Post your country's Trump.
Post your country's Trump
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we have no trump, but Björn Höcke is great.
Nigel Farage
What about the AfD lady who said sandnigs are a compost heap?
this guy
Post his image then, you dumb nigger.
Kellie can't close the deal with swing voters. She's too shrill.
She is is not radical enough but Björn Höcke is also in the AfD too.
>tfw you make when you know your about to get gang banged by the President of the United States and his husband
I don't see it. Trump was a huge smug man who stomped on his opponents.
Leitch doesn't have half his charisma.
Not sure we have one.
Every single politician we have, is shit.
Is Erdogan really that bad or is it just german memes?
She is sexy though. I want to lick her thighs.
Leitch more like leech am i rite
Based Winnie
Trudeau will fuck up hard enough to swing them. Also,
>Trump can't win.
Stop with the falsified memes.
It's about policy you dumbass.
I wish he wasn't a manlet
Why is this man wearing a dress?
Based Geert
Um, no.
We have a right wing manlet duo leading two different parties
mostly memes. he is kinda threatining though. but i also believe this is hugely because of west:
>be erdogan
>everyone around you loves you because you are supposed to be "their guy"
>start to think of yourself as well sometimes
>now suddenly you are really bad
>everyone around you starts shitting on you
>hate them because of this
>people get surprised when you hate em
>you become a bit powerful due to some events
>you are now somewhat threatining
>they stage a coup to fuck your shit up
>it fails, now pay back time
>be more authotorian than before
>people yet again get surprised
just put yourself in his shoes and you ll see. his popularity rised like rocket after coup and arrest of hpd mps, they expect about 60%+ votes for him if he holds election in the coming months. i never voted for him but i also support the arrest of hpd mps as well.
I am so proud of you yanks, after brexit I thought all my good luck for the year was used up.
>mfw I won £100 betting on trump to win
together we will fix the west
It's heresy around here to show sympathy for him, but I never really understood what's so bad about him from a factual standpoint. It all boils down to the old Hitler comparisons. We're obsessed.
Jimmie is really not at all like Trump, no balls and castrated..
Our country had it's own Trump in the 90s, Bert Karlsson was a loud millionaire who started his political career pretty much like Trump, too bad the party went bankrupt and today hes working with housing immigrants...
You mean post your countries Nigel? My countries Nigel is a guy named Nigel Farage
This man is already a politician, but pretty conservative. Perhaps more than trump.
A few years ago, he becoming the president was just a meme. he is starting to build up momentum for a while now. Perhaps in 2 or 6 years he will run for it.
Pray for brazil getting uncucked
What's this guy actually like? Is he considered right wing just because he's anti-immigration or is there more to it?
Isn't Katter just a meme?
In the catalog I thought this was a photoshopped picture with Nigels head in it
He was anti immigration but they're now trying their best to get rid of all the "racists" in the party..
It was a start but they probably need someone better.
historian, poet, clinically insane and recently dead
almost became president in 2000
rip Vadim Tudor
Even manlets can be men of stature.
>those eyes though
i mean, i am pretty againts religion, i drink alcohol like there is no tomorrow, i support his actions againts pkk/hpd.
if he really hated k*rds then why there are like 2 million of them living in istanbul and no one touches them? even the prime minister (i am not 100% sure) and head of turkish intelligence (100% sure) are k*rds as far as i know.
he always had authoritarian leanings but the way US and europe interacted with him probably threatened him way too much that he just snapped. if you corner the cat, it fights back literally. also literally like, 60% of people really really love the guy. and its not like the love you guys show towards say trump or whatever else. these people ABSOLUTELY love the guy, can literally die for him and did so during the coup attempt as well.
>when you realise you're surrounded by niggers
>Check his Twitter
>Our capital's city council has anti-Trump posters
>With a fucking grammatical error
fuck off you anatolian dog kill yourself seriously I hope you die in a random terror attack staged by erdogan's cronies
>talking about reality is now being an anatolian dog
this is why you lose libtard. i am very nationalistic and not a cuck like mhp faglords at the same time.
know thy enemy so you can fight againts it. but be subtle so that he doesnt expect you to come.
Does anibody have the image of all the presidents with glowing eyes?
