Lets get this trending lads. Kek wills it, we have a chance to strike at the heart of the leftist movement, turn the movement against white female SJWs. Create chaos so that it self-destructs and we can reclaim some people. They will most likely swing far right after the experience after some time passes.
Let them experience the fruits of their traitorous ways so that they may become redpilled. Show them there is no loyalty, only insanity in identity politics.
This is important, we can accomplish this backlash within their movement by Jan. They are at the heart of the whole thing, the keystone. Without them, you know who will just control mostly POC hate groups. The beta cux will follow the females, and perhaps all will be redpilled.
Checked. I think this could really work, but we need to strike while the irons hot, and everybody is out of their minds.
Jace Moore
>Make SJW's turn on white women
They already do this. White women even do it to themselves.
Easton Gray
too factual to be persuasive
have over 20% more white women voted for trump than clinton, most people cant handle percents
Jackson Butler
We can at least start with the hashtag though.
Let's get the meme machine going and spin the shit out of this. Use the tactics the zombies respond to!
Jason Richardson
I was called a racist for talking to someone about Trump. Some cunt overheard us and she screamed how we were being racist and that we were risking our jobs.
I was initially shocked and calmly told her she just insulted me and threatened me. Then walked away. Later, I couldn't help it and I trolled her a lot by talking about the wall with her nearby.
Her red face was hilarious. Thing is, I do like my job, but I'm very well off finacially so if worst came to worst, I'm fine with losing my job. "Fuck her" was all I thought all day.
Juan Jackson
polite bump for interest
Isaac Edwards
>White women supported Trump by a majority >Sup Forums decides to use it against them & tries to put white women in a seriously dangerous situation by fanning the flames
You fuckers deserve to be cucks.
Juan Robinson
if you get fired, I know a large construction project is hiring soon
Nicholas Scott
A sacrifice must be made to end feminism.
Lucas Williams
Brilliant. And theses retards have already done have the work for us. #FuckWhiteWomen is already trending on twitter. Keep stoking this fire and white feminists will have to be alienated.
How fitting it would be if these hate-mongering assholes divided themselves out of existence
Ian Jones
Fuck off Schlomo
Thomas Jackson
Grayson Cooper
Juan Roberts
Awesome, let's contribute. I have no sympathy for a traitor, but once they start feeling the heat, they will defect.
Jack Bell
oh this is pretty juicey
Brandon Taylor
im on it, bring the salt collector, i fucking love when they bite each others because of their stupidity
Joshua Gomez
I will work. This figure shows that the majority of white women support Trump, so if it is popularised the majority of white women will come under suspicion.
Ryan Thompson
Please link this to other threads, it has great potential. You have to use the same subversion tactics they used on us to win.
Ayden Scott
>put white women in a seriously dangerous situation That's the brilliant part. White women aren't ALLOWED to be put in a dangerous situation. They are the eternal pampered children of the west.
The second it looks like its going that way, society wakes up, hits the breaks, and declares war on the party threatening our white qts comfortable lives.
James Thompson
niggers cant into reading comprehension
make it a graphic whith 3 words and 3 numbers max
>tfw Sup Forums has to dumb down its memes to be effective on niggers
Camden Anderson
>White women supported Trump by a majority Yea and the other half are feminazis. Those are the ones we're targeting.
Just imagine a world without them.
Pic unrelated btw
Kayden Gray
Easton Smith
Owen Sanchez
Isaac Murphy
The Jew tricks won't stop just because of brxit abd trump We must be ever vigilant
Ethan Morgan
Justin Watson
Let's do it m80s, let's get the meme machine on it. Post ideas. I'm trying to keep this thread from dying.
Brayden Anderson
Adam Roberts
the jews are mad as fuck beacuse they lost so bad this election
and we are more powerful of them now, maybe it is time to buy them and let them work for us
We got this thread on the first page. Thanks for the work and bumps lads.
Let's free our people from the mind control. This is our best chance I think. Let's reunite.
Ian Gutierrez
Kevin Ramirez
Came to Sup Forums for Brexit banter, stayed for the memetic warfare.
Carter Reyes
Mass the leaves, rake war now!
Angel Barnes
Holy shit it would be so great if a bunch of white women turned away from the feminism that despises them
Bentley Jones
What project? I've just been fired after some sjws overheard about how my dream is to quit my job and go make Trump's wall 10 feet taller.
Nicholas Gray
When White Men were demonized by society, they radicalized, and Trump is the result of that radicalization.
