Really makes you think
Really makes you think
really gobbles my turkeys
> 56 % WHITE
Last time a republican won the electoral vote and lost the popular vote, 9/11, 16+ years of conflict in the middle east and the worst economic crash since the great depression happened.
Last time we elected an actor we got Reaganomics.
I love how she ignores the prosperity that was in the air all the way up to the crash. Noone back then thought about a bailout, oddly enough.
it's not like it matters what their political party is, they're politicians
they're all conspiring to make each other richer with a complete disregard for any morality or consequences
Herbert Hoover was also a businessman.
Republican party back then was a lot different than what Trump ran on.
Trump is pretty similar to the old Democrats before LBJ turned it into the party of nigger welfare.
Republicans back then were the Democrats
Of course the economy will tank. European banks are on the verge of collapsing, OPEC is fighting a civil war, (((invisible hand))) will poison the wells all they can...
Ironic that it is, Southerners left the Democratic party not because of policy issues but because it was supporting blacks. This indicates that old republicans are actually just racist.
What a fucking retard.
But the stock market is up at record numbers
shhhhh don't make sense
The reagan years were fantastic for the economy. Fucking punk kid revisionists know fucking nothing.
Reagan was liked so much that this happened in 1984, and in 1988 people elected his VP just because they wanted more.
And Democrats back then are now Republicans?
She's wrong. That was the last time a republican president went INTO office that already had those. Bush had (R) house and senate just a few years ago...
And the last time there was a nigger in the white house was 2009-2017
When you live around niggers your whole life, that tends to happen
another great depression next year confirmed
>The Senate
I can already feel special snowflake senators from California filibustering every piece of legislation with Trump's name on it.
> old republicans are racist
> that's why only republicans voted for the civil rights act
> in the 1960s
This is what American college does to you.
>the depression started only a few months after republicans took control of the government
That's not how it works.
Not really, I'm a white guy from Atlanta, known around here as black hollywood. I can see that they're people. You just see a bunch of cherry-picked echochamber nonsense.
Yeah it was fucking brilliant, Reaganomics made the middle class eat shit and now the Republican middle class want it to happen again, because they can't get enough of the assrape.
When will Americans see the poor and middle class are nothing but pawns used to make the lives of the rich better?
this was greater than the 1929 depression, it just rebound quicker
We are currently in a depression worse than the 1929 depression, its just that standards of living have increased so much its not as palpable and there is a fuck ton of propaganda saying things are getting better.
The thing about that is, 2018 is a mid term election, and 23 Democrat Senators are up for re-election, compared to only 8 Republicans. Some of these Democrats are in red states, for instance, Jon Tester in Montana is up for re-election, as is Heidi Heitkamp from North Dakota. If those Senators do nothing over the next couple of years they'll get purged.
If Democrats filibuster a bunch of times, the people will get pissed and kick their asses out in droves. Then we could possibly have a filibuster proof majority in 2018. And that means at least 2 years of nationalist governance without interference.
>This is what American college does to you.
What, being able to respond reasonably to generally agreed upon fact? What a fucking atrocity.
>inb4 liberal propergunder
Does she really think that they managed to cause the fucking Great Depression in a year?
That's craziness. This feels like a dream
What part of Atl? Lawrenceville fag here.
>white guy from Atlanta
City whites are always shitlib. No surprise there.
Regardless, even if you wanted to help your black bruthas, you'd vote Trump as black people were better off when the white man was unquestionably in charge. Segregation was good for everyone.
Yeah because both political parties have never changed their ideology
When was the last time a nation under siege by foreign interests and banking cartels had a strong nationalist come into power?
No, looks like someone just took her tweet and put the image below her. Sup Forums needs their mid-day coffee.
That was back before the internet when everyone got their information from television and Hollywood movies. Most people still thought UFO sightings were real
Plus, don't forget that mid-terms usually have low Democrat turnout. We are almost guaranteed to hold all Republican seats, so things will only get better.
Democrats in moderate states will be forced to work with Trump, or else they are done in 2018.
Good goy.
When are we hanging these people?
fuck I hope so, I want to buy some rental properties on the cheap
>people who deal with higher concentrations of niggers are less likely to view them favorably
Oh, fuck im a twat
I live in Old Fourth Ward.
>Being this manipulated by literal propaganda
Holy shit, dumbass alert. Show me a picture of yourself so I can confirm you're just an ugly kissless virgin.
