Can someone explain to me why the electoral college is necessary? I know that a direct democracy is bad for some reason, but I also know if Trump had lost the electoral vote but won the popular vote I would be pretty triggered right now.
Can someone explain to me why the electoral college is necessary? I know that a direct democracy is bad for some reason...
Read Federalist 68. If you don't know what that is... you're a pleb
Sovereign states. You think you vote doesn't count now? Imagine if you lived in NH or WY.
He lost the election so they made up some bullshit retarded system that allows him to be president even thought he lost and gave it a fancy name like "electoral college" to make it sound less bullshit.
So that California and New York don't decide the fate of the other 48 states
It keeps jewyork and commiefornia from deciding every election.
The founding fathers felt that eventually overpopulated cities would gain too much control and that the rural areas have difference concerns and life views and would be completely ignored.
There was also pressure to give the smaller states more say in elections in order to keep them interested in staying under federal control.
To keep certain states from gaining too much power, like Commefornia.
Trump won both the electoral vote and popular vote. Counties are finishing up the count now.
As for your initial question:
>Delegates from the small states generally favored the Electoral College out of concern that the large states would otherwise control presidential elections.
So California, Texas, and New York don't get to decide everything for the country...
But, in short, it gives the rural states a little more say in the direction of the country. Another check and balance.
your country is called "the United States of America"
OK here's the thing EVs is what reduces the Power Cuckifornia has over the world nation plus the popular vote is a longer process.
It was a fair Democratic election but liberals will never understand plus the complete PV hasn't been counted yet so you got that to
And now it ended up having the effect of giving a few, small states a completely disproportionate amount of power that can be abused to add up your way into the presidency even though you've lost the election.
To counter counting errors and voting fraud.
So that California and New York don't dictate policy for the other 48 states.
Everyone also knew the rules, its not like they told hillary at the last minute about this. It also means that Trump got a bigger "representation" of what the hole country wants, not just one state.
The Electoral College is what counts, not the popular vote,
So Trump did win the election. :)
Wrong. It keeps the power proportionate.
The smaller states still don't count as much as CA and NY, it balances the favour.
It's also to make sure the interests of poorer states aren't jeopardised entirely for the interest of NY and CA and to prevent a majority from oppressing a minority. Stay salty.
Refer to image
little angsty boy detected
I mean you can try to rationalize it any way you want but the fact is Trump lost the election.
The electoral college is not what causes (((swing states))) to be relevant and red/blue states be totally irrelevant, it's fptp elector allocation.
>Trump lost the election
>Google literally meme'd this shit into existence
>Show breakdown by total voter turn out
God, Trump needs to fix that whole organization
hes going to win both
>Alaska not counted
>military not counted.
He did. Hillary got the most votes. He lost the election.
>lost the popular
Once we get a decent estimate of the dead and illegal immigrants who voted for Hill, I'm not willing to accept that argument desu.
>He lost the election
Anyone watch the Rogan/Stanhope/Burr election stream thing?
He lost the POPULAR VOTE, which, once again, DOESN'T NOT MATTER in the Presidential election.
He won what mattered, so he won the election.
So New York didn't get to elect literally every office holder.
He did, Hillary got more votes.
She won the election.
Trump may have won the electoral college or whatever bullshit system your shitty country uses, but Hillary won the election.
>She won the election
If she won then why did she concede?
The executive branch was a bit of a cluster fuck during the writing of the constitution. Many people rallied behind the idea of a constitutional monarchy, or senate appointed official.
Point is, it was originally necessary mainly because the logistics of running a national election in 1790 was awful. It was much easier to simply gather electors than voters in mass and because most states had fought for local representation it was terrifying for them to be in a union where the largest states simply decided business.
No one really wants to fuck with it at this point because although the electoral college favors Republicans, because they get a disproportionate amount of votes versus population from living in smaller states, it also benefits the democrats by securing about 80% of their votes every election.
To liberals they are the only states that matter.
I don't know if it matter or not or how much it matters or what it is exactly that matters.
I'm just telling you that Hillary got more votes and therefore she won the election.
I don't know if she conceded, or who conceded what. I don't know the details.
All I know is that Hillary got more votes.
And therefore she won the election.
So did Gore back in 2000.
That may be true. Gore may very well have won the election in 2000.
As did Hillary in 2016.
They both won.
a fucking leaf
I heard that 60% of America lives in four states so for every state to have a say you have the electoral vote
Great image. Thanks for sharing
That's not how it works, famalam.
The Electoral College is complete bull, but that's how it works. Not gonna change nuthin.
Bush won the same way
Some want to secede
And yet neither of them became president.
Why are sovereign states a thing?
To decrease the power of one person?
Neither of them are autonomous. I hope they both secede so I can watch everyone in them starve.
She conceded. That means she admitted that Trump won and she lost. That's what that word means. You do not do this unless you lost.
They were not competing over most votes. That is not how the current system works. They compete over states because each state is winner take all.
If they were competing over popular votes, their approaches and strategies would have been completely different from the very beginning. They both agreed to compete using the existing method because it is how things have been decided to be the most balanced. They cannot move the goalposts after the fact. That is what we would call being a sore fucking loser. Your inability to reconcile with this information is what makes you a stupid ass fucking leafposter.
That's illegal, famalam
Your country may have some weird, fucked up system that allows someone to become president even though they lost the election. I'm not denying that.
