Is she next Sup Forums?
Is she next Sup Forums?
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Yes. We need help on it though. The language barrier is going to be tough and the French don't seem to want to put in the work.
I'm pro-Trump, but she's a filthy traitorous scum, that seeks only her own intrests.
This bitch want to ban kippa, large cross, hijab .. in the fucking street ... do you realize Sup Forums? I'm not fucking joking ..
When's election?
>(((International banks))) don't want to lend her money
>she gets a loan from Russia
I don't see the big deal. "The enemy of my enemy" and all that.
I hate that we have to play tip toe and dance around the sleeping bear. I wish we could get a leader that would just say what we're all thinking - total ban on middle-eastern immigration.
Don't tell me you're afraid of Putin Sven.
I want to see French /gen/ like trump and brexit. When I'll see that, I'll help however I can until I will see her in the office. Because that will show to me that french people really care, want, have the energy and are ready to work their assess off for their country. If the natives don't bother, whatever we will do, it will fail.
She disavowed her own father for the kikes. She is a total bitch. France is lost. The french have been entirely indoctrinated into globalist beliefs.
Never, never, never, never give up.
A year ago they laughed at us when we said a celebrity steak salesman and his band of frog-worshipping degenerates was taking back America. Now look at us.
She can't even win a single one region. Trump won so many States.
We'll see but I wouldn't hold my breath expecting my fellow countrymen to try to MFGA. All the thread about it since yesterday is clear evidence of it.
To explain their lack of hope, you have to understand what it is to live among people that still vomiting the #notAllMuslim BS after all the terrorist attacks we had recently.
In america there always was that large portion of the populatioon thats down to earth and not deluded, because of the particular lifestyle revolving around guns and their lethal nature and what it means to be a gun owner (teaches responsible behavior and makes you admit the reality because of it) a gun is an incredible tool to set the thoughts straight in the sense that its like a switch if you mishandle it you can kill yourself or someone and this hard reality translates into other prospects of life i think, hence why this was possible in america.
We dont have anything like that in france.
europe needs to stay cucked as an example of what not to do
I want NATO to adopt a reaganite doctrine and shoot down any of their planes the moment they enter the western airspace. Putin needs a punch in the face whenever he tries to show muscle with his crappy post-communist army
If Britain made it, and it was almost in the same shit as you, then you guys can do. If you can, make a /gen/ whenever you have the occasion. One is enough to attract other, nothing here started with the support it had in the end.
Remember one thing - the silent majority. And you have that in France, I am sure of it.
People that think she is anywhere near similar to Trump are really delusional
britain has another history
in principle france can't even exit eu because of the currency (euro)
different situations.
I hate this cunt.
Marion is my waifu, and I hope she was running for president instead of this pseudo extreme right Marine.
She's socialist as hell, she wants to raise the minimum wage and shit like that, and she's trying to get rid of the true nationalist part of the FN.
That's why her father doesn't like her too btw.
But well, France is doomed anyway, and she's the best choice that we've got. So I think I'll have no other choice but to vote for her.
Why can't we just have Marion "Waifu" Maréchal as president? Her smile would illuminate my life
She's gonna pass to the second tour. She needs to in the second tour, but it's almost impossible since there's too much cucks in France.
So much THIS.
i don't know why Sup Forums drools over her she is pretty average and has a jew nose
also marine isn't anything similar to trump. more like an anti-imigration extreme left or something
weird combo
Brits always hated the EU. Meanwhile I have retards at work that kept telling me before Trump's election:
>we'll also have to vote for the lesser evil in a few months
Since I'm a fonctionnaire I just hope they are not representative of the average French but I have doubts...
She's a fag-enabling, jew-loving traitor.
Communists were anti-immigration in France for a short period of time during the late 70's early 80's.
You are the most well know revolutionists in the world. There is something in you guys that sets you apart from all the other nations, no matter the indoctrination level. I understand from all the info you frenchies posted here what is happening there, at least at a somewhat detailed level, but I strongly believe that the majority stays silent out of PC fear. FN lost only because of the treacherous coalition of the traitors. The people spoke, and that was before all the major shit that happened in your country.
Holy kek, user, stop talking CNN way.
Phew! So glad we're not part of Europe now
Yeah, and I must say that the far-left aspect of Marine pretty much disgust me. I'm not even sure if I'll vote for her.
And Marion is pretty cute imo
Calm down Mohammed, now you are in Sweden and not Syria anymore.
You have a good point I think.
French people just want to relax and have a good time, not worry about politics really.
American gun owners know their rights are at stake if they don't get out and vote.
that's what i'm saying
even trump is much more reasonable than her
she seems a bit weird for me
also the far-left is usually jewish so be careful there
i know same here communist times were against people going out and regulated the "in" very much
something like North Korea in present day
Now i get why your people immediatly welcomed the German Reich with open arms, jesus.
