He couldn't even look Obama in the eyes
Trump is such a cuck
Other urls found in this thread:
when around blacks, never relax, he was looking out for his wallet
Then why is he looking down towards Obama's crotch?
so what's the deal with trump looking so defeated?
I mean, he won! Isn't he the kind of guy that would normally be glowing with victory?
Even the tiniest wins in the past seemed to infuse him with energy.
What does he know that we don't?
Obama told him that if he mess with the jews they will make a clone of him, just like hillary
He's just been told he's powerless as a president.
looking at his hand, which he must now wash
Did you guys actually watch the talk? He looked fucking bored and I think he was a bit annoyed.
yeah- that makes no sense.
he should be floating on air till he's sworn in
>Trump supporters are really this naive.
He's never been in politics and just received the true red-pill, fullforce, bareback, no lube, from behind.
He had no idea what he got himself into and I can only hope, like all educated voters, that he will truly be a force for possitive change in this world.
Just look at the rest of this board, they honestly still think he is going to build a wall, deport mexicans and ban muslims.
This is a logistical impossibility if you knew anything about politics.
ayy lmaos
Or, he discovered that Obongo is a time traveller too
Probably taking in too much these past few days.
The presidency is a fucked up job. Probably the worst and most dangerous job in America. I think he just found this out. But fuck it, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! HAIL TRUMP, PRAISE KEK!
>Trump said, adding that he and Obama had spoken about some wonderful and difficult things and "some high-flying assets."
Trump got pilled. This isn't a red or blue pill. This was the little white pill of the real truth. Nobody knows what it is until you take it. And you don't get to take it unless you're president.
Have you forgotten the immediate transformation of Barack Obama in 2008?
You guys realize, Trump never met obama before so maybe they had a long talk and had some things in common.
This weirded me out as well
After they shook hands he just sat there in his chair with this "Oh shit" look on his face
>he and Obama had spoken about some wonderful and difficult things and "some high-flying assets."
Of course they have forgot, do you think this board is full of politically intelligent people?
Not everyone is but there are more than on Reddit. Where do you think there are the most politically intelligent people on the internet?
I remember captioning this with a thought bubble back in 2008 that said something along the lines of
>"I didn't know how bad things really are..."
Sup Forums 5 years ago. I hope for your safety ameribro.
He prolly threw up just before the public appearance. Just like Neo when he was shown the truth.
CTR are still here?
Secret agents informed him that after years of research they came to conclusion that Ram is the best waifu and Rem is inferior and actually a used up whore.
case in point, enjoy brexit. It's sad you can't even think of a proper rebuttal and instead chose character assassination.
My safety? Trump wants America safer so I'm not worrying
Explain to newfag?
Would you really expect better from a drumpfkin?
Newfagging so hard he forgot to click their post number
He's right unfortunately. We've seen Trump surround himself with the same neocons and jews in his cabinet that had a hand in the Iraq war and patriot act as well. Put a wallstreet banker in charge of finance too.
You can call it 4d chess or whatever you want but the simple fact is that he loves Israel, married his daughter off to the tribe and surrounds himself with neocons and zionists. Time to call a spade a spade.
>This is a logistical impossibility if you knew anything about politics.
famous last words right there
Yes... and whatever the President says, the bureaucracy does. Please stop being so naive. It wouldn't matter at this point if Trump or Clinton won, all the extremists are upset and this logically looks disastrous. But I have faith that he'll be a good president yet.
He realized he'd have had more political power as a lobbyist.
I've listed the points that are nigh impossible for him to achieve, I'm not saying all his plans are a wash. It's easy to renegotiate trade deals, it's easy to cut taxes. Building a 3,200km wall, devoting a sizeable amount of HMS to seize and process illegals, expanding the bureaucracy even more to accommodate his extreme vetting... get real.
>I really, really don't deserve to shake this man's hand
kek has spoken. FPBP
Damn he really looked like a beta. A man really shows his true colors when meeting another man face to face. Trump isn't even 1/100th of the man Obama is.
He just realized that he is no longer a private citizen in charge of his own company. He has became a servant of the office.
Going from master of your own world to the worlds biggest cuck has got to be shitty.
Trump: I want KFC
Navy Doc: Sorry Mr Prez, Its bad for your health. Have a nice salad produced by the kitchen
Trump: I want to go on vacation
Secret Service: Ok, Pick from the list of approved locations and we can schedule in a few months.
Fuck you
Secondly, the wall won't get built, by no fault of Trump's. Even with the full force of the government behind him, he will be cucked out of the wall by his own party.
Deportation's WILL happen. The only question is how much. My guess would be that it's a good chunk of them (a couple million would be a great start).
The muslim ban WILL happen. How long will it be in effect? Probably not very long.
Trump does not have an easy road ahead of him, but I actually really do believe he has the best interest of this nation in his heart.
He didn't look defeated he just wants to get Obama the hell out and probably feels a little bad that Obama will completely loss his legacy and will reverse everything he's done the past 4 years.
Lot of people suspect he's just sleep deprived, after a year long campaign and then staying up late for the results, then immediately has to go to these meetings. I'm sure the man hasn't had a good nights rest in months.
>Deportation's WILL happen. The only question is how much.
Deportations never stopped. Sup Forumstards have proudly proclaimed for months that obama he's deported more people than any other president in history.