I'm just saying that Hillary won the election.
To prevent mob rule from major cities and to respect and maintain the rights of each individual state. If we didn't have an electoral college then large city niggers would dictate everything.
And Trump won the presidency.
>She conceded.
I'm not arguing against that. It is entirely possible to concede even though you've won the election. But she did win the election because she got the most votes.
That is entirely, 100% undeniable.
>they made up
It's been made up for quite some time now you stupid fucking leaf. It's not like they pulled this shit out of the shadows at the last second.
Must be one of the first Hillary supporters to head north.
Source for the popular vote comment, google still shows that Hillary is ahead in the popular vote.
>United STATES of america
>a system that makes sure states aren't ignored by the federal government
>a system that keeps the republic strong so we don't end up with complete dead weight states that are left to die
Millennials BTFO
votes ain't even all in yet leaf. alaska is still being counted and they're pretty republican
>It is entirely possible to concede even though you've won the election
Can you prove that by conceding you lost this argument even though you think you actually won?
Getting the most votes is not the victory conditions of the electoral race. Getting to 270 electoral votes is the winning condition. You cannot claim victory unless you fulfill the victory conditions. Trump did. Hillary did not. Hillary lost.
I don't know when exactly they pulled this shit out. I'm just saying that Hillary won the election because she got the most votes.
It is impossible to say that someone won an election with fewer votes. it doesn't make sense.
Not that I disagree with the premise of the EC, but the geographic argument ignores population density, i.e. doesn't mention that NJ has 22x population density of TN.
>a leaf who has an actual bigot as president dictating election results to others
Candidates campaign to win the electoral college, not the popular vote. It absolutely does not matter who wins the popular vote. This is the law. Trump got WAY more electoral votes then Clinton. He IS the president elect. Fair and Square. We The People elected him, and WE did it with the electoral college.
>popular vote was hasn't even fully been counted
>DNC has been confirmed bussing voters in non-ID states and has thousands of dead people somehow voting their way
>but somehow Hillary still won
Fuck off leaf
Like I said, there may be some fucked up system that allows you to be president even though you've lost the election. Trump may end up becoming president even though he lost the election.
But he'll still have lost the election.
So that states with a high population can't decide our president every election. IE: California
to compensate for southern states with large % population of slaves who can't vote
You're a pretty sharp guy. Fight the good fight. No sarcasm.
>but I also know if Trump had lost the electoral vote but won the popular vote I would be pretty triggered right now
That's called being a sore loser and crying when things don't go your way
When it comes to the US elections you play by rules set in place, not what your idea of a vote should be. That's like saying team A won the world series because they had more runs than the other team. Aggregate totals aren't the ultimate objective, state wins are.
Well then you better alert the fucking U.S. government and explain to them how they got it all fucking wrong.
They are still counting.
Votes are still being counted faggot.
Trump projected to win popular vote by CNN
This. I hope trump forces strict photo ID laws for voting on a federal level so that illegals cant influence your country's politics anymore.
So is one rural vote worth ten city votes or something like that?
I'm gonna be 100% honest. Even though the electoral college is undemocratic, I am glad it's in place because it allowed Trump to win. I admit that.
Does that mean they both should get gold stars and a participation certificate?
The electoral collage system stops NY and Ca from fucking over their own countries agriculture and industry.
I'm not trying to say that anyone has it wrong.
In fact, your system may be superior and very intelligent.
I'm just saying that Hillary won the election.
There may be some weird system that I don't fully understand that she didn't win.
But she won the official, universal definition of an election, which is getting the most votes.
Again barely a hundred thousand more voters would be too close to call a 'win'.
I'm sure Trump knows a lot about agriculture and industry due to his extensive experience in reality TV, but despite that, he lost the election.
No. It's about 3% popular vote metro areas have to overcome nationwide to win
The red areas voted republicsn, blue ones democrat.
Imagine that you live somewhere in the red area, voted for Trump, but lose the election because the blue parts voted for Hillary.
>leaf calls a leaf a leaf
Don't worry she's on the case
That doesn't even make since, if every vote counts in the aggregate.
If you have 20 people voting for Trump in California or 20 people voting for Trump in Nebraska, it makes no difference. They count the same.
No. It's about a 3% popular vote disadvantage for metro area dems to overcome to win the college
>I'm just saying that Hillary won the election
We're explicitly telling you she didn't because we do fully understand why she didn't win. Your ignorance to how things work does not grant you the ability to change the outcome. You have a fundamentally incorrect idea of what the definition of an election is. Please look up the word, because not all elections are performed the same way. You do not grasp the English language well enough to tell other people what words mean.
The electoral system is not 100% equal, but in a country where population density fluctuates so wildly state by state, it is the most equal system to work by
>being on a television show negates years of business practice across a spectrum of fields for many years
Shouldn't the number of people be more important than where they live?
Electoral collage is based on popular vote and Trump won popular vote. Popular vote is counted state by state. Hillary got more votes in California, because Latinos.
Search this on YouTube.
You misunderstand.
I'm not saying that Trump won't be the president.
I'm saying that Trump didn't win the election because it is impossible to win an election despite having fewer votes.
It is impossible.
There may be a system in place that allows him to be the president even though he lost, I'm not denying the existence of that system.
I'm just telling you that he lost the election.
A vote i WY costs more than a vote in TX because the number of delegates should always start at 3