>Angry middle class people are punks when they aren't Republicans
Middle class is middle class whether they're red or blue. They're still getting majorly fucked by the rich, and told by the rich that they can be rich if they just try hard enough. It's laughable. Look at the social mobility of America in the past 20 years. American workers are NOTHING but pawns.
The Republican hegemony started in 1920. 1928 was just the last time, as stated.
>the evil racist republicans switched sides during the civil war and hated negro slaves, it was only by losing the civil war were the tolerant democrats finally able to end slavery
you are a fucking idiot.
That would be amazing.
Democrats are on suicide watch
>muh rich people
Only plebs cry about other people having more money than themselves
There's a reason why some people have moeny while others haven't.
Someone had to pay for the rolling 20's
>most people still thought UFO sightings were real
>Being this blue-pilled
Yes this happened during the Great Realignment of 1932.
Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, was the one to liberate slaves and operated on what would now be described as a democratic platform.
>I don't believe it!
Good, I don't believe that you're worth talking to, either.
>republicans are at fault for the depression
There IS a massive economic crisis looming.
The West has been growing off debt for so long.
The pension liabilities alone are probably enough to break us.
The currency is literally a meme.
It's all coming down and Trump will get blamed for it.
And look what they did to the economy. It took a democrat to restore the country. Drumpf will likely resign because of incompetence.
Nope, I was referring to the 30s during the Great Society.
Southerners left because Black people were joining the Democratic party.
During the civil war, the Republicans were the "liberals." If you disagree with this, you're a retard.
And the fact that you assume you know what I'm talking about also makes you a retard. If you knew your shit I'm sure you wouldn't be constantly receiving confirmation from ugly strangers on Sup Forums and would be working as a political analyst somewhere.
>Segregation was good for everyone.
Shouldn't you be a SJW then?
And dumb liberal 20somethings and minorities don't vote in midterms. Oh my.
The hashtag #greatdepression trended on twitter immediately after trump won for hours. As far as the economy goes, we're not too different from 1928. The fed will manipulate the market or someone will false flag our final economic crash. Then libshits will blame everything on us, and try to come for blood.
Sounds too familiar right lads? This was my concern before the election, and I voted for trump because of this. Let's crash, cleanse, and finally rebuild with a non fiat currency.
>am I rite
Yeah because they earned it on the backs of slave labor and inherited it.
You're so fucking stupid, holy shit. Eating up ruling class propaganda like a good little sheep. Keep eating, eventually you'll be rich!!!
P.S., if you're already rich, I know you "made your fortune" with daddy's money. Good boy, here's a fifty, go buy yourself a modest lunch.
>what would now be described as a democratic platform
Lincoln's platformed revolved around gibs and tranny bathrooms?
>I can see that they're people.
I can see that they are people too. They're people that fucking rob and commit violent crimes at rates completely disproportionate to their share of the population.
I've also been robbed at gunpoint and otherwise harassed by niggers.
Yep, student debt bubble will pop and we'll get a future of social democracy after/if we ever recover.
Republicans refuse to believe facts though, so fuck it. Economists are shitting their britches in fear right now.
t. a political analyst somewhere
That was pretty much the case.
So Hooverville?
There are a lot of Democrats at risk in 2018 anyway. Here are some seats I think we could win depending on turnout:
Jon Tester - Montana
Heidi Heitkamp - North Dakota
Joe Manchin - West Virginia
Debbie Stabenow - Michigan
Claire McCaskill - Missouri
Sherrod Brown - Ohio
Tammy Baldwin - Wisconsin
That would be 7 seats if we won them all. Not saying that it will happen, but it could. Especially if any of them try to obstruct Trump legislation.
He gave you a 12 month warning.
But that's when the Democrats were the Republicans which is why the KKK supports the Republican party because of their Democratic roots!
One thing I always wonder about as well is why these people who control currency etc like to have these huge fucking bubbles appear every so often these days, is it just to cause hysteria?
Say what you will about "gibs" but they are conducive to high GDP and quality of life. Check out Norway's GDP, almost double America's.
It actually revolved around large government, which was essential, and generally what democrats operate on now, while republicans operate on minimal/local government.
Yes, the crime rates are shocking at best, but humor me here.
If you are told your entire life, explicitly or implicitly, that you are going to go to jail or rob somebody or be a dumbass, chances are you're likely going to adhere to these terms.
Just like how midwestern Americans go their entire lives hearing shit about how they're being marginalized and deserve to be rich. They think that way now, and Trump won as a result. So they work and kiss ass for a living, thinking they're making progress but inevitably just bridging the gap between them and the wealthy.