I'm gonna miss Obama so much. He was such an honorable and professional man. I still remember his famous 2004 DNC speech, it gave me chills and still does to this day.
>This is a logistical impossibility if you knew anything about politics.
Trumps victory seemed impossible too
He hates Obama. He isn't depressed, he is holding back his rage as best as he can.
Yesterday, some guys took him into a room and showed him video of the Kennedy assassination, it's a routine procedure
How? He was up against hillary
And his son dying was so very sad. Luckily he handled it very professionally.
>and media
>and establishment
>and outspoken minorities
>and eventually, republicans
This is easy.
After all the shit he said about Obama for years but never actually meeting him personally, he feels shameful and apologetic.
Even if you hate Obama's policies, you'll be his bitch once you confront him. Dude's a smooth and charismatic talker.
My guess is he doesn't even know how a bill becomes a law.
You sound as unsure has Trump looks in that picture, but the voter doesn't fall far from the elector does it.
If you think Saudi money only goes as far as Clinton then you are sadly mistaken, the only policy of the aforementioned I would say have a chance is the deportations since you're country already throws money at it like a Republican at Mpire after Koch cheque mondays, and it's easier to shift spending than it is to come up with more.
Maybe to the MSM, but they severely doubted the naivete of the American people.
no one even checked my trips
Yeah, they overestimated it like crazy.
He won largely because of the media coverage that he claimed to despise. When he said something outrageous, where did you hear about it? Every fucking where.
I don't think there is a point trying to reason with them, Americans will always go with their feelings. I think it's best just to let them be disappointed on their own without any prep from us. On that note I wonder what Trudeau and Trump will talk about on his first visit?
He knows nigger boy is fag commie.SHOWS NO RESPECT for commie niggers!
"puff-puff, roll the film"
Obama just told Trump about the jews. There's no way back now.
He was bored because of Obama talking n shieettt.
The nigga is 70 and just put a Hell of a lot of effort into winning. Let him relax a bit.
Neo puked because his stomach was filled with soylent green.
CTR must be still funded through the end of the Month.
Obama: Well gee wizz Don, I have some bad news for you, nothing matters.
Trump: Come again Barry?
O: In 1947 we captured a UFO that came down during a emp test on a nuclear powered low orbit Sat flying over new Mexico. We reverse engineered it and made a breakthrough in understanding space time. Long story short we built an array in Alaska that can create a wormhole into the future. We hooked up a supercomputer and started recording data. We pin pointed a rise in a rare earth metal that we figured out was due to a near catastrophic comet impact triggering a super volcano under Yellowstone and the atmosphere will be unbreathable on the surface for at least 10 thousand years. We built deep underground bases in the Alps and Greenland and we can maintain a population on 500 million and all the tickets are already sold to those who tested as gifted on school testing and they are all going to be rounded up when the time comes. That's in 2018 my new friend. So you see. All you did was stopped an old lady from Manning the teleprompter for 2 years.
T: ... God dammit.
He nodded respectfully you baiting traitor
Make sure to put "sage" in the Options field when replying to these threads
You honestly think he'll have any rest for the next 4 years? If he isn't using this 'down time' to make friends on capitol hill he's doing it wrong. For every 1 year a president is in office, they biologically age 2.
he won. he was high energy for over a year. he's having an energy crash. give him a week before he's high energy again.
Looks bad to be a sore winner, he just realizes his immense responsibility as the next President, he won't be the same guy you saw last 18 months.
I'd rather be disappointed by something I wanted then crushed by something I don't. Trump saved America simply by putting a halt to Clinton's proposed Germany-lite immigration policies.
Checked and true.
>Hey Donald, you dont want this to happen to you, do you?
>lol look at his hand compared to mine
>looks like its covered in poo
he punked out to the black man like a soft lil white boi
>Behind closed doors, Trump pledges his allegiance to Islam
America was doomed since last summer, and if you don't see that then godspeed. I'm not trolling because I sincerely hope I'm wrong and this pans out since we are geographically bound. But it's not looking good from an objective standpoint.
Also notice how you say 'want' and not 'need' because it truly is all about the fulfillment of desire in your country, which to my knowledge is the American dream. Greed, envy, lust, it's just so sad.
But ignore all that and keep going with your heart, mine has grown cold from logic and rationality.
Possibly this, Obama seems like a nice dude.
Blackpill speaks!
Dude, chill.
Trayvon dindu nuffin, he wuz jus eatin skittles and drinkin Arizona iced tea, mane.
explain how America is doomed since last summer
stop being a vague fucking faggot
Trumps a nice guy when you're nice to him. Obama has been slandering the fuck out of trump since he helped hillarys campaign run. It's taking everything he has to not insult Obama for being an idiot.
if you watch the full video Trump seems to be containing excitement for some reason
btw you never, NEVER look your enemy in the eye and also shake his hand, you can do one but not both, you fucking fool
There is nothing I can say that would change your mind, you have to do it yourself.
To my knowledge that link is blocked in America. It's Wilhelm Reichs 'Mass Psychology of Facism'
Read that then we may talk.
>Trump takes dominant side for photo to prove he's the alpha
>Had already been looking Magic Negro in the eyes
>Looks lower, sees sunken chest of the wussiest president we've had since Carter, and eyes drift off as he thinks about how badly we needed a man in office after 8 years of being under rule of a black female
>Already planning MAGA moves in his head since dealing with the black queen isn't worth his time
Fixed that, you can thank me later.