Hashtag on twitter #blacklivesmatters #Blaxit
Let Black go to Africa and away from America/Europa
Hashtag on twitter #blacklivesmatters #Blaxit
Let Black go to Africa and away from America/Europa
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Yes. Anyone that wants to leave should go. I'll gladly vote for taxes going to plane tickets as long as they renounce citizenship.
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Honestly I am all for it. I hope they do carve out a piece of Africa and make it great for once.
Start shilling on twitter #blacklivesmatters #Blaxit
Dude i dont give a fuck about Trump but if these angry violent niggers would leave that would be great.
id pay for that shit too.
American niggers are significantly worse than African niggers, they'd actually manage to make Africa even worse. I hope it happens.
>21 things we're taking with us when we leave
>#1 - 90% of crimes committed in the US
Pretty good for a Sc*tvian
Who cares if they would suck
At least they are our off the west
Real africans fucking hate them though
It'll be fun seeing dindus meeting their "brothas" and getting BTFO
pls no
>everything is made out of cotton
Please tell me one of us made this.
Stop oppressing me, aussie
Sup Forums is the new kikes.
Liberia was the first attempt at this. That didn't fly so good.
>Blaxit to Israel.
This is a fantastic idea.
I think it's time (((they))) got a taste of the shit they've shoved down our throats.
Almost all 21 things they listed is shit I want out.
When is this going down?
But they wuz kangz n'shiet
will America join the rest of us in the divegrass world once they get rid of apehoop and handegg?
It would only take a few ten thousand of them leaving a handful cities to keep some states red for decades. Imagine a Blaxit from Philly, Detroit, Cincinatti, and Milwaukee. All three of those states would stay red for the foreseeable future.
It's your time to prep the bull, schlomo
>4 states
I threw Cincinatti in at the last second and forgot to change it
>the chosen land for the chosen people
Fucking meme it.
this would be amazing if it actually happened
no way in hell they could make it to africa or anywhere over seas
they wouldnt be able to afford it
maybe canada or somewhere south of the border
im sure brazil would love it
We will triple amount of pick related
>when the jewing backfires
>21 things we're taking with us
>I've never heard of half of them
Shit where are you at man?
At the high zone my bralis
This also time to meme up Liberia again
We are the jews now
>that list
Is this a joke?
So let me get this right:
>ban on muslim immigration
>deportation of millions of illegal Mexicans
>black people leaving voluntarily
>Trump for president
Sound like paradise. You did it, guys. Congratulations.
I would love for some of them to actually do this and come to realise how much of a shit hole their motherland is.
No but we/pol/ are hijacking it
Cool, I'm actually American but I travel through Europe quite frequently. Don't see many Latvians on here. Tis a jubilant time to be alive.