What the fuck? Is he retarded?
What the fuck? Is he retarded?
Other urls found in this thread:
Global warming IS a hoax, climate change is real.
And the climate is getting warmer.
He wants clean air which helps the environment.
no. the people that believe in this hoax is
He's President-Elect
he is going to expose the Carbon Tax for the fraud it is.
Dont doubt the god emperor you fuking paki
Global warming isn't a hoax and it's not fact.
We don't know a whole lot about the climate the Earth has gone through the last 200,000 fucking years our species has been alive for. The changing the global temperatures is a natural trend.
What carbon were the people in the Middle Ages burning that caused their climate to change?
Increased global temperatures even helped facilitate and spread the influence of the Renaissance.
The Krakatoa eruption caused a nearly 3 year winter in the Northeaster United States and accelerated western expansion as a result.
Massive deforestation for agriculture for a start.
Don't try and tell me it's anywhere near the levels of deforestation of today.
No, but the rate at which carbon in our air has increased has also accelerated.
metorologist here.. worked with many climatologists in my university.
when it is said that 9X% of scientists agree on that issue it is a lie and we dont know where it come from.
i work in germany (hamburg) on one of the best institutions on that subject. To be honest, it is more like 50/50 on human cases the warming. many are still undecided despite being considered professionals.
But we all agree on the fact, that we need to get away from oil and coal..
many also state that renewable energy is the biggest BS ever.
Most scientists and nearly all physicists agree that nuclear energy is the best, safest, and environmental friendliest energy form considering its efficiency. but because of the some downsites (which are not many) we need another product..
nearly all experts on this say Thorium use for nuclear energy is the best thing humans could ever explore.. but mother state wont pay enough.
fuck tesla.. it is just a hype (and sorry for english)
As retarded as his legion of inbred trash
Very nice retort.
Are we accelerating an already natural trend is what I'm saying.
It's the end of a mini-ice age you fucking retards, of course it's gonna get warmer
Let's get this trending lads! >Let's get this trending lads!
Let's get this trending lads! >Let's get this trending lads!
Let's get this trending lads! >Let's get this trending lads!
Let's get this trending lads! >Let's get this trending lads!
Let's get this trending lads! >Let's get this trending lads!
The day of the rope is coming for Canadian libtards too, and I will personally hang you and your family myself.
thanks for the post
What hubris to think that tiny little insignificant man could cause climate change to this planet.
The climate has changed in the past, and will change in the future, with or without mankind.
>Most scientists and nearly all physicists agree that nuclear energy is the best, safest, and environmental friendliest energy form considering its efficiency
Dem wastes though
How do you feel about projected trends?
Conservative Democrat here, of everything Trump has said or done this is the only one that really makes my blood boil. We might be selling out the entire planet to gratify our hatred of neoliberalism.
Helium 3, bitches
but for real, the fact that Trump doesn't believe in global warming in the thing I'm worried about the most
Obama at least did a lot for the environment, barring the inevitable hypocrisy as US president, flying your chopper along with secret service everywhere you go etc.
There are good reasons to believe the current situation is not a natural occurrence. There are no good reasons to believe it is. One could argue that there have been temperature fluctuations in the past, but the whole problem is that the current situation is diverging from what is expected. If I was a betting man, I'd say there's a damn good chance climate change is real.
day of the rake
No, that would be you.
>Earth warms, for reasons unknown
>Agriculture expands
>Fewer forests
See! Agriculture caused global warming!
He's absolutely right
Focus on clean air, clean enviroment and clean water, not muh gasses or whatever horseshit.
>What is expected
And how long have we had these expectations? Less than 1000 years? How old is this Earth? How many different hellish landscapes has this planet endured?
Why are there no good reasons to believe this, because when ever I ask this question I get this answer with absolutely NO information to back this up.
Earth is colder now than it was 300 years ago. There was a "little ice age" in the 1800s. Someone put up the graph about the temperature of the ice core.