It was Donald trump, nigel farage, lopez obrador and other 7 countries
The original Trump. Too bad he didn't have Jewish kids. The bankers would have let him win too.
Weren't Trump and Farage just a meme? Due to the deadlock in government for the past near 10 years, Katter has been very relevant in getting legislation through.
No-nonsense policy to improve things for his electorate. Sensible gun laws. Infrastructure projects that get noonga working.
kys. I'm a kemalist you cuck. if you think imprisoning kurdish MPs is a good think you are retarded. only way to fuck pkk is to give kurds a legit voice in the parliament.
and there is no reason to like erdogan after the coup the fucking coup itself only happened because of his alliance with gulen. god damn it this country is so fucking stupid.
Trump is America's Farage.
Vadim was just a neo-nazi and total loon.
Gigi Becali is honestly closer to being a Trump figure.
Also Basescu and was a 2 term president.
I found it, but there was no mexico, sad
Argentina: Alejandro Biondini
too bad Argentina already is white so we don't need him
My roach friend hats him due to his Islamization of the country.
Grammar =/= Spelling
Posting for Russia
Dude hes left as fuck
Lopez Obrador is a commie.
>Wants TPP
>Wants endless immigration of nonwhites
Yeah shes a nationalist alright...
I was talking about it being "making bridges",shouldn't it be "building bridges"?
>tfw you didn't even notice bridges was mispelled
even worse.
>be kemalist
>cant think of anything by himself and cling to the ideals of a man that died 80 years ago
past is past, you need to move on. there is a reason why atatürk wanted to create a state that doesnt need "leaders" anymore because it fucks your shit up yo. but you cant even think of it. this is like expecting mongolians live in the ways of cenghis khan.
>hpd mps are legit voice of k*rds
they proved many times that they take orders directly from pkk and never ever cared about k*rds in the region to begin with. i dont remember hdp condemning a pkk attack in the region at all, maybe just like 2 times when a civilian dies and people really demand the condemning. in fact they proved that they are "pkk" many many times with their speeches etc. if you cant see this, then you are either stupid or a traitor. however being stupid is never an excuse if it is matters of the country.
wake up child. atatürk is dead, we need to move on. do we want an arabic country or one that can potentially rule the world? decide and act accordingly.
Reminder that Trump represents anarchy and decay that comes from political stagnation.
Not every retarded clown is a "Trump".
that's the only way anybody will listen in canada
Socially conservative. His trade policy is protectionist (funnily enough, the same as Trump), which is where the "Katter is left" meme came from. He worships the legacy of Joh, possibly the closest thing Australia had to a nationalist leader.
That aint Mad Max Bernier though
nice d u b s.
Too bad I'll never know who most of those people are.
Pernille Vermund. Not in parlament yet, but she will be next election
No, it's charisma. Kellie has good ideas but she can't sell them. We need someone like Hofer - soft spoken and we'll mannered enough not to get everyone's cuck switch flipped.
>barren energy
You are right, Massa is a piece of shit.
Aldo Rico is the true hero of our lands.
>he thinks kemalism is a stagnant ideology
>he thinks turkey can ever progress without the pillars of kemalism such as strong secularism
>he actually makes liberal propaganda while accusing others of being a libtard
fuck off ahmet hakan
Who is she, is she red piled, what party is she from?
The next conservative leader will probably be maxime bernier, on whom I have no info
policy isn't what got trump elected. you missed my point.
That's a face I'd love on a president. Leftists negotiating would melt under his war face.
>"We need a free trade deal! The 15% import tax on our goods is stifling trade!"
>long pause for effect
>meeting outside so he has excuse to wear sunglasses
>remove them, finally say "I might have to agree with you. Some of your products still manage to be cheaper than ours, stifling our trade. How does 20% sound?"
>leftist sweating badly since setting foot in Australia, now sweating even worse
>"I feel like you're purposely misunderstanding me"
>maximum glare ACTIVATED
>"Is that so?"
Either wording is correct in English. The spelling is the problem.
>posy your country's trump
stop it. there is only one trump you buffoon.
they show similar ideas but not one of them are even close to trump.
Alexey Navalny
Insinuando que esse lunático tem alguma coisa a ver com o Trump.