you know what to do lads
GrubHub FIRES all Trump voters
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Lawsuit. This is illegal.
Bump the corruption.
My supervisor made a similar speech yesterday.
It simply means that it's business as usual and Trump's win doesn't give people carte blanche to do anything they please.
Don't read too much into it.
I would never suggest anyone do this at all and everything I'm writing is simply fantasy but possibly ddos
fuck GrubHub, I hope they burn
OH god the lawyers are gonna have a fucking field day~
>they deserve our open minds
>we fire everyone that does not agree with us
They could use a good ddose
In Russia this would result in criminal case against whoever ordered it and very long prison term.
Is it really okay to do in USA?
please please please let there be a lawsuit.
never ceases to amaze
self-awareness is quickly becoming a superpower
The USA is in a very fucked up state of affairs right now
It's why we elected Trump
My thoughts exactly.
This is grounds for a civil suit that can and will likely bankrupt this scumbag.
>"I firmly believe that we must bring together different perspectives to continue innovating...including cultural or ideological preferences"
Is this seriously bait?
This. Pretty sure you can't get fired over your politics.
Then you're a nerd virgin cuck for working for a place that hates Trump without filing a lawsuit.
bump get this shit going
We get Trump in office AND fuck liberal business?
What a time to be alive
bumping for illegal/unprofessional behavior
also, this
Why is no one pointing out the overt hypocrisy embedded into this letter?
Just because it's not okay doesn't mean idiots aren't going to do it.
>ITHACA, NY—In the hours since the Republican nominee’s stunning election to the nation’s highest office Tuesday night, reports have confirmed that, regardless of circumstance, it is not even remotely close to okay to act like Donald Trump. “Just to be perfectly clear, speaking or behaving in a manner similar to President-elect Trump is just as unacceptable now as it has ever been,” the reports stated, adding that in zero percent of cases is it even borderline permissible to conduct oneself either personally or professionally in a fashion akin to Trump, and that has not changed in the past two days. “In fact, acting like Mr. Trump does for even a moment will result in a wide range of negative social—and in some cases, criminal—consequences for you personally. Put simply, you should not be engaging with the world in any way comparable to Mr. Trump. This was true before he was elected, and it will be true long after he’s gone.” At press time, the reports’ findings were being summarily dismissed out of hand by roughly 45 percent of the nation’s population in a manner identical to that of Donald Trump.
don't say i didn't warn you. if you idiots go around being rude and nasty, you'll get fired for that and not for liking trump. he's not a role model, we're looking at 4 years of sweet trade deals and a miserable police state
This. It's discrimination.
>"including all [...] ideological preferences"
>now resign if you disagree with my ideological preferences
This has to be satire.
LOL have fun living without grubhub basement dwellers!
i guess you can still order dominos right?
I don't think this is actually illegal. It would depend on the state. Guessing they're based in California, which might actually have additional workers' rights that other states don't, but I really doubt it. Same reason the DNC doesn't have to hire Republicans, or vice versa. Political affiliation isn't a protected class.
All that said, this is a brain-damaged policy and will backfire on the spectacularly.
>alienating all your best employees to protect the feelings of women and niggers who don't work
This is not how you run a business
Yus Russians, it's legal to do this here. America is the dictatorship of the employer, you can be fired for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all. And don't feel to superior Republicans, Mitt Romney aligned employers have been caught threatening to fire for wrong votes last time around. Capitalism.
That's the onion you idiot.
give them some great former worker reviews here
>America is the dictatorship of the employer
Which is why it's ironic every time the liberals called him a fascist. He ran on a platform of destroying the fascism we already have.
It's practically non-speak
especially followed so closely by "anyone who thinks other than this should quit immediately"
Just uninstalled, fuck those cucks
Sup Forums supports this
nope, not even a little
Actually, as it's a public letter we can also have him sued for discrimination in consideration of employment. Class action incoming.
Okay seriously, how are THEY not the fascists and the bad guys?
>Mitt Romney killed KB Toys
to the fucking gulags
no shit, retard. satire is the only news worth reading in dumbass echo-chamber land.
go fuck yourself over fox or NPR, dipshit
>muh safe space
>firing Trump supporters, likely white males, who are probably the majority of their employees since white womyn and nogs just survive on welfare
Nice, amazing, absolutely sound policies. What could possibly go wrong amirite.
some negative reviews already up on this site
Not surprising.
GrubHub charges you to order online when you can just fucking use google and call the places directly.
if a Trump supporting company did this the liberals would flip the fuck out
Matt Baloney confirmed massive faggot
Has anyone replied with OP's picture?
>bla bla echo chamber bla buzzword bla so ill act like satire is real news in my fantasy world i created
Do you have any idea how retarded you sound?
This. He never states that if you vote for Trump you're fired. Only that if you're a hateful person and disagree with the statement should you also resign.
Loopholes nigga do you even?
Let's get it lower folks.