See this:
This is what sanity sounds like.
>nearly all experts on this say Thorium use for nuclear energy is the best thing humans could ever explore
Feels good to live in a country that is still building nuclear power plants. Fuck hippies.
No, just uneducated
He doesn't need to believe in global warming. He has the clean air push, and that's enough to look at other sources of energy.
Go fuck your goat's kid, Muhammed.
It is accelerating much faster than it ever has before, we know this because we can date layers of sea ice and analyse the air bubbles.
You do know the population on earth doubled within the last 20 years?
If you know anything about entropy or thermodynamics in general then you would know that eventually, maybe sooner than later, our population will take a toll on the environment.
A forest full of deer, with no wolves, becomes overpopulated.
Even assuming that's all true, which is a huge assumption, 0.5 to 1.5 m of sea level rise isn't even that much. Sea levels increased by something like 30 m at the end of the last ice age. Humans are still here. Humans have been through several climate shifts of a much larger magnitude than predicted by global circulation models ... models which, it should be added, have utterly failed to predict temperature changes over the past 20 years or so (temperatures have been flat, but were predicted to have increased measurably).
>Conservative Democrat
No one cares.
I'm getting legit spooked. It's almost mid November and it hasn't even frosted up north here.
Because global warming would be absolutely terrible for Sweden.
> we know this because we can date layers of sea ice and analyse the air bubbles.
I understand that.
No, he's working from a perspective that you cannot even begin to look upon. 4D chess is something that you will never be a part of, for even the rules of it are simply beyond you.
I shall believe this random post on the internet
>There are no good reasons to believe it is.
Sure there are. Solar activity provides a better correlation with global temperatures than CO2, which actually tends to lag, not lead. Solar activity was at a historical high during the 20th century, corresponding to the warming period. It is now levelling off, has been for a decade or so ... and global temperatures have flatlined, even as CO2 has increased. 'Course, you can't make the goyim feel guilty about the Sun, so....
global warming has nothing to do with pollution, it is a hoax made up by the greeen energy mafia
holy shit if it didnt show flags i would be certain you'd be from my area
And it'll get colder too. This shit happens in cycles, darling
well it is cold as fuck here.
Temperature fluctuations are nothing new.
The earth has been covered in tropical shit and covered in ice. The sun is going to do whatever the fuck it wants regardless of humans
By 2100 large parts of the planet will be desert wastelands if we do nothing.
Global Warming != Climate Change
a cycle is happening with the climate
its called a cycle because it goes up and down not up until we're living on mercury
>if we do nothing
How the fuck are we supposed to control third world shitholes ruining the planet for us?
>ice cores prove global warming
>uncertainties in those ages are pretty big which makes disentangling cause and effect a bit tricky
That's certainly true. But it's not whites who are overpopulated.
The thermal expansion doesn't account for the ice caps melting, that's just the ocean getting bigger as the water gets warmer and expands.
It's almost as if the earth itself has seasons and there are tectonic shifts still happening.
Woah. Like seriously woah.
>$0.00 has been added to your account
Apparently the last few years was pretty thin on the snowfall here. Naturally, the locals are all on about muh global warming.
There's like a foot of snowfall on the ground right now, and Stockholm apparently broke a record yesterday.
Back in Canada, where I'm from, we had a couple of viciously cold and snowy winters, followed by a warm and almost snow-free winter last year.
The moral: weather is not climate.
Yes. His pick for the head of the EPA is a climate change skeptic.
There wasn't social media around during that time to make people actually seem like they were giving a shit. They just moved from the coasts like regular people and moved on.
Now we're treating this like some kind of world ending event. Nobody gives a piss about people from the past.
The sun will still set and rise long after this place becomes a desert.
What's it matter? They said we are already past the tipping point anyway. Might as well just enjoy the ride.
You know that he (by extent the whole american people) are going to appoint someone who knows this is bullshit to lead the EPA right?
