
What has been your countries' general reaction to Trump being elected?

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Same as Brexit

excitement and enthusiasm?


Diamond forever!!!

mostly chimpouts.

Don't ask - look at my flag.

Everyone was happy. Finally the white man will be back in the white house.

Basically as neutral as possible. They sound like a bunch of 5 year olds who know nothing. But thats how its supposed to be done desu

the 2 faces of the eternal kraut in blatant show this evening! take a look lads, this is the enemy, the enemy of your father and his before him, the eternal kraut must be eternally punished.

How to measure general reaction? In every country in the world you will wind people for and against Trump. Who is who in chairs in front of camera, as authors of articles etc. is just random.

Just like in my country. Fuck the bias.

50% of my class were pretty happy, but I study Engineering, so we are all white racist males

Take an educated guess

>left wing media and parties:
World economy will crash, Americans are all crazy, all non-whites will be killed, WW3 about to start etc etc
>right wind media and parties

Now that's kinda ironic considering that Trump's granddad is German.

People realizing how nice is our political system.

I love my little direct democracy!

I didn't know Austria cared so much about our president

Actually it's THE topic here right now. There are reports about the political situation in America in general, about Trump, about your political system etc all day now on all channels and in all newspapers. Even the politicians are talking about it.

Might be because a lot of Austrians are in favor of Trump, might be because we have presidential elections in 4 weeks as well.

Non problems for non countries

it was pretty funny seeing all the news and tweets comparing it to brexit

Everyone cares about America and what we do

Hysteria from media and social media.

It's hilarious but depressing to see that these people exist in my country.

stop projecting

mixed. shock of course because unexpected. for the rest pretty decent as people assume Trump candidate will be pretty different as president.

see quite a few peeps in media actually celebrating the fact that trump got elected 'because' of democracy.

our right wing politician/pencil twister is feeding off of this with great pleasure, saying we can do this too. election in a few months.....

plus some think he might accidently do rather well.

>he might
meaning Trump

I live in scotland and i have a cunt leading our country.

everyone hates cunton, they dont really know a lot about trump (media), but the clinton hate is really really really strong so they are happy

Same here.

A couple people I know were pretty happy, but about 90% of the people I know act like it's the second rising of Hitler and act like Clinton, corrupt as she is, would be far, far better. You mention shit like "she'd create a no-fly-zone in Syria and potentially create an armed conflict with Russia!" and they just say "Yeah but Trump's a fucking bigot."

Indeed, I'm quite happy about our media atm. Even my college friends are taking the subtle redpill as I inform them on CTR and the DNC

Journalists call for the assassination of Trump (pic related)

Hollande is mad.

This evening, there was a TV program on the public channel with politicians who talked about why did Americans elect Trump (I didn't watch it). It doesn't interest me and I already know what those cunts going to say.

In short our medias and politicians are clearly mad.

I don't know what most people think about Trump's victory, but most people were pro-Clinton, let's say that our medias painted Trump as the new Hitler.

It's beautiful
They feel like the biggest victims
So opressed by another country's election

The butthurt and the salt at my university have reached levels that were never imaginable before

Its glorious desu

The Cucked Emirate of Swedens reaction is pretty much the same as the american MSM.

And god do I love it. This is the first step to eradicate the cuck-mentality of the west.

But what does based Marine think of Trump and what are her chances of winning?

professor did the usual trump is racist, sexist and hitler spiel but other than that i dont know since i dont read the newpapers

You shouted Allah Akbar and Death to America?

testing 123

65% - 35%

for Trump here

Fuck France, Fuck the French

from my pov here people have been more towards hillary but not mostly just indiferent bth.

seen a few blogs about how the MSM was dishonest these elections so thats good i guess.

Thats actually a good guess.

Fuck Hollande.

Support Le Pen.

Our media is all over it. Basically, I think that Trump is beneficial to the gov guys, so they decided to spin the propaganda machine in the direction of Hillary's failings/democratic protests with burning cars etc. Mostly Trump is presented as the people's candidate who's gonna fight corruption.

She is happy because he is against the establishment.

She has no chance of winning and it's better like that. I don't want France becomes like Venezuela with Le Pen who is the French Chavez.

Worse than BREXIT. Because it's not our country the media has been free to constantly bring up race, on results night there was nonstop "evil racist white men". Now that Trump is president it's pretty much a rerun of everything they've thrown at him over the last 18 months "Trump mocks the disabled", "Trump is a misogynist", you name it and they're pushing it.

The narrative of "Trump can't do this, Trump can't do that" is rising steadily too. But coming from the same people who said he'd never be President, I have absolute faith that Trump will build that wall.


Check those sevens

Kudos to Russians for never throwing masculine energy under the bus the way they do in the west.

Most millennials and folks my age are crying about it on Facebook. Most older people and baby boomers I've spoken to are thrilled.

same shit as always
ruskiys will invade baltics now

An appropriate one

Confused, Shocked and angry as fuck.

Made my Day.


People influenced by the media: Copypaste from above.

People who actually are informed about USA elections and have an opinion based on facts: TRUMP THE GOD!!!

Our guys have no idea about how to react. Considering destabilization of middle east through Arab spring and mildly Islamic meme governments were libtard invention, I can say they are scared.

