Why is Planned Parenthood bad?
Conspiracy theorists need not apply
Why is Planned Parenthood bad?
Conspiracy theorists need not apply
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because they kill humans
tax payer money to abort babies
contributing to white genocide
encouraging women not to take responsibility
contraception is bad too btw.
Why would you need conspiracy theories?
They personally perform ~300,000 abortions a year, and advise millions more women to get them elsewhere.
Because it's full of fucking feminists.
abortion is murder
Because it gives power to Moloch
Because I wanted to know genuine reasons, not some baby parts scandal
Easy access to abortion for minorities is slowing down white genocide, not perpetuating it. (At least in the States)
>muh fee fees!!111
less blacks doesn't mean more whites
we're below our replacement rate
>b-but it kills niggers
no it kills stupid poor people
a lot of whites are also stupid poor people.
Murder is generally frowned upon by civilization.
black genocide
oh wait...
So it's typical anti-abortion arguments that are the opposition?
Is there any objective reason to be against it, i.e. genuine scandals.
>why is taking your money to pay for other people's mistakes bad
you can have a reason to be against murdering babies other than 'fee-fees'
That's the whole damn scandal.
>permanently protects
thats what you niggers think, emperor Trump has all the branches securely with him, that shit is fuckin' gone son.
Wasting tax money on assholes who cant keep their legs closed.
Of course it's americans saying barbarities like this just to follow their party lines and spewing talking points
I'm claiming this get for Paul Ryan.
>balanced budgets, slashed taxes, and a prosperous America will come to you but only if you reply "Thanks Speaker Ryan!"
Trump will get 2 terms
>Saves money by reducing children being born in low/single-income households, state-run orphanages
>Provides a service improving the quality of life to young women, health information, etc
The issue isn't "good" vs "bad" in the societal sense, as obviously planned parenthood can only do good to people. The issue is state-sanctioned abortions, people don't like having money taxed from them so that an irresponsible youth can murder her unborn child
planned parenthood is good because it's like voluntary eugenics
Is it really that bad?
a lot of women will have funerals for their miscarriages
tell them it wasn't alive.
yes, frowning upon murder is simply a talking point. excellently done.
>pregnancy rates
you grabbed the wrong graph, i said replacement rate.
anything below 2.1 is heading toward extinction
This is arguably one of his best actions in all his 8 years
Abortion is morally questionable.
But we're talking about the Federal Government, funded by working class tax payers, killing human life. Many of those tax payers are opposed to abortion on top of it.
It's fucked up no matter how you spin it.
>Why is murdering infants out of convenience bad?
Gee, I dunno user why do you think?
Because this is just one of a long list of things that I don't need to be paying for. It's called taking responsibility for your own life which results in actual empowerment and self esteem. Not the phony kind that social workers try to sell you.
>president can do something that other presidents can't undo
Doesn't that completely destroy the purpose of balance of power? What happens when two different presidents pass things like this but they contradict each other. They can't be undone but they must be followed
Can someone confirm?
Surely trump can reppeal anything Obama puts into law?
>too dumb to know what murder is, so he throws a muh fee fee shit to try to win
Of course you are a american
>abortion as birth control
i overheard two nigger women talking the other day and they said and i quote "Nobody gonna make me wear a condom or take a pill"
they simply do not care
If you turn abortions into live births for whites, that's a 116% of the current live births. 116% of 1.8 is 2.1. Now look at blacks, turning abortions into live births totals 171% of the current live births. 171% of 2.0 is 3.4
If you don't have 100% support of abortion in your country it is unjust to use taxpayer money to support abortion. It does not represent the people of America.
>muh dumb americans
these people name their kid and make room for it and buy it clothes before its born and you want to say it's not alive. that's bullshit. you're the one talking about fee fees 'mah cummies are a human right'
They sell baby parts, did you not watch that undercover video?
good, then nigs can un-babymoma themselves
Even if abortions were illegal, it still wouldn't stop people from getting them, but they would be performed by quacks. If you want less abortions, you need invest in sex ed and easy access to contraception. This would also lower the birth rates for niggers and poor people.
Promotes the use of birth control so that more women can become promiscuous, thus leading to a collapse in the number of faithful family women. Not even a conspiracy theory because that would imply intent, when these are simple facts whether the effects were intended or not.
Look Christcuck, I don't want the number of niggers to skyrocket because your fee fees
2.1 whites and 3.4 blacks is better than
1.8 whites and 2.0 blacks
because again, anything under 2.1 is heading toward extinction as the population is not replacing itself
and either way, murdering children shouldn't be an option on the table to control populations in the first place
>tax payer money to abort niggers
They also kill niggers. The most.
Child murder is satanic and a large reason why God has punished us with the last decades of jewish tyrnany over our countries.
it shouldn't be government funded at all.
besides that, literally nothing
too late. the demographics with the most education get the most abortions. niggers aren't educated enough to even care and they get payed per kid anyway.
They murder babies and sell the organs.
What constitutes "bad" where you come from?
>too dumb to know the definition of murder
>Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being
Are soldiers murderers according to you?
Honest answer it isn't bad or good.
It is nearly free to free healthcare mostly for women, but men can get tested there as well.
A very small percent of their offices also participate in abortions. Republicans who don't like abortion while they can't always outlaw abortion would prefer if FEDERAL FUNDS DID NOT GO TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD. They equal that to the federal government paying for abortions, right or wrong is debatable of course.
While it seems like a war on PP most repubs just want no federal tax dollars to pay for abortions since not all americans want abortions. It's an odd thing most see the other 95% of the things PP do as good so who gives a rats ass about the abortions but like all politics its hyperbole.
