Destiny isn't taking the Trump victory very well. What can we do to help /ourguy/?
Destiny isn't taking the Trump victory very well. What can we do to help /ourguy/?
hes banning ppl in his chat if they disagree with him. its one big dickriding echochamber. hes a cucked manlet.
Link to reaction?
Always knew he turned into a faggot.
continue to laugh at him?
I 100% thought he was trolling when he said "I'm with her"
i swear to god, these niggers not posting a link...
clips (dot) twitch (another dot) tv/destiny/DeterminedDunlinTooSpicy
jesus fucking christ this spamfilter
he is mad as shit
not cool Sup Forums
Lol this guy is a joke, I only know of him because he started playing rust and kept on calling the main rust streamers hackers and shit.
Kek is this the guy that Dawson made look like a complete retard?
Not memeing, genuinely don't know who this guy is.
This guy is such a huge faggot it's ridiculous
Laugh at him and make fun of him as much as possible. It's the arrogant liberal attitude that has made Trump's victory all the more sweet.
This was him the day before
Why is Sup Forums so in love with this cuckboi? No one decent cares about him
I used to enjoy trolling his chat during his SC2 days. Fucking Sparkles
Did he seriously just broke his own window? What a fucking moron. I used to watch this guy way back when he played SC2. Never knew he would turn into such a piece of shit.
There is a tweet of Thorin replying to him after Trump won.
probably because most of us are in our 20s and he was the most popular streamer when it became a thing
he also posts on Sup Forums and has pepe and wojack emotes
he went full cuck mode lately
Buy him a fucking rope and invite him to fucking use it
man that game is unoptimized crap
Well he doesn't want you as a viewer anyway. it's a shame he used to be fun to watch, held conservative views and would often show up on SC2 threads on /vg/.
his mom is also a huge trump supporter, he actually called her once on stream with 3000 viewers to scream at her for posting pro-trump stuff on facebook.
He said a kid through a ball through his window. Its a joke you massive fucking faggot.
through the way it broke, it can only happen from outside.
What kind of faggot even watches streamers though? Thats the gayest shit ive heard.
I made a collage, it was fucking kek worthy
I used to think he was funny but I fucking despise him now. Him gloating about how much he makes doing nothing and living off fucking donations to some random Trump supporter really made me hate him.
He used to be cool. What happened?
>tfw the system isn't rigged
Thank you, based leafboi.
he literally got cucked
>Got any plans for the morrow, cuck?
he fell for the classic "my parents are conservative so im gonna be an ultraliberal fedoratipper" meme
Story? Source?
Who made who retarded?
Im watching it, I dont know what the fuck Destiny is trying to get
I guess the joke really is on him
another man raises his child with his ex-wife while he sits in a chair all day and cries about trump
that entire "debate" was Destiny being educated for 2 hours, he even admits it near the end that he didn't know what the fuck he was talking about most of the time
dumb destiny cock-gargler
lmao dawson made himself look retarded desu
The entire debate is Dawson dropping tons of info and "destiny" just saying "yeah well i don't see..." "yeah okay but I don't get how..."
He looks like an idiot who doesn't know shit.
He's the cucker not the cucked
idk, I dont think either of them are looking smart or good at all, Youtube debates are ass
no because he actually loves his kid
if he was the cucker he would have ditched the bitch because he didn't want the kid
>hillary did this, this and this, resulting in hundreds of thousands dead
>yeah but I don't see how...
The guy looks like a complete tool lmao
>worshipping a 5'6 manlet with a worthless music degree who plays video games for a living
you really need to start reevaluating your life, little cucklet
Who the fuck cares?
