Say it with me. BURN THE COAL, PAY THE TOLL. I mean seriously, the most creative user here with us today couldn't even write this shit. When will they learn?
Say it with me. BURN THE COAL, PAY THE TOLL. I mean seriously, the most creative user here with us today couldn't even write this shit. When will they learn?
this is so fucking hilarious
the video is basically him forcing her to repeat
>"im ready to be a single mother"
hahahhahahahhahahhahahhahah, women arnt worth pissing on to put out a fire
Lol she looks like trailer trash anyways. He can have her for all i care.
So close
just one off
Her big ass has potential though. Too bad she's ruined
Why do they fall for the most niggerish of niggers anyways? Because they spent 1000 dollars on a belt, but live in a drug shack?
Obviously fake
Have I been cumming wrong and should I make monkey noises during sex?
Fuck off you Bum
They spend all of thier money on Iphones and shoes. My dad says when ever he has to work in the hood their houses are trashed and smell like shit but they have Iphones and big TV's.
Because they aren't autistic like you and actually display self confidence
Not yelling KAMEHAMEHA as you bust
Hilarious. I actually fell for the marriage meme, and i'm 6 years in bucko. You're gonna need something better darkie.
Oh, don't get me started user. I AM BLACK!! I grew up in the sterotypical nig household. I fucking know, I just don't understand why these white girls fall for these faggots with no jobs, that are more about "appearing" to be """successful""" (muh designer clothes and weed), rather than finding a m8 that has the same goals.
I hope Trump gets rid of welfare so that bitch will have to work for her money.
lol jk she will either sell ass or get some cuck to pay for her shit.
Well good on you m8. No one may ever know why girls fall for that shit, but it seems like you have your life sorted out and that you are doing good.
another democrat was born
>life sorted out
he's supporting an adult child (female) while she's fucking around behind his back do not EVER applaud a man for getting married
but they can't afford an id to vote
Jesus christ
Thanks m8
I have enough faith in Sup Forums to believe that you, myself, and any other person here can spot out the do's, do not's, and redflags in a woman. As long as you aren't some desperate sex deprived person that would settle for anything at the moment.
>Why do they fall for the most niggerish of niggers anyways
nice trips, heres the gods honest truth...
these women completely lacked an strong male figure growing up.
this is what happens when the west demonises male father figures and male priest figures.
the end result being a bunch of women with no concept of what is a respectable male, worthy of passing his genes on.
((((((they)))))) have vast control over modern media and are pushing for the abandonment of typical western culture in favour of nig nog culture. you can see it in the music, the dress and the behavior.
niggers are extremely desirable to these dumb bluepilled cunts because they grew up watching black rappers/basketball/football players on their television.
interracial mixing is being forced upon us
You only get what you worth, this shitty race traitor trash can't even say that she wasn't aware of it, she repeated that she wanted to be a single mother, she's fucked up and I don't feel bad for her. At all.
I feel bad for the demishitskin that will be her son / daughter tho