but I thought Trump won already Sup Forums... why did you lie to me?
But I thought Trump won already Sup Forums... why did you lie to me?
I seriously want to hear Sup Forumss thoughts on this. excerpt from time magazine article:
>If the election results Tuesday come down to a razor thin margin, the fate of the presidential race could very well hinge on the consciences of four, unelected citizens whose names you’ve never heard: Robert Satiacum, Bret Chiafalo, Baoky Vu and Chris Suprun.
>In Washington state, for example, it’s technically illegal for an elector to break his pledge to his party, although the ramifications are minimal and no elector has ever been prosecuted. If Satiacum and Chiafalo follow through on their threats to break their party pledge, they could be slapped with fines of around $1,000. In Georgia and Texas, where there are no laws governing electors, Vu and Suprun would face no consequences.
> if Satiacum, Chiafalo, Vu, or Suprun cast a vote that ultimately alters the course of the election, and anyone in the newly-elected House or Senate balks, then the decision, in all likelihood, will be delegated to Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman, Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp, or Texas Secretary of State Carlos Cascos.
What they are saying IS possible I believe
But it isn't going to happen, it never has and it won't happen this time just because liberals can't accept they lost
I'll personally pay each one $1,000 to vote Hillary.
Trump is a vanity candidate. It's not tenable.
You're forgetting that most of the GOP didn't want Trump.
Elijah Berg, from New York City
Even Moshe Shlomo Goldstein from Jerusalem isn't a match Jewry wise.
You want an actual uprising?
Them switching votes would cause it.
They won't . They know that if they do, there would be a literal coup. The military backs Trump and his supporters have guns. However, it is Puls make for a beautiful happening.
Yeah, because they thought Trump didn't have a snowball's chance in hell against Hillary.
Now that they have the White House, they're not going to give it up. They may not agree with Trump on everything, but there's a better chance he'll push policies they agree with than there would be with Hillary.
The electoral college HAS TO go with the popular vote in the areas they represent or the electors can be jailed in 29 states. For the remaining states, the elector gets kicked out instantly BY LAW, and replaced with someone who will reflect the popular vote.
doing this might actually start a civil war. No meme
honestly I'm trying to figure this out too, and if I find out now I know whether or not to invest in a gun
(((Elijah Berg)))
did that never happened in the US? i didn't know about that
>Selling out your entire career for $1000
I'll pay for the bullets that will go through every elector that defies their state. Except for that one guy.
CTR seems to still be paying it seems.
This desu senpai
Seriously, white people are being attacked out here.
This is called the "bargaining stage"
depression comes next
Yeah these idiots still have no idea how it works. The state goes Republican, the electors from that state are Republicans.
>elijah (((berg)))
Let's put an end to stolen elections once and for all!
Vote Hillary!
The GOP just won the fucking senate, the house, and the presidency in one fell swoop thanks to Trump. If you idiots think those electors are doing anything besides fighting for the chance to be first in line to give Teflon Don a Blowie Joey, you're a complete retard.
The GOP tried to make Trump fall in line and they failed. Now Trump makes the GOP fall in line with the snap of his fingers.
Are you stupid?
Why the fuck did I write Puls? What the fuck does that even mean? kek
Fortunately he won in a electoral landslide and it won't be an issue.
If Clinton is set to be put in office under any circumstances, this "revolution" is getting stomped hard and fast.
Did Trump not meet with Obama today regarding the transition of power?
>it happens
>military coup immediately follows
>new government established, now with 100% fewer kikes
>trump becomes emperor
I implore the electors to elect Clinton.
>won by 60 electoral votes
>razor thin margin
This won't fucking happen. If it does it would lead to an armed insurrection. There is no way in hell the GOP wouldn't step up and go to bat to save their rightfully won election.
She fucking conceded. As in quit. As in it's ogre.
The fact that something like this could happen makes me wonder how America is still functioning i mean correct me if im wrong but even if one side has "won" in the elections like a few days ago but still the electors of these colleges can vote the other party who clearly lost becauses "thats just how things go around here" has this happened before? If yes what was the aftermath of that? Is that what happened back then with Gore vs Bush?
> not having a gun already
Nigga you dumb
They will be on record, won't they?