>If you don't have 100% support of Space exploration in your country it is unjust to use taxpayer money to support NASA.
>If you don't have 100% support of a war in your country it is unjust to use taxpayer money to fund it.
Cmon, now that's not a very good argument at all, is it?
It isnt. Abortion is literally a non issue
Hate idiotic racist fucks like you.
Do you think that the woman who murders 3 of her babies doesn't also deliver 8? Are you fucking stupid enough to think that otherwise she would have had 11?
Fucking fuckity fuck fuck. The stupidity is so thick you can cut it with a knife.
>if we make it legal it's not immoral
>kek willed (((my))) post and no one has check'd it
What I don't understand about half you retards is you're frothing at the mouth about how abortion is wrong, but you know damn well if she keeps your unwanted spawn she'll bleed you dry for the next 18 years. Do you want a $1 tax reduction or whatever the fuck, or do you want to make sure you're not a permanent child maintenance whore.
Regardless if abortion should be legal, it should never be funded BY THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT. How can the liberals say that it infringes on their personal liberties and then plea for Planned Parenthood?
fucked up children shouldn't be born from fucked up parents
Are you a retard? See
Niggers get magnitudes more abortions than whites, and their population will skyrocket at a 3.4 birth rates.
wtf I love abortion now
It's not. In fact we should be opening them up in the back of every McDonald's in the hood. Worst case Niggers have fewer kids. Best case Niggers start killing their kids.
>with the stroke of his pen
>Obama can pass something that can't be taken down by a republican White House, Congress, and Supreme Court
I hope the left enjoyed their 8 years. Because we will definitely be enjoying ours.
False, abortions are funded with private money.
>Are you a retard?
i wish you read my post where i fucked this argument you're still making in the mouth.
>most repubs just want no federal tax dollars to pay for abortions since not all americans want abortions.
liberals don't like to see their tax dollars spent on military, so no federal dollar should be spent on the military, since not all american agree
>t. professional atheist
They kill children so lazy whores don't have to be responsible for there actions
>I'm so selfish I'd literally murder my own children
yeah, how about fuck off, inhuman scum.
>implying i am arguing about if it's "MUH MOURALEEE!!1!!!!! MUH FEE FEES!!!!!!!!!"
Nice moving the goalposts.
...because they sell dead human being baby body parts and make millions of dollars off of it and its kind of gross and disturbing?
>Saying this to "great" britain
Fuck off, he is a cunt who secretly mocked Trump during the Romney 2012 campaign and stabbed him in the back on this last campaign. He is despicable, a neocon without any kind of depth. Does he even oppose mass immigration? Fuck this guy.
If other races grow at a faster rate it means the "orange" bar will grow smaller, how is this so fucking complicated? Our country is a republic, the faster non-whites grow, the sooner they can take control
Thanks Speaker Ryan!
Most of what they do is provide birth control, which is good because it prevents abortions and has medical use outside of that. I have had to be on it since I was 14 because I have endometriosis.
Only a small fraction of what they do is abortions BUT of those, the majority of people seeking abortions are blacks, most of which are impoverished/underage.
I see abortion as a necessary evil for society. I don't like it, but there are reasons for it. That being said, the biggest thing PP does is distribute birth control and condoms, which are fucking important to prevent unplanned pregnancies and STDs.
>Niggers get magnitudes more abortions than whites
Check the statistics and try again.
>MUH FEE FEESS!!!!1111111111111111111
Only thing Trump is looking to cut is abortion. Trump has even said he likes those services.
>being retarded enough to think it's a human life that early
Christ your sex ed must be as bad as it sounds. Do you save up your jizz in case each individual cell has a soul?
>even if murder was illegal, it still wouldn't prevent people from comitting it!
PP was founded by the eugenicist Margaret Sanger for the purpose of purifying the race of defectives and blacks. Really. Adolf Hitler was an admirer who patterned Nazi eugenics programs after her lead in America.
The irony of left wing, SJW support for PP is most amusing.
uhhh abortion kills more niggers and spics
abortion is a big part of why the nigger population in america is literally stagnant
Christcucks pretty much. They need federal oversight to ensure that they're not selling off fetuses and the like but abortion's a settled issue at this point.
false, money is fungible
Funding the organization still helps them carry out abortions. It means that they can then afford to charge less for abortions because they now have free taxpayer money.
>uhhh abortion kills more niggers and spics
put together
but not individually. White babies are aborted more than any other individual race.
Aren't blacks the biggest users of abortion clinics?
i dont see a problem with either point except that in a country we all fund things that we don't always see the benefit of directly.
To be clear I'm all for baby murder. accidents happen and unwanted children in my eyes are a bigger problem than a dead baby - blunt as i can be.
Be it military, salt for frozen highways in the north, FEMA relief for hurricanes in the south. we all chip in. Something as partisan as abortions thought some use their beliefs to try and change policy by saying they don't want to pay.
Should a pacifist get some taxes back cause they dont like military action, hell no. should a prolifer get some back so they dont go to PP hell no.
You have no concept of biology. Human life begins before birth, you fucking tard.
The real problem with that is that it ignores PP's massive political entanglement.
If it wants to be a reproductive health center, it needs to actually be one. It can't be both that and an arm of the Democratic party.
No problem with planned parenthood.
This issue comes from the religious right, who think every sperm is sacred.
Really, it should be up to a woman. If it cuts down on the number of libtards running around, so much the better.
>the faster non-whites grow, the sooner they can take control
separate issue, there won't be any whites in existence for these mexicans to boss around if we continue with a lower than 2.1 replacement rate