have huge cities, everyone gets to have their representation.
>urban shitholes matter more than rural production centers
Exactly, no Democrats were complaining about the system when Hillary looked like she was going to win.
how sure were you that you'd be spamming that pic on Sup Forums after the 8th, with actual weight behind it?
loving your butthurt, for real.
She didn't win the popular vote.
They only counted 92% and he was still projected to win it. They stopped counting because by that point it didn't matter.
Arguing with a liberal is like arguing with bylines from Facebook trending stories for the previous week
post more hillmemes, they were so unique
Yeah, sorry I kind of misinterpreted the other guy's reply and only realised it after I made that last post.
I find it extremely ironic.
Our news in NZ spent months reporting on Trump supporters as violent, nasty, savage thugs.
Now they're covering Hillary supporters rioting in the street and burning things in public.
Well well well, I guess the truth comes out in the end.
Shit b8
>Hundreds of thousands of republicans didn't show up to vote in California becuase their state's been blue for 3 fucking decades
There, I solved the mystery, I'm sorry your ratsnest only gets to decide the future of half the country instead of all of it.
>Trump wins presidency
>"Why are Drumpftards acting like Drumpf actually won? "
>this is how retarded CTR is
trump is your president and you'll like it
>(((They))) are still ""paying""" CTR
it's like outsider art
She admitted defeat. Even if she comes back people will like her less.
You're 'meme'ing' right?
>Drumpf only win because of the archaic electoral college that needs to be abolished.
YES, archaic, each stat should get the same amount of electoral votes, or they should be based on state area.
On both cases trump would still win
Oh look, you are still here. Congratulations on not committing suicide, yet! We wouldn't want you to die as virgins either.
>gets presidency by the system
anything wrong?
you need coup or chimpout to get it?
Traditionally blue states (states that always go blue) combined have more people living in them than traditionally red states (states that always go red) combined. Trump supporters who live in traditionally blue states were less likely to go out to vote because in an electoral college system their vote doesn't matter. Hillary supporters who live in traditionally red states were less likely to go out to vote because in an electoral college system their vote doesn't matter.
Since traditionally blue states combined have a higher population than traditionally red states combined by about 20 million (do the math if you don't believe me), it is highly likely that more Trump supporters living in traditionally blue states stayed home to vote than Hillary supporters in traditionally red states.
Furthermore, Trump won the independent vote. More independents supported Trump than they did Hillary. Therefore, it can be argued that more independent Trump supporters living in traditionally blue states stayed home to vote than independent Hillary supporters in traditionally red states. Thus it is even more likely that more Trump supporters stayed home to vote than Hillary supporters.
If the United States presidential election did not have an electoral college system, and instead was solely based on popular vote, then Trump supporters living in traditionally blue states and Hillary supporters living in traditionally red states would have been more likely to go out to vote because their vote would matter. Since it is highly likely more Trump supporters stayed home to vote than Hillary supporters, than if the United States presidential election was solely based on popular vote then it is high likely that Trump still would have won the election. At the very least no one can 100% say that Trump would have lost the popular vote if the election was based solely on popular vote.
In short, saying that Hillary should have won because of the popular vote is retarded.
Cemeteries, illegals, and convicted felons do not count. The inflate the numbers.
This is fact.
Because obama let non citizens vote
>Welfare hives should dictate the entire country's direction over the people who actually fucking feed and support them
Because he did win. Bush won twice as well.
You lost fag, get over it.
OH, so NOW you shills don't like the electoral college. Where was that frustration in july HMMMMM
Also you should have at least an two round system like brazil (this system CAN be mixed with with your electoral voting system).
Or better yet, coombs method version of two round system
No one knows how many Trump supporters in traditionally blue states stayed home and how many Hillary supporters in traditionally red states stayed home, but it can be said with almost certainty, that given that about 20,000,000 more people live in traditionally blue states, then probably more Trump supporters in traditionally blue states stayed home to vote than Hillary supporters in traditionally red states.
It can be said with even more certainty considering the fact that, on average, the election in the most populous traditionally red states was closer than the election in the most populous traditionally blue states. For example in California it was 61% Hillary to 33% Trump and in New York it was 57% Hillary to 37% Trump. In Texas it was only 53% Trump to 43% Hillary and in Georgia it was only 51% Trump to 46% Hillary. It seems like Hillary supporters in traditionally red states were more likely to go out to vote than Trump supporters in traditionally blue states.
So keep crying that Hillary won the popular vote in an electoral college system, it literally doesn't mean shit. It's meaningless.
Why are you desperate for attention? You starving now that CTR fired you?
>Why are you acting like he won when he won
Because he won my friend.
Why do people celebrate when their favorite football (soccer) team beats the Americans when if it were not for stupid rules that prevent Americans from their sacred right to bear arms, they would be gunned down and we would win every match?
A questionable victory that makes your rival butthurt is the best way to win
Why do people think they're leftists when they support the woman who blatantly robbed leftists of the candidate who actually would have won the election?
tfw my You's wont earn you any shekels
have em all kiddo
he's still becoming president so stfu
>There was a guy who made an image of a collection of posts mocking the Romney supporters in 2012
>There was a guy working on a similar collection for "Drumpf" supporters in 2016
>He was looking forward to posting it for years to come to mock those bigots on Sup Forums
I wonder if he's killed himself yet.
>implying he didn´t win
>implying he didn´t get the 270+ elector votes requied
>implying Hillary Clinton didn´t concede
>implying the popular vote means shit in the US
>implying the election results aren´t final
>implying the U.S would have a new election simply out of leftcuck butthurt
>implying a change of the electoral vote system is even in the near future
>implying Trump supporters are sad and crying
>implying we´re not all as ecstatic and high on life
The electoral vote system is fucking retarded, but this time it has actually served a purpose.. Call it "evening the field" against a corrupt candidate with establishment media shilling 24/7 who was also exposed as attempting to commit nationwide voter fraud. Your age is over CTR. You aren´t getting paid anymore. You wasted months of your life for nothing. You would be a walking shame, if it weren´t for the fact that you are unable to walk due to the degeneration of your leg muscles from shilling fruitlessly for this entire election cycle. I suggest you just end it by your own hand before you lose the muscle strength to even use your finger to pull the trigger.
Obama won the popular vote both times you fucking retard.
If Hillary won the electoral but Trump won the popular, you'd be fine with it. You're just mad that, despite everything, Donald Fucking Trump is going to be President. Why don't you emulate your hero Hillary, and accept it with some grace and civility?
Kek is here
>Acts like Hillary blew Trump out with popular vote
>Actually only 200k or 0.195%. Probably well within a margin of error.
You lost gtf over it
nema rata brate slavimo ovih dana