It's a genius business decision and I respect it. Libtards will now just use GrubHub just to spite trump supporters.
this i would fund it to watch them get btfo
yeah, I sound like a leaf
alright I'll give u that one u cheeky cunt
>you can't fire someone because they are gay or trans
>but you can if they voted Republican
Dat wishful thinking.
that should've been hillary's concession speech :)
Yes, it is illegal A LOT.
You cannot discriminate against someone based on color, creed, gender, sexual preference or political opinions.
And why the fuck would Sup Forums support this? Are you still hoping we'll go #forher? Kys senpai
go ahead and tell me political affiliation is a protected class
They're just asking people to resign, not firing them. I don't know if that is still enough for a lawsuit though.
>or political opinions
lol no
Sup Forums supports at will employment, go ahead and pretend like it doesn't
>Sup Forums is one person
He wrote the letter.
He backpedaled 2 hours ago when people started shitting on him and telling him they're uninstalling.
Fuck, I actually like Grubhub
Good move. You Trump supporters don't want to restrict businesses right to run themselves do you?
>if you don't agree with me, please leave immediately
>we can't have intolerance here
>Sup Forums supports at will employment
Sup Forumsis anti-capitalism
Getting something trending on twitter
They're a publicly traded company. Let's get everyone to stop using their services.
It most certainly creates a hostile work environment. It opens up the CEO and the company to lawsuits.
let me tell you folks, I'll never use grubhub again.
Spineless matt baloney can't even run a business without leeching off of others.
It's actually NOT legal to do this. If they had said nothing about firing people, then it would have. But then they released a statement saying anyone who supports him cannot work for us.
That's discrimination and is illegal to use as an excuse to fire someone.
>Sup Forums is x
fuck off
Ive started calling leftists what they really are
Fascist with a Rainbow flag
It's OK Josh.
Don't think anyone got fired, everyone got this letter though threatening firing if they say they support the strawman of what Trump is.
Depends on the state
Just to clarify, I'm upset because I like the Grubhub service but they are pulling this shit.
>Sup Forums is one person
when will this meme die?
Majority on Sup Forums don't support the firing of people over politics. Don't cut yourself on all that edge.
Literary what is "grubhub"? Do they produce anything?
Usless faggy swpls in trendy tech companies making nothing with huge public donations need to be gased or forced to work the land to contribute to society.
Fucking parasites.
some faggy app that has something to do with food
I've never used them
>Majority on Sup Forums don't support the firing of people over politics.
hence the cognitive dissonance about at will employment, they support it except when it happens to them
>better, faster, stronger together
Nope. They asked for resignations.
Force them to fire you then file a lawsuit and be set for life.
I hope nobody falls for this, and instead forces these people to fire them, then takes them to court
Lets hash #StubGrubHub fuck these elitists
basically they are a middleman service, absolutely the worst bottom of the barrel unnecessary business model
it catalogs take out restaurants and you can place orders through them. The restaurant then turns around and has to pay them for every order made through their service.
Fuck you, Grubhub. Eatstreet is better anyways.
in Russia they have a super low minimum wage even if they have a GDP of like 10k per capita. Basically you get minimum wage plus a bonus. If you upset your boss you get no bonus and figure out why steam games are so cheap in Russia.
THIS JUST IN: they're already backpedaling.
bunch of fucking hypocrites. hope they go bankrupt.
At-will employment doesn't protect you if you fire someone and give a discriminatory reason.
There was no reason to send the email out in the first place other than to intimidate Trump supporters.
>We don't tolerate Trump's hate. You don't support that hate do, you?
>if you voted trump you may not feel welcomed at grub hub
keep hammering the shit out of this faggot. in this he claims trump supporters will be given a HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENT. not really any better. nitpick and go to town on any statement he makes.
make him incriminate himself to the point a class action will not fail
Their link leads to nothing.
amazing that they STILL think he actually made fun of a handicapped person. They believe it without question and they believe the rest of these lies. I'd be more sad if it actually mattered what GrubHub thinks.
Is it illegal? I voted for Trump, and I'm fine with them attempting this. I simply won't order from them anymore.
The point is to signal and maybe look better in liberal customer's eyes.
But there isn't a real rational reason. They have gotten used to signalling so much they keep going even when it means shooting themselves in the foot.
I really hope their Trump voting employees do come out and get fired over it. Company would go under instantly, and everyone in charge would suck dick for the rest of their lives for settlements.
I work for GrubHub and I heavily support Trump. What do you want me to do? I'm a driver, we have no contact day to day with other employees.
Shit, only the general manager is able to fire me. Suck a dick, Grubhub.
it links to:
but it most likely can't deal with the traffic and it's throwing a DB error
>Error establishing a database connection
Tell them that you voted for Trump, and to try firing you over it. When they don't, continue on your merry way.
I did my part.
In your reviews, make sure to mention no refunds and money you lost.