I got rich by creating phone apps that sell well because they exploited niche markets that were otherwise ignored. I went from $30k in debt from stupid mistakes, no job and no prospects living off my girlfriend's minimum wage income in a shitty part of town in a tiny apartment where we could barely fit our double bed and dresser in the bedroom.
But please tell me again how people can't get rich because the system is rigged against them and not because they're just lazy fucks who don't know how to dig themselves out of a hole because they won't sacrifice a couple years of their lives learning how.
YOLO generation and the unwillingness to own up to your mistakes are the reason people suffer.
t. Calvinist
I get that SJWs are asking for "black safe spaces" and shit. But they are doing that because they are anti-white, not because it makes common sense.
Most whites are willing to pay extra to live in a white community. That's just common sense. Most people will segregate naturally if given the choice.
It's to make the working class submit and keep working instead of protesting or questioning their existence. A docile working class is good for business, goyim.
To follow up, I'm 25 and received absolutely no support from my parents. They didn't even let me take my fucking bed from my room in their house with me. I spent the first couple months of living on my own sleeping on a floor with a blanket because of their belief of making it on your own.
>voting republican
americans are literally retarded
say goodbye to marijuana, gay marriage, abortion, porn ect.
get ready for more nsa spying, theocracy, unjustified wars, voodoo economics
we are fucked
To be honest as well, I don't necessarily want government enforced segregation because that is just stupid.
I just want freedom of association to come back. Let local communities and businesses control who they want living there, and who they serve.
I'm a teacher, I'm middle class pretty much.
In order to be rich, no matter what made you rich or who had to suffer ,if anyone (even so, it's offset by the amount of jobs you most likely create while being rich), you have to work hard all day. Most people lack the dedication and intelligence, that's why they're not rich.
What you're claiming is lower class propaganda and assumptions.
>when republicans cause the dustbowl by being giant fucking racists
care to cite your sources or do you just enjoy pulling things from your ass because you're such a faggot?
Not yet ripe.
>Talking about American social mobility using anecdotal evidence, as a Canadian
Listen retard. Some people are so poor they cannot even afford a phone, let alone program apps for them.
Does this make any sense to you?
You can't get a living wage if you don't have a college degree. Can't get a college degree if you don't have a car, gas money, enough money to pay for it, scholarships, etc.
People break their backs working for $7.25 an hour just to feed themselves. You're fucking crazy if you think the rich would ever allow a system that anyone who just works and works could enter the wealth pool. That is naive and utterly misinformed on many grounds.
My friend brought this argument up to me yesterday. How do I blast him back?
Go fuck yourself. I bet you act like a fucking wigger and do drugs just like the rest of them, which is actually kind of a funny thought that because you assimilated to the dominant culture in the area you face less problems..
But of course it's not black people's fault, it's because people tell them they are going to "jail or rob somebody" So me as well as every other white american has travelled to every single black person's place of residence and told them they're going to rob somebody, so they're going to listen to us.
Fucking dumbass.
the popular vote isn't fully counted yet, JIDF
really balances my barnacles
Remind that FDR called Hoover a tax and spender during the presidential race, and his running mate implied Hoover was a socialist.
>Libshits don't understand that the great depression was a worldwide event that happened as a result of the first World War, but blames republicans instead because muh political views.
Why am I not surprised?
Hopefully the Federal Reserve doesn't sabotage Republicans again.
>You have to work hard all day to be rich
That's why Norway, with a 33 hour work week, has nearly twice the GDP of America, right?
As a Swiss person, you should understand Teachers in Switzerland are valued by society. In America, they are scapegoated and receive lower middle class wages at BEST. It has a huge burnout rate ... while standardized test makers, Pearson and charter companies profit off of failing schools.
I'm an Educational Policies major, and I can go tit for tat with you on that.
>since 1928?
what happened to 2002?
>ignore this bs
Get charisma and learn people skills, it'll take you much farther than some bachelors in whatever.
I have landed a handful of jobs I was severely underqualified for, turning up personally and a good honest handshake can get you places. And the bureaucracy in my country is worse than in the US.
If someone can't do that, they didn't work hard enough or aren't made for it. The system isn't against you, don't be as silly as BLM people.
Republicans were the Democrats back then, how many times does this have to be said?
not everyone is a type A, like you
donald trump is going to increase the national debt with his voodoo economics
if you don't tax the rich but you increase spending(by ybuilding architecture and rebuilding the military) the debt is going to increase.
none of these republicans learned anything from the bush administration.
good thing when the dems were in power in the 30's they put the japs in camps