Would Trump have been elected if Sup Forums didn't exist?
I know it's all a big joke around here but I seriously 100% believe this website caused Trump to be elected
Would Trump have been elected if Sup Forums didn't exist?
A lot of things lead to his surprising victory, Sup Forums being one of them
>implying half of Sup Forums is even old enough to vote.
>what is meme magic
you have to believe
Sup Forums only influenced the election via the funny meme pictures it created.
I saw a shitload of normies from Faceberg posting our memes on CNN, The Hill, etc feeds and getting a shit ton of upvotes. You niggers are giving yourselves too much credit.
It's more about the online influence than some users not being able to vote. This place was essentially Trumps Internet HQ
r/thedonald had better memes
He would've been elected regardless. Sup Forums at best had a minor (very minor) influence on public opinion in some circles. Overall, the population's anger and disgust has been gradually fomenting for years, and this was their chance to throw the Dems out. After this, the Republicans will be the target of public anger and the people will throw them out and put the Dems back in and the cycle continues.
>online influence
>Sup Forums
>implying the other half goes out of their basement
You could argue that Sup Forums stoked the flame against PCness effectively, leading others to notice how insufferable progressives are, but I do think he would have won without us.
you're a big joke faggot
but r/thedonald is just a internet colony of Sup Forums those redditor savages would have never been able to built such a successful place on their own
>I do think he would have won without us.
Idk the margins were pretty close.
The fact that he won is almost a miracle. I think many stars aligned to give us this future.
No you fat rasict virgins didnt do shit, but its ok to feel good its probably your highest achievment in life. Americans just had common sense. Sorry to take your feels like that.....
I was anti-Trump before Sup Forums
No actually. The margin In the flipped states was small enough that without pols constant shilling we would've lost
It wasn't just Sup Forums
This event was a culmination of 4chans history.
Sup Forums started it by creating MUH LEGION
Sup Forums continued it with the gamergate stuff and the start of the anti social justice shit
Sup Forums finished it once and for all
The japanese man who created 2ch that eventually led to the creation of 4ch is who changed history.
What's his name?
Thanks Sup Forums