I've never had a reason to own a gun up until now
Nothing like that happened during the 2000 election. That election just had a recount. The aftermath of something like this would be a removal of the government by forceful means. There would be a military coup/civilian uprising, possibly followed by a civil war. It would be completely legal if the government did this, but it would have huge, and I mean fucking huge, ramifications.
only a few electors have ever gone against the states request. i dont have a source on hand but only 4 or 5 in all of american history. and it never resulted in a "dramatic upset" almost just a personal stance from that elector
Yes you do you limp wristed faggot. It's called the 2nd Fucking Amendment. Grow a pair of balls, buy the gun you should've already had and be a fucking citizen for a change. God damn, you have to be the biggest faggot on this board right now, even moreso that OP.
They would be killed. Hillary would be killed. Every Democrat in office would be killed.
I hope they do this.
The biggest happening with enough of a echo to shake the world will commence.
didnt people vote for trump to begin with instead of "party". trump just happened to be the candidate of one party. so people didnt vote for neither party, they voted for trump and its trump who made all those electors to get their steats anyways, without trump they wouldnt be there to begin with, of course they are going to elect trump as the president.
Do it kike and watch us start anunduh shoah. I'm a bean but I would gladly start an anti-Jewish race war with a battle cry of "Six Million More!" if they rob Trump of the presidency.
>It would be completely legal if the government did this
Jesus fucking christ honestly after watching all the liberals riot/burning shoes/inciting fights i am kinda scared about that this might happen i mean libtards are completly indoctrinated they would do anything to get her puppet master in charge. What are these electors from these colleges is it just random people or politicians or something? Sorry i know jack shit about US elections
>be the elector
>have 100k wage
>sell your career for $1000
What are you, a jew?
Yes and they'll be either assassinated suddenly and without warning, or they'll be tortured to death.
There will be no stopping it.
She conceded. He has no opposition. They would not risk a bloody civil war just for the sake of breaking shit.
the 2nd amendment doesn't demand I own a gun, just that I have the right to do so. Like how the 1st amendment demand I call you a shit eating double nigger, but I have the right to call you a shit eating double nigger, you shit eating double nigger. maybe after I buy a gun I'll shove it up your ass raw and ejaculate lead in your boo pucci
There's been 22 TOTAL faithless electors since 1892. It would require 36 alone this election for Trump not to win outright.
That said I do believe there will be a couple faithless cunts.
That might be what (((they))) want.
And 0 of them want Clinton
They are typically well-known party members in each state. I'm honestly sure how they decide the voters, though. But like I said, the ramifications of this would be world-changing. They won't do it.
Interesting how they nam the electors twice. Get their names out there while simultaneously running nonstop news footage of people rioting.
That Soros is one evil strategist. If things were somehow to swing in Clintons favor, then it will divide us even further.
Does it even matter if Clinton already conceded?
>60% white
sure you haven't
You never fucking know i mean what if some fucking sheiks from agrabar would offer these voters millions and "safe refugee" in the desert to vote for hillary because they invested so much and what if these spineless faggots actually do it i mean i saw rioters burning the flag and im not american but this made me so mad if i see people desecrating the flag of their countrys i mean to me those people are nation traitors and should be put away for life. Fuck how can you hate your own country so much
I fucking dare them.
>he thinks owning a gun is enough
>no years of training
Man, you cant defend yourself. That's like buying your first Kia (assuming your a cuck) and thinking you can drive F1 professionally.
If they do, there WILL be a civil war. Not exaggerating, not being dramatic.
Trump won the election
but hillary will be president
this is nobody's fault, its just the elites and the joos doing what they do best, manipulating everyone
There will be a civil fucking war should that happen.
You fucks better not. I swear to god if they steal my election from me I'll be the first to start hanging those fucking animals from the light posts.
Don't you DARE.
But that will just make things worse i can understand why people don't like trump but he is the only president who wasn't bought by anyone during the election how can people not see that he is the guy for the middle class average people because he is not controlled by banks and saudis. A civil war would just mean nothing but meaningless deaths, i mean sure it would wipe a lot of liberals because im sure they can't operate guns and would eventually lose and i guess it would make immigrating to usa easier to fill in vacant spots for teachers and like cooks i guess (im assuming that cooking is more of a liberal job here) but i mean america doesn't need a civil war
This is the most retarded liberal bullshit. Out of thousands of electors you usually get 1 or 2 voting the opposite way every 12 years or so. Trump won by a huge margin and even if the electoral college did nominate Clinton she wouldn't accept it because she knows it would literally cause a civil war. Get over it liberals.
