Trump launches new website
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was wondering why nobody made a thread about it.
you can also apply to work for his administration. i call on you american anons to apply for twitter shitposting under the handle @POTUS
Wow! he is going to fire everybody!!! He's pressing the reset button!!!
He's giving qualified people to work under his administration
>you can also apply to work for his administration.
What??? I'm going to sign up to help with the wall
a chance to*
This man might actually be for real. Holy shit.
Is Trump really not one of the pedo ring people?
Is he actually a good man? I want to believe.
Believe, user!
>serve america
>fucking diamonds
4/10 best i can do
why don't you wait until he officially appoints people.
doesnt look very professional and what does desu mean?
Shoot yourself.
That part gives me chills.
Holy balls. My ID is A Pope. BOW TO ME
He will just finish Bush's fence. Must have been Guiliani's ties with mexican intellectuals.
wow, baseless rumors meant to ruin some of Trumps support before hes even in office
You're "A Pope HNGG!" implying the pope will have a heart attack today.
i tried googling it. please just tell me
or an orgasm
Dan Schneider is guilty of everything.
Either way, could be an awesome day
You can't buy out a billionaire.
A Pope, GG
I want to work for Trump ;-;
Can foreigners apply aswell?
we all work for trump with our taxes
>muzz kokd
>muzzie kekd
True but i want to build the wall
>A Trump Administration would execute on the following ten-point plan to restore integrity to our immigration system, protect our communities, and put America first:
>Build a Wall on the Southern Border
>End Catch-and-Release
>Zero Tolerance for Criminal Aliens
>Block Funding for Sanctuary Cities
>Cancel Unconstitutional Executive Orders & Enforce All Immigration Laws
>Suspend the Issuance of Visas to Any Place Where Adequate Screening Cannot Occur
>Ensure that Other Countries Take Their People Back When We Order Them Deported
>Finally Complete the Biometric Entry-Exit Visa Tracking System
>Turn Off the Jobs and Benefits Magnet
>Reform Legal immigration to Serve the Best Interests of America and its Workers
Czech em
I know it's shitty to hear, but I think Trump is going to be soft on race, but none of you will care because you're all going to be rich stock brokers. Make America The 80s Again!
Where can I sign up for this? I have about 7 years working in a government office in NY
Had to be done
Fuck Trump and white people
if you are white
>Trying to take American jobs
Become a citizen and we'll take Hans
how many billions did THIS website cost?
>Enforce All Immigration Laws
Yfw he gets called a fascist for this
gosh, reading that site puts a lump in my throat
Apply then. Sure you probably won't get picked, but you can try at least.
The only reason you can be against open borders and massive illegal immigration is because you're racist against Mexicans.
It doesn't look professional, it looks like, do it in 1 day, it has to do the job, it has to cost 1000 bucks. Do it.
He needs better photos.
The absolute madman!
Ok, we are racists, now btfo
wtf do you mean "soft on race"? he has promised to promote the constitution, which assures equal rights for all, as it should be. go fuck yourself with your shit-stirring rhetoric, and we will make america great again by creating more opportunities for all americans.
This is one of the better points about him. Unlike career politicians, yes he does know politicians but he has no reason to be bribed. Hes clear for the rest of his life in terms of needs.
ayy lmao
None of here would pas the background check
shoot yourself
is "shoot yourself" another meme?
Hey burgers, we Europeans stood by your side and made everything we could to help Trump win.
We shit posted day and night.
There's something you could do for us.
When you go on the website scroll down to "how would you make america great" part and make sure to mention that Europeans with legit college degrees like software development (one example) and work experience should be allowed for quicker immigration process because we also want to help America be fucking great as fuck.
We hate this shitty left wing eurozone.
Fucking EU is biggest dictatorship going here, we cant even elect people for European Parliament.
It's a fucking joke.
Help us and we will turn every single state red for rest of world existence.
He most likely already has those positions filled.
I will never doubt again. KEK IS OUR GOD. KEK IS REAL! And he has provided us with a miracle!
Have you submitted your plans yet?
>want to help America be fucking great as fuck.
I'm putting that on my application
He gives you the website and you have to ask him how to get there?
You really HAVE worked for the government.
You keep here fighting you asshole. They don't need you there. They have enough unemployment.
They will help us for sure, but we need more based people here not less. Don't be a pussy.
And btw... the racewars is about to start here, probably ameribro's will come to fight with us. You have ashamed me by saying you want to quit.
god what a smug asshole. can't even be humble about it.
if i were him i would lay low for a while and then as soon as i'm sworn in i would go full ben garrison.
What is this meme?
we did it boys
>Make a bunch of neat plans
>Almost none of them are going to get past congress even with a majority
A bunch of these directly affect congress themselves negatively. Yet somehow he thinks they will support it?
Thats pretty standard numbers though. Its new secretaries, new chiefs of staff, all the staff to chief around, etc.
I applied. I will give my all to the god emperor. Papa Trump if you're looking then pick me.
Can we please all beg him to consider Nuclear energy options as well? I was hoping it would be mentioned under his Energy section and it isn't.
IT's like if he doesn't trust anybody of the old staffers. The whole white house will be run by new people.
>Honestly, right now I don't have the energy to do much more than copy and paste each bit of surreal nightmare news that comes out with the comment "Good times."
This is journalism today folks.
Beautiful. Just beautiful
By standard numbers I mean that each new administration appoints around the same number of new people.
We've broken the conditioning.
what part of drain the swamp confused you?
Holy fuck this is amazing
Everyone subscribe to the jewtube chanel
He'll get it done, user. Believe in Trump. All he has to do is single out the fucks who are going against it and let the people do the rest.
If you think that appointing the same amount of new people every new President appoints will drain the swamp, you're fucking retarded. The "swamp" is all the lobbyists, the bought and paid for good-for-nothing congressmen , the politically/financially motivated but non-politically-appointed staffers in all the agencies etc.
literally kys traitor
I actually applied. I don't expect a position/offer. But why the hell not give it a shot. I have nothing to lose.
this is real political transparency right here!
i love that man!
You haven't seen my country...
You have some sort of right wing.
Ring wing doesn't exist here bro, it's a huge fuck up. I'm so so sad for Eire.
>Cancel Unconstitutional Executive Orders AKA Obamacare
>in just mere moments after speaking with Obama
What Trump things will happen
>Congressmen vote against it
>Trump advertises to the people of each state that their congressman is trying to hold a monopoly over their office as an incumbent
>The people threaten to remove them
What will actually happen
>Congressmen vote against it
>Trump advertises to the people of each state that their congressman is trying to hold a monopoly over their office as an incumbent
>The people on the whole dont actually care about politics or their particular congressman at all and Trump continues to be blocked by congress on most questionable projects because of an apathetic electorate
> some honeypot shit
just did
(not real names)
I believe in Trump!!! So happy he mentions all of this in the official .gov site!
The game has changed user. I think the Republicans have started to get the message
Why don't you be the next Irish Hitler or help create him instead of whining on an anonymous Congolese drum circle enthusiast board and be the exact same as a gibs me dat fugee from the desert.