Brit bong pasta.
the only psyop is to ensure Hollande reaches the second round. I must admit this strategy has the potential to massively backfire, but it's quite probably the only hope.
Anyone seriously interested in doing this should be looking at the work of Vladislav Surkov. Supporting opposition is sometimes required to achieve a bigger goal – 5D chess and all that.
There has to be a clear narrative structure to this, that leads the French general public to the correct conclusion.
This means you have to first convince the Républicains that Juppé is the wrong choice and to pick Sarkozy instead.
Then the media narrative needs to be that people are horrified at the prospect of another Sarkozy term.
Then people have to be pushed towards Hollande in such a way that they feel like they have no real choice (à la Clinton) and that 'at least he has experience of high office' and 'doesn't say objectionable things'.
After this, true French people will be presented with the correct option of Le Pen, and with the right high energy campaign (movement), it should be possible to win.
Nah, French people are so cucked that they will pick Hollande over Le Pen.
And I'd rather kill myself than to be in for 5 more years of Hollande.
it's stupid
Sup Forums had a very small influence because of memes and shit
this is not valid in france
france unlike britain and us are not a native english language nation
the influence is much much smaller to have any delusion of effect.
also Sup Forums is popular in the US not so much in France
Guy your fucking country doesn't even exist so shut the fuck up.
Might be hard to get sarkozy, a lot of leftist want to vote Juppé because they know that the one who win in the républicains has the highest chance of winning. But if we get sarkozy, Lepen has a chance.
Hollande is fucked, even the commie have a highest chance to win than him.
We certainly aren't on the list of countries where people get killed by trucks on the national holiday, yeah :^)
I do hope that you're right and with the BREXIT and Trump, everything seems possible.
In 1980 some guys from the Parti Communiste Français bulldozed a social housing occupied by migrant workers from Mali. After that the media orchestrated a vast propaganda machine against them. Eventually they got BTFO by Mitterand who cucked them into oblivion.
Today they obviously love the migrants.
i think so too but i don't think hollande will reach it again
maybe juppe or some other right-wing will still take it.
was this fucking necessary? are you a proxy or something?
i highly doubt lepen will win against sarkozy
trump funded his own campain. lepen has the same corruption air as does sarkozy
Silent majority? They will vote against le pen
And ? Cause you dont have any army or any place in the world you can consider yourself sure enough ? Third world country, the ones who left others take decisions for then. Deal with it.
The german reich comment wasn't a negative thing in my view, so i don't understand why French user got snarky at me. He gets snarky at me, i get snarky back.
I myself hope that Le Pen wins, i want the best for people in France, in Germany, the US, etc. just as much as i want it in my own country.
Fuck off Putin shill.
The problem is not that she's far left. She could ruin the French economy, who cares as long as she stops immigration.
No the real problem is that the FN (and her) are a bunch of corrupted brown nosers who just wants to collect the dividends from the work of people out there risking their social life by redpilling people.
Still, she's our only option at the moment.
By silent majority I mean patriots. But by what ever definition you thought of, why do you think they will vote against. Better yet, who to chose? If I am correct (correct me if not) Hollande is heavily despised by the public and Sarkozy is on the same line. Is there someone else that could/would win the majority of your country?
Also, we lost our alt-right HQ, "l'orgul", some weeks ago.
Calm down CNN
No, because he is the next
you have to realize though lepen is not conservative
she is progressive-left but nationalist.
juppe probabil
si vezi ca lepen nu e ca trump conservator sau de dreapta.
un fel de psd pro homo progresiv dar mai nationalist. e probabil chiar anti-biserica lepen si alte chestii progresive.
exactly as i said. trump won because he funded his own campain and was more transparent and didn't seem corrupt.
lepen doesn't have that and she isn't even right winged.
Everyone hates Hollande.
Sarkozy is despised but at least he's more, more, more popular.
Juppé is a cuck but he will probably be the next LR candidate
Honestly, I think Marine-Sarkozy or Marine-Ali Juppé would result in a defeat for the FN
get out cuck
Defeat by democracy or defeat by the election system which can deny a whole vote like the last regional election? Because if it's the first're in deep shit, at least at this moment.
Stiu...dar are, dintre toti candidatii, cele mai multe tendinte de dreapta. Luam ce-i mai bun deocamdata.
>South Africa talking shit
Yeah yeah enjoy your AIDS
Fuck the shills, the real Sup Forums will meme in french, even fucking hebrew if it must.
Each and every uncucked president is a step forwards in the bigger scale of things. It's about the movement, the memetics.