When White Women become demonized, much the same will occur, and they will find relief and understanding in the arms of the men that have been demonized for years.
Jayden Perry
Yeah lets spread more anti-white propaganda, and create more danger for white women
Jaxon Rodriguez
Kek wills it. Chaos is the only constant.
Daniel Long
We're gonna make them give back our women.
Camden Howard
too many words, you need to dumb it down into an infographic
also need to push the theme "white women don't ever talk to me about feminism"
Lmao... this snowball is rolling well on its own actually
Blake Long
i hate to say this... but you need to act more illiterate when you post
Kayden Murphy
Agreed. #WhiteFeminism is a good beginning.
Jacob Murphy
Satan wills it
Joshua Howard
I like this.
Evan Hughes
guys i need a profile pic for my twitter. what are things black girls like
Samuel Butler
Hows this
Caleb Miller
Josiah Bell
Something with emotional appeal like the #draftourdaughters
Logan Perez
Not gonna lie, if I saw a chick in a grabbed pussy costume, who didn't look like that hag, I'd probably try to smash.
Samuel Morris
Not gonna lie guys, this place turned me into a Jew. I literally learned exposure cycles with social media and bought Twitter followers to gain momentum and troll this past election. We are the new secret society of manipulators ...feels good man
Landon Cox
just go on tumblr and search black fashion then use the results
Charles Cooper
88 !! KEK has spoken
Jordan Brooks
Das it mane
Jose Carter
Dosh ish moyne
Jeremiah Reyes
While I'm all for sowing seeds of discord among leftists, I've seen no shortage of white feminists post "fuck white people" since the election. These people are so deranged and self-hating that they'd actually support their own execution.
Cameron Reed
>Go to twitter >Search "white women"
Gabriel Robinson
Nice try crypto-jew. It's anti-white targeted at feminists. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Divide and conquer
There will be a reaction to being hated by those you fight for, but your tiny brain can't comprehend that.
You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette. Only coalburners will be put in danger anyway.
Evan Murphy
>777 666
We still got the magic
Jeremiah Carter
>white feminism is bad >because white women is not woted for hillary >who is actually just embodiment of white feminism don't miss that point guys Hillary=white feminism
Xavier Flores
Ah, the jelly exposes itself.
Exploit the chaos.
Deepen the divide.
Turn one force against the other.
Elijah Thompson
this. Feminism jumped the shark a long time ago. It has gone from being annoying to powerful to scary to retarded to pitiful to cringy. Its a dead ideology that has shown that has declined numerous opportunities to fade away gracefully. Only way to get rid of it now is to demolish it at the source
Henry Gomez
Andrew Harris
>58 percent of whites voted for Trump oy vey, annudah shoah >95 percent of blacks voted for Obama nothing to see here goyim
Joshua Scott
>from great powers comes great responsibilities
you can't corrupt a fat manchild neckbeard trolling on a chinese phot maker forum, we are going to make things better and nobody can stop us
William Ortiz
Honestly, it just depicts reality. Could be also a transgender or any other turbo degenerate minority she is sliding on.
Jason Gonzalez
As opposed to letting white women continue down their destructive path? Shut it you dumb fuck.
Let white women see the true face of the movement they so foolishly march alongside.
Jayden Long
Great start; need more recognizable examples (current event types, like lena dumbham, shills)
Elijah Brooks
First post and satanic trips. Damn son
Isaac Rogers
>they just want to be white man I have to say, everyone else probably does too.
Leo Ross
Don't even have to try. they're already doing it to themselves #fuckwhitewomen
Isaac Ross
>Say nothing about how ridiculous feminism is because if successful they can only gain from it They deserve this, so few women went against feminism
Evan Bennett
female trump voters are already woke, this should target white SJWs and feminsits. but i think we should watch out not to get innocent blood on our hands.
Alexander Hughes
Here, a bit better with a proper Maga hat and the hashtag.
Andrew Nelson
Jordan Lopez
Pass it on, "Hillary = white feminism!"
Chase Foster
the whole SJW movement is a pet project for white women who want to feel special and cant do anything else. If you alienate white women the movement is gone. There will be no one left to listen to them.
Brandon Adams
You would probably have opposed to setting fire to the Reichstag too, cuck.
David Davis
praise kek
Alexander Lee
I think his aim is to alienate white womenz with the sjws broken and fragile they will once again become the good housewife to the white man
Joseph Watson
Easton Allen
Did we inadvertently discover Talmudic esoteric knaawlage, or did we create (or recreate our own)?