was losing part of his plan?
Was losing part of his plan?
Nope. We beat him in this battle.
So what's he doing now? Funding all these riots?
What's the next step of his master plan ?
transferring power to Alex, fomenting civil unrest in the USA
He didn't have a master plan, it was no more than a mere flight plan.
Yes. Watch this:
That's what it looks like, since Clinton lost his plan B is to just sow as much civil unrest as possible and keep riling up her supporters
He legit got btfo
Possible, I don't think he even needs to though so probably not.
It's much more likely he'll fund lighting the fire at an already existing "riot"
>Trump did the best in states with Soros voting machines
He didn't lose
It probably was, because he sold US stocks and bought gold before the elections.
Gold prices are soaring high now.
traduea told him either you lose or you die.
Maybe, you can make a lot of money by disrupting the market.
But him funding the protests right now, doesn't fit this narrative
It was his intention from the start to divide the country as much as possible and start race wars everywhere
and yes the jew has programmed with its media these peoples minds towards violence, in germany they would absolutely be nazis.
He doesn't need a plan, he's already rich AF
Judging by the reactions to this election I don't think he had to lift a finger for these to happen.
yup. hes like a little babby
dying since hes like 145 years old
looks like soros had his own black wednesday
Just because something that benefits Soros happens doesn't mean he directly funded it.
>Implying Soros loses
This is merely the illusion Soros has set up, now all of the attention is off of him once again, and he can control the United States for another eight years, until the "red-pilled" decide that the Republicans are the globalists, and when this happens Soros will choose a new candidate to shake things up once again.
Soros is not a man, zhe does not exist as man, zhe is pure energy that lives in the mind of all of us.
>was bringing about the end of the west part of his plan?
fixed, you tell me, you're posting on an anti-Semitic board.
The protesters have a fleet of buses readily by. This doesn't happen just overnight.
They also have signs with the same format of the fergusson protesters and they are spread throughout the entire country.
Yes, at the very least he accounted for losing.
My theory is that he is going to incite civil turmoil and chaos in the two months to follow only to then kill trump and pence. The media, of course, will try to pass this as some form of "vindication" or justice done by people's own hands.
They are already in motion doing everything they can trying to paint Trump as Hitler and their supporters as the new nazis. Just look at the sheer amount of fanfiction that is showing up literally everywhere.
I see people in this board celebrating but your first mistake is thinking you can outplay the ones who own and make the game themselves.
there's a good chance he won't out-live Trump's presidency.
I've yet to see a single American make this connection
they have already identified the buses moving many of the oakland protestors aswell as the socialist party group running alot of this being open society foundation funded.
This is the plan
When finding out that the goyim with the guns were mad, they let trump win to pacify him
They will now try to control trump, whether that works or not we will see
The main goal is to rile up the leftists and make trump look as bad as possible, so that no man will ever get this kind of support ever again, guy in the future saying reasonable things? "He's another trump, look how that turned out"
Then the one party state will finally be secured without any bloodshed, this was the safer path
Also... the money they will make off this AND not to mention Russia and China joining the fold willingly after being brought in by trump then after his term is up they play them and all is left is for Iran to get the shit kicked out of them
Trump will also keep helping Israel, which all conforms to the plan
They can do this two ways, the globalists way or the Zionist way
Seems we are doing it the Zionist way, CNN didn't say Trump's New world order for nothing
We weren't gonna avoid this Sup Forums I hope he still helps us goys in some way and gives us more memes because there is no way this will be stopped... it will happen eventually... the only question is, when
*them not him
>start race wars
shit why are we against him again?
He bet hard and made a couple billion dollars off Trump winning.
Remember, the Jews always have a contingency plan.
he must have seen this coming thats for sure. Whats comes next from him ? I dont fucking know
demographic changes have already been set in motion that will ensure he wins eventually
Soros wants a racewar
he will get it.
I was born in a small village. I was still a child when we were raided by soldiers: foreign soldiers. Torn from my elders I was made to speak their language.
With each new post, my masters changed, along with the words they made me speak. With each change, I changed too. My thoughts, personality, how I saw right and wrong... words... can kill.