Sure. Problem is that Marine IS cucked. Her father wasn't, and Marion is not. But Marine is definitively cucked.
probabil dar are ""jewish connections"" prea multe ca sa cred ca e ceva de capul ei
LePen ar fi un fel de Bernie Nationalist e foarte ciudat.
he posts the same shit in every thread that mentions her
Lepen is not the same as trump.
Seems more like a nationalist Bernie Sanders.
And this kind of shit might bring back the_donald cucks and i don't want that.
That's rich coming from fucking Austria lol
>putting a woman in power
>monkey strikes again
Yes, if we meme her
>French don't seem to want to put in the work.
god knows those fuckers arent any good at keep people from running across their borders
I hesitate to vote to anarchy and nothing. France is screwed up anyway.
For my french comrades, let's all cum in our ballot paper or wipe your filthy ass with it.
Well are there any better alternatives? Except for trying to make you, the Frenchbro, the next president?
As I see it, they are all cucked. At least MLP could spark some national spirit into the hearts of the people.
You have people from all the board offering their help into meming FN into power and your answer is to fap in the voting booth? What is fucking wrong with you?
Yes, Le Pen is not Trump. The problem is that most western European countries do not have a Trump, and even if they did he/she would have 0 shot of winning because western Europe is simply too leftist compared to America for that to happen any time soon.
A bit higher level of socialism is a far lesser evil than massive waves of parasitic brown immigrants.
You have to pick your battles.
We must make it happen. First get LePen in, then get Merkel out.
That was your country, Adolf.
It's just that we're way more pessimistics than you. Trump energized you all, and in fact, he energized every nationalists across the whole world. In France, everybody had lose faith, including me.
I might just move to the USA next year after I get admitted to the bar.
Yeah, that really is the only reason why I'm voting her. But I guess I'll have to drink a lot in order to forget that I voted for a socialist.
Well technically he is next. But she will win and the EU will dissolve.
>But I guess I'll have to drink a lot in order to forget that I voted for a socialist.
But one step at a time, one step at a time...
lol you guys are much more strict about Marine not being completely like us than with Trump
france's problem with immigrants didn't begin in post 2012 but in the 90s
MLP has a secularity about her that would only help muslims gain more leverage
>americans knowing european policy
brexit was different britain was already semi-isolated and had it's own currency.
Merkel out seems more do-able than LePen in
> Mohammed
My name is not Mohammed, and I personally don't give a shit about what Russia does outside of Europe.
Germany should get some nukes and a proper army and respond to Russian ambitions with boots on the ground.
Not really feeling strongly about this one way or the other, however it seems to me you already have a bit to work with:
He doth protest too much sorta thing, he's been in politics for a long time there's gotta be dirt and/or insinuations that can be made and he has a criminal conviction for fuck's sake!
The EU will not dissolve.
It's more likely for a few USA states to secede rather than the EU to dissolve.
Normally people have to pay for this level of pessimism
and yet here you are providing it for free
Work for the state too. Will spread gasoline and scratch a match.
EU is a modern empire. Modern empires dissolves in the course of a human lifetime. It went live in the 90s, one country already left, another is acting like a boss, some are threatened and there is tension all around. The end is nigh.
But it's not a bad thing. It's a positive thing.
Those who criticise the EU have no idea what they're talking about.
This board is full of alt-right idiots who are not very schooled about how things work in Europe.
And if you read a few posts from some frustrated EU bums, that doesn't mean they are representative for their countries.
Dissolving the EU is economic suicide. Whoever preaches that should kill himself.
A modern empire doesn't have a budget of 1% of the total GDP of its members.
>if they're American they just don't GET us Europeans so they're wrong
>if they aren't American they're losers so they're wrong too
Nice ad hominems
has the EU shilling re-started already
They do with what they can these days. After all, it hasn't been created through war.
Le Capital, Livre I, chp. 25
MLP is not Trump, sure.
But does France have any less cucked candidates? Should we not fight for the uncucked world, even if it is slow?
I know Sup Forums is not anyones personal army, but consider that.
He's right. French people complain more and are more pessimistic. Let's keep that in mind.
The EU as an economic trading block is fine
It's when they start enforcing legislation with an undemocratic system that fucks it up
The EU is dying because it's trying to unite countries together when it should be trying to encourage relations between them
>undemocratic system
Which part is undemocratic?
i won't really call it going live in the 90s
i also like the principles but the priciple was that it was a union of equals and that disappeared.
they should have let countries in the EU when they were equally developed.
they also let Poland be a leech because of muh WW2
they let us in too soon and shouldn't have given the euro to Greece
very bad decisions all round.
the economy shit and the circulation of good went pretty well.
immigration and the use of funds among others not so much.
A Le Pen victory looks good for the Far Right Ascendancy in Europe