Independence means nothing to the Baltic states anyway.

As soon as you got out of the Soviet Union you joined the EU because you simply can not stop being welfare queens!!

best friends wife tried to kill herself she was so upset cunt Hill lost and god Trump won. Truth is bestie and his 4 year old would be better off in the long run if she had actually gone through with it

Good, I hope UK&US leave NATO for an Anglosphere Union. Slavs aren't worth saving.

Trump/Erdogan, I see a love angle here.


also that was pretty much the situation here

Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!

Natural selection.

>WWIII incomming guise!!!

I have not met a single person who didn't sperg out about Trump yet.

Why are these people so hysterical? Why kill yourself over a political candidate? These people have been worked up into a frenzy over almost nothing. It's extremely impressive what brainwashing and fearmongering can accomplish. You've got people actively campaigning for rapefugees to come over here who have been shown to actually rape and kill women and commit terror attacks. Yet some guy who's never done anything but say "pussy" a decade ago wins an election and the same people shit their pants and slit their wrists. It boggles my mind.

Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil:
Those who hate America: Laughter
Those who love America: Sadness
Those who do business with America: Concern

the fuck area do you live in?

Jesus! Check those Noses!

I love America and I'm damn glad Trump won.

Our left-leaning state media (ABC) had painted Trump as a bumbling, idiotic embarrassment with no chance of winning the election. Every single expert they've interviewed predicted a comfortable win for Hillary and a Trump presidency a laughable "what if" scenario.
Since Wednesday afternoon the ABC has been in a panic trying to come to terms with Trump's victory and what it means for Australia.

the media is butthurt as fuck. the people care a lot less.

It's because of our own elections in December and the left here is shitting their pants because they fear a wide "acceptance" of right wing values and thus a right wing victory

yeah, the snowball affect is what worries most peeps. brexit, trump, euro elections close by. we have passed the point of being naïve and assume it will work out as it usually does.

Trump hates Qatar and Saudi Arabia which fund erdogan regime here in exchange for shifting country to a wahhabist shithole. If we are cut off this financial aid, economic situation will be dire for akp government. Turkish Lira already depreciated by 10%. Further deterioration may cause erdogan's demise.

Netherlands sounds p based, godspeed with your election Toothpaste-pal. I'll come visit and spend my money a bit once the economy here gets Trumped up.

wtf im in love now

Same here

kinda shocked i guess

Everyone's supposed to be shocked. That's the media reaction anyway. I can't believe my dreams are coming true

Agreed. Trump must die immediately.

kys cancuck

First I saw massive amounts of butthurt, but now it's only jokes and memes.


Everyone at my office was assblasted.
I didn't realize they bought into the (((media))) narrative about him so much.

Only ONE out of all my coworkers said he was #withhim.

>he then later proceeded to tell everyone how the elites are trying to replace ethnic europeans with a race of less intelligent and more easily controlled middle easterners.
>mfw I found out one of my coworkers is probably a Sup Forumsack

But yeah, everyone else thinks it's a disaster.

>be me
>at work
>coworker tells me Trump won
>Didn't belive
>at home checking Sup Forums
>WE DID IT.thread
>Didn't belive
>Google says Trump won
>almost died laughing


Fuck my ID is almost frog

Our media and our ""celebrities"" are on suicide watch, afraid that Trump's victory might help right-wing movements in Europe.

why is this dudes flag sideways

Medias, leftists, pundits, mainstream politicians and ESPECIALLY journalists are scared shitless, still in shock and denial. Pretty much like in the US.

Few people are rejoicing

Most normies are just laughing and saying "Now they have their own Berlusconi, we can make fun of them as well"

I thought based slavs were more on the right-winging side.


Complete butt devastation

Ireland fell for the complete athiest degenerate progressive meme, and became a nation of homos, they have been talking up putting pic related into the PM position, he's a Poo in the Loo openly gay cabinet minister.

Mostly negative, since the press is pushing the "literally hitler" and "every sane person votes hillary / only white uneducated males vote trump" narratives.

For everyone that speaks german, here is a critical review of all that the press had to say after the election.

www nachdenkseiten de/?p=35765

"The day the west died"
"victory of the destroyer"
"Trumps victory is white, male and uneducated"
"America turns its back on the world"
"The end of the american way"

Absolute salt mine.

"The vengance of the white males" and "the avenger in the white house" are unintentionally catchy titles though.

everyone here is so fuckin idiot, godammit!

Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!

>What has been your countries' general reaction to Trump being elected?

>We 1st lady now

The mainstream media and wannabe celebs are mostly leftcucks.

Everyone freaked out and wanted trump to be assassinated. Really sad and stupid

Ireland is near universally upset over it due to his environmental policies, the flippancy with which he discussed nukes, and his scandals.

Some of the younger crowd are upset because the "first female presidential candidate" lost, but tbqh the majority I've talked to or seen posting online don't seem to actually like Clinton. They just dislike Trump.

when news came out it was a very mixed bag actually and when the dust settled, a lot of people suddenly started to like Trump and his ideals all of the sudden.

sideways Italians are bretty chill desu senpai

She looks hot and scary at the same time. Very spooky.