It's the end of this stupid libshit hoax, and the re-invigoration of white industry.
Cull them?
he said this to secure the stupid vote. you assholes think you really won something electing a known conman
There's more ice on the poles than ever before you retarded shitlib.
I know what thermal expansion means. Point is, that much sea level rise, for whatever reason, is actually nothing all that special.
You realize that's 3 years old
Kill them?
Disbelieving in globalist lies is an American tradition. The rest of the world can fuck itself.
And to think I thought all the salt yesterday morning was savoury.
skeptic.. so he questions what is actually happening with global warming.. huh...
Sure, but culling is more correct for animal populations, yes?
We know you lost. That's good enough for us.
Different measures m8.
How much do you know about it op? Why do you believe it so?
If you have to look at them as animals to square away what needs to be done, sure. I like to live in reality and not kid myself.
WTF I hate Donald Drumpf now
Now compare to Antarctica.
So do I. That's why I don't consider them fully human. I mean, partly, sure, closer to human than Homo erectus. But they're definitely a less evolved species.
I too shall beiieve, and spread the word.
Good man.
He knows that the third world will rape the environment barren in a few decades anyways, so sacrificing technological advancement for the sake of minute enviornmental benefits is an utterly terrible idea. Expressing this results in leftists pissing their pants, screaming rayciss, and throwing a tantrum, so he pretends to instead support anti - enviornmentalist policy for a stupid but inoffensive reason. 4D chess, not even meming here.
>Solar activity provides a better correlation with global temperatures than CO2
The solar activity of the last 30 years is not sufficient to explain the recent temperature changes. (pic related)
>global temperatures have flatlined
That's not true at all. As far as I'm aware, it appeared that it was maybe that way in 2013, but then 2015 and now 2016 have put that myth to rest.
Why would you believe this? The facts are that the data has been manipulated. Why? Money, quite simply. They can create carbon taxes and others, to pick the average citizens wallet. The researchers fudge the data to get additional funding. Is it happening? Don't know....nobody does. What do I know? That the temperature where I live has stayed about the same for the last 40+ years. Spring, fall, winter, and summer still come. Houses on the atlantic coast are not underwater.
Objectively looking at facts leads one to believe that this is another complicated money grabbing scheme by tugging at the hearts of people by telling them the planet is dying.
Use some common sense, look at the facts, and use your own judgment and you will come to similar conclusion.
I dont't care about GW because that will make my deep siberian shithole a little more capable to live in. And drown dutchfags will make me laugh loudly.
Sure, the climate has gotten warmer over the last 100 years or so by about .8 degrees centigrade. The problem with the global warming alarmists is that they try to paint this is an existential crisis, when it has not caused any significant problems for civilization.
And while many scientist have predicted that we would see run away Venus-like global warming. None of that has manifested.
When you look at the actual data over the last 15-16 years or so. Global average surface temperatures have essentially been flat, with maybe a little increase. This is the difference between an exponential function and a logarithmic one. The difference between something to worry about and something to not worry about it.
>solar activity
>thinks I'm talking about total solar irradiance
Nice try, senpai. That's gotta be the oldest misdirection in the CO2 shill's playbook.
The relevant mechanism is:
solar magnetic field => cosmic ray modulation => cloud nucleation
TSI is a proxy for magnetic variability, hence climate, it is not itself the cause.
He is talking about HAARP, do you even know the cost of that shit?
But your flag shares the same colors as the Dutch flag. Doesn't that make you flag bros?
Back then the climate was changing as a manifestation of gods wrath
>2015 and now 2016 have put that myth to rest.
REEEEEE!!!! A two-year hiccup corresponding to a fucking El Nino no less is not evidence of a state change in the Earth's climate. FFS.
2015 and 2016 had a big el Nino event dumbass. It is the same reason why when people try to point out at 1998 being way hotter than the following years it is disingenuous..