Sorry to get you so fucked off...I guess I got you on a bad night. Is the wife getting blacked in your house tonight? Or is that Friday night's routine? Get a fucking pair of balls, buy a gun and learn how to use it. Actually don't do any of that. You will just end up giving it to Tyrone when he's done fucking your wife while you film it. Fucking degenerate scum.
this would actually cause a war
What if Soros buys out the electorates anyway? Are we fucked Sup Forums?
>electorates have no requirement to vote for their candidate
Fuckin' hell they're trying to get the electors killed.
Thats attempted murder bruv
The electorate going against the will of the people when a clear cut winner was declared would actually result in a legitimate war within the country. It would also make congress and the senate stop entirely because the majority wouldn't approve shit and would refuse to allow anything on the floor.
The thing is, even the die-hard democrats would be against such an action. They are super pissed that Trump won, but the utter destruction of the democratic process through such an action would not be tolerated.
If you think the group without guns is acting crazy now just wait till you see what the group with the guns would be like in this situation
If the government went against its citizens and put the person who lost the election into power, a civil war would be completely validated and justified. The 2nd Amendment was created for this very reason. Plus, the military and police would be on Trump's side as well, rendering the other side completely powerless.
This. Gas the kikes, niggers, and spics. Race war NOW. I'm fed up with the PC safe space bullshit. They want a fucking revolution? We can give them one.
I swear to God, if Emperor Trump calls for Right Wing Death Squads, I'll join up and not ask for any compensation.
>Right Wing Death Squads
Sign me up when the time comes. The way the leftists are acting right now, a possible civil war is on the horizon.
>republicans control WH, senate and house
>give it up to please liberals
Kek that's doubtful
Who said anything about Hillary?
They intended to start WW3 already. Why is it so farfetched for you to consider that they are less dangerous now?
I'm not going to lie, I am hoping for hostility in my area. Sadly, living in extremely red Western PA...I doubt it'll happen.
I wouldn't have given this up for anything. The denial is real.
No, I fucked that way up.
A cornered animal is the most dangerous, and when they thought they were going to win, they wanted to start WW3. They have way too much sunk into this to just give up and walk away. Either USA starts WW3 and retains the petrodollar and its hegemonic status, or it won't be at all.
>pedo politicians refuse the Don
>we get to kill all of the kid fuckers and murderers in congress
I'll come down from leaf land to help cleanse the filth.
New York is right there, too.
I hope they do it. Trump won because people are sick of the Washington elites. How do these shitlibs think Trump voters would react if the elites stole the election from them?
We didn't lie. It's highly unlikely for this to happen, not just because of the fine, but because it's political suicide and undermines the basis of the electoral college. No one wants to be 'that guy', let alone 270 guys. The political upheaval would have far reaching consequences and even when one of the members of the college threaten that he would never vote for Hillary, many here still said it was a bad idea because of the precedent it would set.
If this did happen, you can bet it would be Civil War. No matter which side decided to try to pull this off.
Not an actual quote. You lost, CTR. You can't win. Stop trying.
Nothing is going to fucking happen. It is like people saying that Trump would not get the nomination. Stop trying to make it like this is not really happening.
March comes around, Trump is president.
>Libtards still talk about petitions then.
Has Hillary actually formally conceded?
As in, I know she made her speech, but is there a more official part to her concession than just making the speech? She might have found some loophole that allows her to look like the gracious loser without actually officially dropping out, just so she can threaten to suicide certain key electors unless they vote to put her in power.
This is something you burgers should be very concerned about.
>mfw people unironcally keep talking about this
Is it so hard to fact check stuff in america? I see that pop up a lot on social media and i doubt they use it ironically
if they pull this they will drop the pedo evidence, at this point they have to try and capture that evidence and prevent it from being exposed, honestly they should expose the shit now but it would turn this into open war probably
Her speech Wednesday morning was all about that.
She CONCEDED already. I'm pretty sure this isn't possible.