>he even admits it near the end that he didn't know what the fuck he was talking about most of the time
I actually got to the one at Destiny's channel and jumped to that
lolwat, that nigga just made his entire debate pointless as fuck
i remember watching him play starcraft a few years ago when i was into video games. very inarticulate rambling autistic besserwisser. boring.
that sounds like all of pol tho
he doesn't even have the degree.
he dropped out
He wans't, you were younger and had poor standards for people who qualify as "cool"
got his own place,a car and a cunt to fuck at night
he's doing ok
he's a raging manchild, he talks about how he needs to improve in his debating and how he's got to learn all this important shit
fucking idiot is propped up by 2,000 even bigger idiots and now his life proprieties are hilariously bad
going to be interesting when the bubble bursts for him
His viewerbase has been falling more and more each year.
What is his fucking fallback in like 5-10 years?
All these big youtubers/streamers who can live off it honestly started at 2010 at the earliest, so this type of life has only existed for 6 years so far.
Thats fucking nothing.
Destiny is also a major smallfry and isnt someone companies ask promotions from.
>talks about how he needs to improve in his debating and how he's got to learn all this important shit
Lol but he doesn't even acknowledge when its blatantly obvious Hillary did terrible things.
I don't know why Dawson even debated the guy. It was a complete waste of time from the beginning. It was like an historian debating a 3 yearold.
He's had 8000 viewers for the last 3 days, he's been above his average for the last two months
He was such a trash in SC2.
I wouldn't bother listening to him.
"muzzie is a race" according to him.
now its gonna drop, that was only because of his political meltdowns.
He is also the bar for success when it comes to making a living as a streamer. He was the first so until he 'fails' you really can't make fun of him for his profession
No, that would be fucking Bahjera and Athene you dumbass.
Destiny is such a fucking small fry to other streamers these days.
But he was fun to watch.
> call him a faggot cause he plays terrans
> jimmy nooooo
His faggot fans doxxed me. Good riddance.
>Lol but he doesn't even acknowledge when its blatantly obvious Hillary did terrible things.
but he did
maybe repost his dick pics? thats the only time he was ever relevant
what a retard
An hero
And convince him to do the same
he blocked me after replying to this exact tweet with an ok hand sign emoji. What a massive pseudo-intellectual cucklord.
>playing/watching video games
>pseudo-intellectual cucklord
you mean like all of Sup Forums
I think he deliberately looks for the stupidest people to debate so he looks smarter because when anyone can come up with any kind of proper counter-argument he just ignores.
Destiny is a huge faggot and certainly not /ourguy/.
You doxxed yourself.
He is too afraid to stream now cause he knows the shit talk is going to trigger him.
pseudo intellectual steve got STUMPED
The #1 debating tactic he seems to do is deflecting. When all someone is is to deflect, you know their argument was weak in the first place.
hes the only hilary voter who actually accepted the debate and not bail
How old is he though? I did that but that was so long ago, I was like 16 or 17.
As virgin's occupying various ends of the autism spectrum with none of those things, It's understandable why his fanbase would consider this very impressive.
He's 27. He used to be right wing but changed his mind relatively recently. He still is economically, I think.
Yeah thats true. I wouldn't want to debate against the guy that's for sure. No matter how many faggots I had watching my stream giving me info.
Now is the time for revolution
Only blood turns the wheel of history !
I didn't contact my employer and my mother calling me a neo nazi and asking I be fired and my mother disown me.
Liberal tolerance and love.
I'm 25, been here since late 2005, and I've never once heard of him.
I'm assuming you're the retard media psychologist lady? Literally nobody in chat gives a single fuck about you, we just laugh about how much of a fucking retard you are.
No I'm pretty sure he's a socialist cuck seeing as he voted for Bernie and something about his rambling earlier this year.
Wait, are you the female?
Why the fuck did you keep giving out information about yourself you retard, you literally doxxed yourself
He had a couple of moments, yeah.
Btw Idra is also a cuck)))
Hopefully now you know to play safe on the internet. If you got doxxed you left enough information to be found. Re-think your online habbits.
Oh please, you haven't proven yourself even remotely trustworthy. The amount of shit talking is unreal.